Make No Mention

Exodus 23:13, Make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of your mouth. (See also Ps 16:4.) Not only is YHVH against the worship of pagan deities and wants their names to be destroyed (Deut 12:3), but he says that he will take from the lips of his people the names of pagan deities (Hos 2:17), and eventually, he will restore a pure language (presumably one that is free of pagan names) to his people (Zeph 3:9).


Living this Torah principle out today is difficult in view of the fact that such common things as the days of the week and some of the months of the year are named for pagan deities making normal communication without using these names difficult. Nevertheless, the redeemed righteous of YHVH will endeavor to be mindful of this command and speak as cleanly as possible.

In our modern society, only a few people worship ancient pagan deities. In our materialistic and secular society, people are more likely to worship themselves, money, the mind of man, pleasure, power, fame, sex, entertainment, education, possessions, success or whatever else is first place in their lives ahead of YHVH Elohim.

By the way, the name Jesus doesn’t derive from the name of the Zeus, the name of a pagan Greek god, as some have erroneously claimed.