The Timing and Purpose of Israel’s Exile in Egypt

What Is the Timing of the Exile?

Christian teaching says that Israel was in exile in Egypt for 400 years (Gen 15:13; Acts 7:6) or for 430 years (Gal 3:17). Some see a contradiction in these two numbers, which to nonbelievers “proves” that Scripture is not inspired by Elohim, but rather is the work of men.

The Jewish Sages, on the contrary, say that the 430-year count started when Abraham left Ur, and that the 400-year count started when Isaac was born and that the Egyptian exile lasted for four generations only, or about one-third of the 400 years. The accounting of this is found in Genesis 15:13–16,

And [YHVH] said unto Abram, “Know of a surety that your seed shall be a stranger in a land [eretz] that is not theirs [the land of Canaan and Egypt], and shall serve them [the last half of their bondage in Egypt]; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; and also that nation [goy], whom they shall serve, will I judge, and afterward shall they come out with great substance. And you shalt go to your fathers in peace; you shalt be buried in a good old age. But in the fourth generation [after having been exiled into Egypt] they shall return again [return to the land of Canaan], for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.”

Another point of interest in this regard is Jochebed, the mother of Moses. She was the daughter of Levi (Exod 2:1; Num 26:59) and was married to Amram the father of Moses and the grandson of Levi. Jochebed was the aunt of Amram (Exod 6:16–20). If the Egyptian exile were 400 years, as many believe, then Jochebed would have been around 320-340 years of age at the birth of Moses. This is an unlikely scenario since the biblical record shows us that the lifespan of humans was between about 110 to 150 years at this time. However, if the time of the exile were four generation as noted above (Gen 15:16) then she could have been between 80 to 120 years of age at Moses’ birth, which is in the more likely realm of possibility. The ArtScroll Stone Edition Chumash confirms this math. It says Jochebed was 130 when Moses was born (p. 297) and that at the time Moses returned to Egypt Israel had been living there for 210 years, 116 since the servitude began and 86 since the beginning of the backbreaking oppression (p. 300).

Why the Exile?

The purpose of the exile was to prepare Israel for its inheritance. Egypt was the “boot camp” to prepare them for the rigors of the wilderness journey so that they could then take the land of Canaan. Egypt was an incubator where Israel grew from 70 to more than two to four million people. Israel literally became a hardened army ready to go in and dispossess the Canaanites of their land and in turn repossess it.

Furthermore, YHVH could not allow Israel to dispossess the inhabitants of the Promised Land until the time was right. Scriptures says that the sins of the Amorites had to come to the full (Gen 15:16). YHVH is just and gives nations ample time to repent before judging them.