New Video: The Omer Count & Our Destiny as YHVH’s Bride-Priest

The Israelites’ Passover exodus from Egypt as ex-slaves and their journey to Mt. Sinai where they received the Torah 50 days later and became the Priest-Wife of YHVH prophetically parallels our spiritual journey out of the world to become the bride of YHVH-Yeshua.

This video is like a road map that explains the count of the omer, so you’ll understand where you’ve come from (i.e., bondage in spiritual Egypt), where you’re at (your present life), and what your ultimate spiritual destiny will be (as the bride of YHVH-Yeshua, the soon coming King of kings).

The children of Israel made mistakes that prevented them from entering the Promised Land. You will learn what mistakes not to make, which will keep you from entering the Promised Land of YHVH’s spiritual and eternal kingdom.


New Video: How Firstfruits Day Prophetically Pictured the Death and Resurrection of Yeshua

This video explains how the ceremonies Elohim ordered the ancient Israelites to do on Firstfruits (or Wavesheaf) Day prophetically pictured the death,  burial and resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah some 1500 years before that event occurred, thus proving both the divine origination of the Bible and the divine mission of Yeshua.

A free study guide is available at