Register Now for Sukkot NW 2014!


It’s not to late to register for Sukkot NW in Southern Oregon on the Rogue River (near Grants Pass). Go to for more info.

Why go and what can you expect?

  • Celebrating Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) where YHVH has placed his name and with other like-minded believers is a biblical command.
  • Celebrating Sukkot is part of the end-times restoration of all things that has to happen before Yeshua returns (Acts 3:21).
  • Celebrating Sukkot is a fulfillment the biblical prophecy that in the end times before the coming of Yeshua, YHVH would begin to turn the hearts of the children (the saints) back to their (Hebraic) fathers of their faith (Mal 4:6).
  • Be encouraged and strengthened spiritually by meeting other like-minded redeemed Israelite believers.
  • Learn about the Hebrew roots of the Christians faith and get connected spiritually to what YHVH is doing on this earth in the last days as he raises up the Elijah and John the Baptist generation to help prepare the way for Yeshua’s second coming.
  • Learn more about the Torah.
  • Experience anointed times of Hebraic praise and worship, fellowship and fun activities for all ages.
  • Learn from gifted, anointed and experienced Bible teachers who have been walking with Yeshua and in the Torah for years, and some cases decades. This year we have Bible teachers from Washington, Oregon and California.

To learn more about Sukkot and Sukkot NW, please watch the following videos:

Highlights from Sukkot NW 2013

Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) Explained


Sukkot NW 2014 Registration Now Open


copy-sukkot-nw-2014-960x250cYou are invited to Sukkot NW 2014 Messianic Hebrew Roots Feast of Tabernacles celebration at Indian Mary Park on the Rogue River in southern Oregon! Sukkot is during prime salmon and steelhead fishing season, so you may be wise to make your camping reservations now.

 Registration for Sukkot Northwest 2014 is now open! Won’t you join us as we celebrate the season of our joy at Sukkot NW?

More Info

You are cordially invited to join the Sukkot NW planning team, Congregation Elim of Tigard, Oregon and Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Discipleship Resources for our twelfth annual Sukkot Northwest regional gathering this fall in southern Oregon on the wild and scenic Rogue River.

This year, we will be celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles (or Chag Sukkot) in one of the most beautiful campgrounds in Oregon — on the banks of the Rogue River — where bald eagles will be flying overhead and sea-run salmon will be spawning in the river waters below against a backdrop of steep canyon cliffs and tree-covered mountains. Our meeting facility literally overlooks the river and will be under an arching cathedral-canopy of huge oak and maple trees festooned in their bright fall colors. For your comfort and pleasure, the campground has all the amenities necessary for tent campers and RVers, including hot showers, a playground, various sports facilities, and ice. Don’t camp? You can rent a travel trailer and have it dropped off at the campground, or you can stay in a nearby cabin or lodge or a hotel in Grants Pass just 20 minutes from the campground. There’s even a full-sized grocery store only five minutes from the campground. Because Sukkot is so “late” this year, we prayed and asked YHVH to direct us to a location where the weather would still be dry, warm and beautiful through mid to late October and that was also close to major routes. Indian Mary Campground, in gorgeous Josephine County about 20 minutes from Grants Pass, Oregon and just five minutes from the small hamlet of Merlin, is such a place. This campground is located in YHVH’s beautiful creation and is away from the rat race of the city, yet easily accessible (just fifteen minutes off of Interstate 5) within a short distance from a larger city for your shopping needs. We praise YHVH Elohim for his bountiful grace! Since Sukkot prophetically pictures the one-thousand-year-long reign of King Messiah Yeshua (called the Millennium or Messianic Age), we wanted an idyllic spot that would best reflect our spiritual hope as we prepare to reign with King Yeshua as his glorified kings and priests in his eternal kingdom. We wanted a spot where, on this most joyous of all of YHVH’s seven festivals, we could meet with him and our fellow redeemed Israelites from various states as he has commanded in his Scriptures. We believe he has led us to such a spot.

  • Photo of the Rogue River taken from Indian Mary Park with white water rafters and bridge in the distance
    Rafters on Rogue River at Indian Mary Park
  • Photo of the Rogue River taken from Indian Mary Park
    Rogue River at Indian Mary Park
  • Photo of Sim Picnic Shelter at Indian Mary Park
    Sim Picnic Shelter at Indian Mary Park
  • Photo of the picnic shelter at Indian Mary Park showing the playground behind it.
    Sims Shelter at Indian Mary Park
  • Photo of the Rogue River taken from Indian Mary Park with bridge in the distance
    The Rogue River at Indian Mary Park
  • Photo of trees turning fall colors at Indian Mary Park.
    Fall colors at Indian Mary Park Campground

As is our tradition, Sukkot NW will be a blend of Hebraic (or Jewish) and Christian elements and will include plenty of teachings from well-studied and experienced Bible teachers, plenty of live Spirit-led and filled praise and worship, Davidic dance, and ample opportunities for discussions on biblical subjects. Additionally, there will be much food and fellowship around the community campfire and at our community sukkah, as well as a formal erev Shabbat dinner, and games and activities for the youth. For those who want to join us, we’ll be facilitating awhite water rafting trip on the Rogue River and a trip to the Oregon Caves National Monument. For those who are not only fishers of men, but also fishers of fish, bring your steelhead and salmon fishing gear. The coho or silver salmon and steelheads will be running at this time, and you can literally bank fish from the campground. Those of us who will be fishing intend to grill our fish over wood fires and share our catch with the others. The world famous Rogue River is one of the three best salmon fishing rivers on the West Coast of America.

As always, in the midst of our playing, vacationing and fellowship we want to keep our spiritual focus sharp. We come to Sukkot primarily to meet with our Heavenly King and to keep him at the center of everything. Our biblical teachers will be sharing and leading discussions on a variety of subjects as the Holy Spirit leads them. However, a major theme for this year will be the regathering and reuniting of the two houses Israel as the one new man in preparation for the second coming of Yeshua. We will be teaching about the historical and prophetic implications of this and how it affects your spiritual journey here and now. This is your formal invitation to join us (along with all of your other wild branch Israelite brothers and sisters) for Sukkot NW 2014 on the wild and scenic Rogue River in Southern Oregon.


New Video: Sukkot Northwest (Feast of Tabernacles) 2013 Highlights

This short video contains highlights from Sukkot Northwest’s 2013 eight-day long Feast of Tabernacles & Shemini Atzeret celebration — a rustic encampment in the intermountain wilderness of Central Oregon, USA. Never been to one? Watch the video, get the flavor, catch the vision and join us next year!


New Video: The Feast of Tabernacles

The fall biblical festival called the Feast of Tabernacles (in Hebrew, Sukkot) is a prophetic picture of the millennium when Yeshua the Messiah, along with the saints, will be reigning over this earth. In this video, Dr. Joseph Dombek explains the past, present and future implication of this festival and how it relates to the redeemed believer.

We invite you to watch this video at:


Gone on Vacation: Happy Sukkot!

Shalom Everyone,

It’s that time of year again — time to head out into the wilderness to celebrate Sukkot (the biblical Feast of Tabernacles). This year, it starts on the evening of Sept. 21 and ends on Shemeni Atzeret on Sept. 29.


My family and I will be loading up our personal gear as well as well as the ministry stuff (sound equipment, etc.) into our vehicles and trailers and heading over the mountains into the intermountain region of Central Oregon. There, we will be joined by others from several states and Canada for eight days of celebration, teachings, fellowship and group activities. You can read all about it on our Sukkot Northwest website at

This all means that I won’t be posting anything on this blog for a while. I will I be out of cell service most of the time, but if I find a wi-fi hot spot somewhere, I’ll upload some photos of our event as I did last year.

To learn more about the biblical Feast of Tabernacles, I invite you to read my teaching on the  subject at

Maybe next year some of you can join us if not in Jerusalem, then here!



Back from Sukkot—More Photos

Yesterday our family traveled across the high desert wilderness, and down from the mountains of Central Oregon where we had celebrated Sukkot NW 2012. We arrived back at our home last evening, which is in a valley that is slightly higher than sea-level. Kind of a prophetic journey, if you will, like descending from mountains of Jerusalem to the Valley of the Dead Sea.

Please allow me to share with you some more photos from our Sukkot celebration. This time, I’m not sitting in my truck in the parking lot of the Best Western trying to upload this blog post. Rather, I’m back in the comforts of my converted chicken house office.

Perhaps we’ll have the honor of spending Sukkot with you next year in Oregon???

Enjoy the photos!

Our praise and worship team.

Some of our kids having fun in YHVH’s outdoors. May our children become like the tree of a righteous man who is planted by YHVH Yeshua, who is our River of Life and is the Written and Living Torah-Word of Elohim (Ps 2 and John 1:1,14).

My youngest son Jared next to Oregon’s largest ponderosa pine tree.

Heidi rejoicing at Sukkot during the “season of our joy.”

Bill and Luzvim renew their wedding vows in the wedding chupah.

Twelve-year-old Caleb from Washington State worshipping in the Sukkah.


A Vision for Sukkot in 2012

The following is Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Discipleship Resource’s vision for its Sukkot celebration it sponsors each year in Oregon. This year is our tenth anniversary. Read and be inspired…

A Prophetic Vision

Imagine it. Babylon the Great is fallen, forsaken and abandoned. Good at long last has triumphed over evil. The saints celebrate their victory over their captive demonic oppressors. Eden of the distant past is recalled while the heaven on earth of the New Jerusalem is just over the next horizon. The Creator of the universe—the King of kings—makes his abode in Jerusalem. The Bridegroom Prince of Peace kisses his princess. They live happily ever after. This is the storybook ending to 6000 years of hell on earth!

These flash images—downloaded from heaven and archived in the prophecies Ancient Holy Scriptures—are about to begin leaping off the pages of your Bible. This is the Feast of Tabernacles (or Sukkot)—a week-long biblical festival and a foretaste of the age to come (to learn more about this biblical feast, go to

At Sukkot Northwest 2012 in LaPine, Oregon, we will not only fulfill the biblical (Torah) commands to gather together and to joyfully celebrate Sukkot, but, at the same time, come prepared to experience a foretaste of the Millennium where the saints of the Most High shows their love for their Heavenly Bridegroom and for each other by gathering at the place where YHVH has chosen to place his name (Deut 16:13–15; 12:5–7,17–21; 14:23). Yes, in his Word, YHVH commands his people to celebrate Sukkot each year—forever (Lev 23:1–2, 34-41; Deut 16:13–17). Though Sukkot is a commanded assembly (Lev 23:34–36; Deut 16:13–15), it’s more like a doting father ordering his children to indulge themselves in the best and most exciting, other-worldly vacation of their lives! How can anyone refuse such an invitation?

Knowing our Heritage Prepares Us to Receive Our Inheritance

At Sukkot Northwest 2012, we, as redeemed Israelites, will rejoice in our biblical heritage as we memorialize the wanderings of our ancestors in the wilderness en route to the Promised Land. Continue reading