Are Things Really Getting Worse?

What you believe determines what think. What you think determines what you do. What you do determines your destiny.

There seems to be a couple schools of thought out there among YHVH’s people. One group says that things in society are getting worse, and that this is a sign of the end times before the second coming. Another group says that things aren’t any better or worse than they’ve ever been. Things have always been bad and men have always been as evil as they are today. The only difference is that men’s evil deeds are simply more reported about today thanks to the immediacy of telecommunications and the internet.

What do you think? Here’s some data from a recent poll in the U.S. that’s cause for concern.


 NEW YORK, Dec. 22 (UPI) — 
Three-quarters of U.S. adults say they believe in God, down from 82 percent in 2005, 2007 and 2009, a Harris Poll indicates.

The Harris Poll found 57 percent of U.S. adult say they believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, down from 60 percent in 2005, and 72 percent … (read the rest of the story at


For those who think that everything is the same as it always has been, may I remind you of the passage in 2 Peter 3:2–14. Especially note verses 3 and 4. Hopefully these words will stir us up spiritually to “be found by [Yeshua] in peace, without spot and blameless” (verse11).

The bottom line is this: non one knows when their time on earth is up, or when Yeshua will return. So always be ready to meet him.



Wake Up Call to an Apostate Nation

Jeremiah 2:4–28 and 3:4, Weeping for and a Warning Against an Apostate Nation

In this scripture passage, Jeremiah, the weeping prophet (lamenting for the apostate condition of the nation of Israel), speaking on behalf of YHVH, pleads with Israel to return to YHVH, the Elohim (God) of Israel, who had graciously blessed that nation. Under YHVH’s watchful care, Israel had prospered, yet eventually, like the first century believers in Laodicea (Rev 3:14–22), material prosperity had led to their forsaking YHVH for secularism.

Shofar-NL blowing

Jeremiah addresses all levels of Israelite society: kings, princes, priests, prophets, pastors and the people. No one escaped his stinging rebuke. In our day, kings and princes would correspond to our political leaders, while prophets, priests and pastors to our spiritual leaders. The people would be everyone else.

In verse 13, Jeremiah states that Israel was guilty of two sins: they had forsaken YHVH, the Fountain of Living Waters, and had exchanged his divine and life-giving truth for the stagnant waters of man-made cisterns, which in Hebraic poetic symbolism is a metaphor for false, humanistic religious and philosophical systems of men. In verse 27, Jeremiah accuses Israel of turning its back on YHVH and exchanging worship of the Creator for worship of the creation and material objects (idols). This is reminiscent of what the Apostle Paul declares in his Epistle to the Romans (chapter one) of a society that rejects the divinely revealed truth of YHVH as found in the Scriptures, and then begins worshipping that which the Creator created including the earth, animals and their own bodies (resulting in hedonism and sexual perversion). In verse 21, Jeremiah declares that Israel had become like a degenerate plant and a strange or foreign grape vine, which can be related to the wild olive tree Paul speaks of in Romans 11. (See also Jer 11:16.)

With all this in mind, can we identify any spiritual parallels between ancient Israel and modern America? If Jeremiah were alive today what might he say to America?

A Wake Up Call — The Battle For the Soul of America

For several generations now, a righteous remnant of end-time warriors has been fighting an uphill battle against immorality, abortion, rebellion against the biblical laws of YHVH, Continue reading