What Are the Spiritual Implications of Rejecting the Deity of Yeshua?

The rejection of or the watering down of the deity status of Yeshua is a form of secular humanism. Humanism is that evil counterfeit religion of the devil that he thrust upon man at the tree of knowledge in the … Continue reading

Do You Have a Swiss Cheese Bible—a Holey Bible, not a Holy Bible?

The Bible equates the “Law of Moses” with the Hebrew word Torah, which is usually translated as “law” in our English Bibles, and is a word that means “instructions, precepts, teachings [of Elohim].” As such, they are a reflection of … Continue reading

The Torah Connection: The Link Between the Infinite and the Finite—A New Paradigm in Which to View the Bible

The Torah Connection If you were the infinite, all-powerful, omniscient and loving Creator of the universe who made man in his own image to have a relationship with him, how would communicate with finite humans? How could you pour all … Continue reading