Preparing for Yom Kippur (Sept 17) — Why Do We Fast?

What Is Fasting? It [the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur] is a day to afflict your souls (Lev 16:29 and 23:27) or literally “to humble ourselves.” The word afflict is the Hebrew word anah (Strong’s H6031) meaning “to oppress … Continue reading

Book of Joel Overview & End Times Prophecy

Analysis of the Book of Joel Joel 1:1–20 chronicles the physical and spiritual desolation that will exist in the land of Israel (1:6, 10) just prior to the day of YHVH, the destruction of the Almighty (1:15). Israel’s pitiable condition … Continue reading

Ministry Update: May 2013

Shalom Friends in Yeshua’s Love, Please allow me to thank those of you who have contributed financially to Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Discipleship Resources. Also, thanks to those who have supported us through prayer, by your viewership, readership and by referring … Continue reading

The Passover and the Seder Demystified

This is a long teaching (a little over 6 standard pages), but it will help you to understand the Passover holiday, how it relates to you as a redeemed believer in Yeshua, and the importance, relevance and blessing of celebrating … Continue reading