Our (Yes, Yours and Mine!) Father Abraham…An Example of Faithfulness and Obedience

What is the relevance to you and me of studying the life of Abraham? Much! To start with, did you realize that when you came to faith in Yeshua the Messiah, you became a literal, spiritual-biological descendant of Abraham? That’s … Continue reading

Unveiling Some Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 13:1–58, Yeshua reveals some fundamental mysteries pertaining to the kingdom of heaven.  Let’s systematically analyze this amazing chapter section-by-section to see if we can unlock some deep mysteries pertaining to the kingdom of Elohim. In the Parable of the … Continue reading

YHVH’s Plan of Salvation in the Biblical Feasts

An Introduction to the Biblical Feasts The seven biblical feasts are a chronological step-by-step template of YHVH’s plan of redemption or salvation for mankind. This process begins with Passover — a picture of a believer’s initial salvation, and concludes with the Eighth … Continue reading

Reasons for Celebrating YHVH’s Biblical Feasts

The biblical pilgrimage or aliyot (singular: aliyah) festivals are Passover (Pesach) and Unleavened Bread (Chag haMatzot) and the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost (Shavuot) in the spring and the Feast Tabernacles (Chag haSukkot) in the fall. At these feasts, the … Continue reading

What are the differences between the “Old” Covenant and the “New” Covenant?

Hebrews 8:13, Ready to vanish away. Many who read this verse assume that the writer is saying that the Torah-law was ready to vanish away ergo the law has been done away. This belief is orthodox Christianity! But is this … Continue reading