An Overview of the Sacrificial System and Its Relevance to YOU

Leviticus 1–7 Although Jewish and Christian scholars disagree about whether the sacrifices were to cease after the coming of the Messiah, as Edersheim points out, all agree that the object of a sacrifice was substitution for the offender (The Temple … Continue reading

What’s so significant about the shofar and its sound?

Exodus 19:16,19 Voice of the trumpet [shofar]. In Jewish thought, the Scriptures speak of three great shofar blasts that have historical and prophetic significance: the first, last and great or final shofar blasts. These are:  The First Trump (or shofar … Continue reading

What is the past and prophetic significance of “the third day”?

Exodus 19:1, 11, In the third month…the third day.  In Exodus 19:1 we read that the Israelites arrived at Sinai in the third month, and according to Jewish tradition, a very significant event occurred on the third day of third … Continue reading

What is the significance of the abib barley as it relates to YOU?

Exodus 9:31, The barley was in the head. Barley was cultivated as a grain crop in ancient Egypt, as well as in Israel, and grows wild like a weed throughout the region to this day. Several passages in the Scriptures … Continue reading