When Is the Rapture or the First Resurrection and Who Will Be In It?

1 Thessalonians 4:17, Be caught up. Do I believe in the rapture? Yes, but not as many in the Christian church teach it. For them, the resurrection of the righteous dead occurs before the great tribulation — called the pre-trib rapture.

As you probably know, the word “rapture” is from a Latin word for being “caught up” (or resurrected) as found in 1 Thess 4:17 — “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air …” Therefore, a better question to ask would be, do I believe in the resurrection of the dead? Most emphatically I do. The only question is when do I believe the resurrection will occur? As far as I can tell, there are only three obvious answers to that question: before the great tribulation (as much of the Christian church teaches), after the great tribulation, but before the wrath of Elohim is poured out on the earth (what I believe) or after the great tribulation and the wrath (which is what some believe, including some Messianics), which is called the “post trib” position.

The word “caught up” is the Greek word harpazo (Strong’s 726/TDNT 1:472) which is used 13 times in the NT (Matt 11:12; 13:19; John 6:15; 10:12,28,29; Acts 8:39; 23:10; 2 Cor 12:2,4; 1 Thess 4:15; Jude 23; Rev 12:5) and means “to seize, carry off by force, to snatch out or away.” It is found in the NT 13 times and is translated in the KJV as “catch up, take by force, catch away, pluck, catch, pull.”

Of the 13 places this word is found in the NT here are the places where its usage is analogous to that of 1 Thess 4:17—

  • Acts 8:39, The Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip…
  • 2 Cor 12:2,4 Paul is caught up to the third heaven/paradise in a vision …
  • Rev 12:5, The child (Yeshua) is caught up unto God … This is speaking about Yeshua’s bodily resurrection after his death.

So yes, I believe in the “rapture” or more accurately, being caught up to heaven, or resurrected. The only question is the timing of the resurrection. That’s what I explain in my teaching entitled, “The Tribulation, the Great Tribulation and the Wrath of Elohim,” which you have.

The Resurrection of the Dead — A Fundamental Doctrine of the Gospel

The concept of the resurrection of the dead is a fundamental biblical concept and one of the main doctrines underlying the gospel message as the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews states:

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Messiah, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward Elohim, of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. (Heb 6:1–2)

What Is the Rapture?

The concept of the rapture has bandied about in the church quite a lot in recent years. Continue reading


Blog Scripture Readings for 8-9 Through 8-15-15



Parashat Re’eh — Deuteronomy 11:26 – 16:17 
Haftarah — Isaiah 54:11-55:5 | Numbers 28:9-15; Isaiah 66:1-24**
Prophets — Hosea 1:1 – 9:17
Writings — 1 Chronicles 9:28 – 15:29
Testimony — 1 Thessalonians 4:1 – 5:28; 2 Thessalonians; 1 Timothy 1:1 – 2:15

Most of this week’s blog discussion points will be on these passages. If you have general comments or questions on the weekly Scripture readings not addressed in a blog post, here’s a place for you to post those. Just use the “leave a reply” link below.

The full “Read Through The Scriptures In A Year” schedule, broken down by each day, can be found on the right sidebar under “Helpful Links.” There are 4 sections of scripture to read each day. One each from the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, and from the Testimony of Yeshua. Each week, the Torah and haftarah readings will follow the traditional one-year reading cycle.

** A different Haftarah is read when it is a special sabbath in Jewish tradition. This week is Shabbat Rosh Chodesh (for the 6th month, called “Elul”) on the traditional calendar

Weekly Blog Scripture Readings for 8/9 through 8/15/15.


What Are the 15 Enemies of Torah-Obedience?

In the Book of Deuteronomy, YHVH through Moses lays out the wonderful blessings that will come when YHVH’s people obey his Torah commandments. In stark terms, he also lays out the curses that will come as a  result of disobedience. Throughout Deuteronomy, it’s almost as if YHVH is pleading with his people to choose to obey him, so he can outrageously bless them. What a deal for the people! At the same time, he clearly shows that ultimately it is the choice of each person to choose which path they will follow: the path of obedience and righteousness that leads to blessings and life, or the path of disobedience and sin that leads to curses and death (Deut 30:15–20).

Monstruo en la oscuridad

With the two paths so clearly laid out before men, you’d think that men would choose the path of blessings and life. Yet this isn’t the case. Most men will choose the path of sin and rebellion. Why is this? This is because man has several enemies that are working against YHVH to draw men away from him into a path of sin and rebellion. Who and what are these enemies?

Enemy Number One: Our Flesh Nature

The fallen nature, carnal heart of man (Jer 17:9; Rom 8:7). Man’s heart is naturally rebellious, stiffnecked and hard-hearted toward anyone or anything that tells it to do something it doesn’t want to do. The rebellious pride and stubborn hard-heartedness of the human mind, will and emotions is the greatest force working against one to obey YHVH’s commandments. What makes this enemy so lethal is that he’s inside of us — in our heart (how we feel) and in our mind (what we think). This enemy is very hard to detect, since it is so well camouflaged within each of us.

Enemy Number Two: The World

The influences of the world are a snare to us (Exod 34:12; Deut 7:16). The allurements of the pagan practices of the surrounding nations was ancient Israel’s downfall. The ways of the heathen are enticing because they appeal to and satiate the carnal nature within each man. This is why it is so hard for us to resist. The enemy outside of us is seducing the enemy within us and together they are warring against word or truth of Elohim in our spirit man (our conscience).

Enemy Number Three: Satan

Satan the devil, the adversary, is YHVH’s arch-rebel and is seeking to undermine everything that is good, true and righteous (1 Pet 5:8). He’ll use the world to draw man away from Elohim. He’ll use demonic, and lying spirits to tempt man to sin against YHVH. He’ll shoot fiery darts into man’s thinking (Eph 6:16) to deceive man and to lead him astray spiritually (Rev 12:9). He is the original sinner (1 John 3:8). He is the father of all lies (John 8:44) and he lies about and rebels against the truth of Elohim.

Enemy Number Four: Church Traditions

Church traditions or doctrines of men by which make the word of Elohim is made of non-effect is a major force keeping man from obeying all of YHVH’s Word including his Torah-commandments (Matt 15:6–9; Mark 7:8–9).

Enemy Number Five: Family and Friends

Family members and friends who are opposed to obedience to the Word of Elohim is a strong deterrent to one’s keeping YHVH’s commandments. After all, what will they think? How will that affect my relationship with them?

Other Reasons Why People Refuse to Obey YHVH’s Torah

  • They think it’s too difficult to do.
  • It requires lifestyle changes.
  • They’re afraid of what others may think.
  • They’re afraid they might lose their friends.
  • People have become a victim of spiritual complacency. They don’t want to leave their spiritual comfort zones.
  • They’re too busy with the cares of this life to want to make any major spiritual changes.
  • They’re really not in love with YHVH enough to want to obey his Word.
  • They lack the fear of YHVH, and therefore obeying his Word isn’t really that important.
  • They don’t take the Word of Elohim seriously enough.
  • They have succumbed to a faith of easy-believism when it comes to obeying YHVH’s Word where actions don’t have to back up one’s belief or fatih.

Does one really think that any of these reasons and excuses will pass muster with YHVH Elohim on judgment day when he’s determining a persons level of rewards in his kingdom?

Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. (Matt 5:19)

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Messiah, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. (2 Cor 5:10)

And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. (Rev 22:12)


New Video: Deuteronomy — the Heart and Spirit of Torah

This video explains how the Book of Deuteronomy reveals our loving Heavenly Father’s heart for his people, and his desire for them to follow his instructions in righteousness, so they will abide in his river of life and experience great blessings.


The 18 Benefits of Studying and Obeying YHVH’s Torah

The Benefits of Torah-Obedience

The Scriptures reveal that the Torah is much more than a list of dos and don’ts as many people have been led to believe, and is therefore, in their mind, is a negative thing. Deuteronomy 4:6 says that the Torah is our wisdom and understanding before the nations of the world. In Deuteronomy 11:8, we learn that the Torah makes us strong. The word strong in Hebrew is chazaq meaning “to be strong, grow strong, to prevail, to be firm, be caught fast, be secure; to grow stout, grow rigid, to restore to strength, give strength, sustain, encourage, make bold, encourage, to repair or to withstand.” This sounds like a good thing!

Torah Scroll  21075453

Here is a list of the other benefits of obeying YHVH’s Torah:

  1. The Torah defines what sin (1 John 3:4) and righteousness are (Ps 119:172).
  2. The Torah shows us what YHVH expects from man (Deut 10:12–13). The Torah convicts man of sin or lawlessness and brings us to Yeshua by way of the cross (Gal 3:24).
  3. The Torah brings temporal and spiritual rewards; life and blessing when followed; curses when disobeyed (Deut 28; Matt 5:19).
  4. Obeying the Torah helps deepen a loving and intimate relationship with YHVH-Yeshua and helps us to abide in Yeshua (John 14:15; 1 John 2:3–6).
  5. Obeying the Torah helps us to stay spiritually pure (1 John 3:3–6).
  6. Obeying the Torah protects us from the influence of the devil (1 John 3:8).
  7. The Torah provides a framework for divine justice or judgment (Deut 17:11; John 12:48; Heb 4:12 cp. Rev 1:16; 2:16; 18:15, 21).
  8. The Torah forms the basis for the jurisprudence system of civil government (Deut 17:11).
  9. The Torah is heaven’s revelation of divine grace. It reveals how sinful man can be reconciled to a righteous Elohim; it reveals the path of redemption or salvation from slavery to sin through the idea of substitutionary sacrifice. This all points to Yeshua the Messiah, the Redeemer or Savior of the world.
  10. The Torah reveals the concept of covenant between YHVH and man involving YHVH’s chosen people—the nation of Israel.
  11. The Torah will guide and keep us on the path of righteousness and lead us into YHVH’s everlasting kingdom and spiritual divine family. It acts as a protective guardrail to keep us on the road leading to eternal life. It keeps man from falling into the spiritual ditches or off the spiritual cliff along the side of the road of life.
  12. The Torah is our light in a dark world; the answer to life’s questions and dilemmas (Ps 119:99, 105; Prov 6:23).
  13. Through Yeshua the Living Torah, the Torah helps us to become the person that YHVH wants to live with forever. It prepares us to be the spiritual bride of Yeshua (Rev 19:7–8).
  14. Obeying the Torah brings us eternal rewards (not eternal life, which is by grace through faith alone, see Eph. 2:8) in the world to come (Matt. 5:19).
  15. Obeying the Torah helps deepen a loving and intimate relationship with YHVH-Yeshua and helps us to abide in Yeshua (John 14:15; 1 John 2:3–6).
  16. Obeying the Torah helps us to stay spiritually pure (1 John 3:3–6).
  17. Obeying the Torah protects us from the influence of the devil (1 John 3:8).
  18. Obeying the Torah-Word of YHVH helps to perfect YHVH-Yeshua’s love in us (1 John 3:6).

What was wiped out? The Torah or the penalty?

Colossians 2:14, Having wiped out. Here Paul mentions that Yeshua blotted out the handwritings of legal decrees that were against us when he died on the cross (Col 2:12–15). What was against us? It was the Torah law that specified that the sin of adultery carried the death penalty (Lev 20:10). For those who are washed in Yeshua’s redeeming blood and have been buried with him by water immersion or baptism (Col 2:12 cp. Rom 6:3–11), the devil, who is the accuser of the brethren (Rev 12:10), no longer has any legal basis against which to lay the charges of the sin of unfaithfulness against us before the Almighty (Col 2:15). Likely, there is a heavenly record of each man’s sins written in one of the books (which are in addition to the book of life) mentioned in Revelation 20:12. These books be opened at the last judgement and will be used to determine one’s eternal rewards based on one’s works of righteousness (v. 12). Some will be granted eternal life, while others will be destroyed in the lake of fire (v. 15). As mentioned, those who are under the blood of Yeshua and whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life, there is no condemnation.

Yeshua wiped out the shame and penalty of sin by his death on the cross NOT the Torah!

Yeshua wiped out the shame and penalty of sin by his death on the cross NOT the Torah!

In this passage, Paul may be alluding to the law of the jealous regarding an unfaithful woman (Num 5:11–31). In this case, the Torah instructs a man to bring his wife whom he suspects of adultery before the priests along with an offering of barley meal. What follows is one of the Torah’s more curious rituals. The priests, in front of the woman, sprinkle some dirt from the door of the tabernacle into an earthen vessel filled with holy water. Her head is uncovered, and she is then made to hold the barley meal, while she is put under oath and questioned about her alleged extramarital sexual activities. A curse is put on her if she has been unfaithful, and the curses are written in a book. The words are then scraped from the book and put into the water. The woman is then made to drink the bitter waters. If she is guilty, the curse takes effect causing her belly to swell and her thigh to rot.

The sad thing is that not only was ancient Israel guilty before Elohim of spiritual adultery (see Ezek 16:1ff), but all humans, like an adulterous woman, have followed in Adam and Eve’s unfaithfulness and sinned (tantamount to spiritual adultery) by being unfaithful to the Creator by going his Torah-laws. The good news is that Yeshua took the curse of the adulterous woman upon himself when he died on the cross. He was given cup of bitter gall to drink, which he refused, but he drank symbolically from the bitter cup of death and even his side was split open by the Roman soldier’s spear. (For additional commentary on the ritual of the adulterous woman, see my notes at


The Old and New Covenants and the Law of Cause and Effect

Deuteronomy 7:12, Because you listen. This verse shows the conditional nature of the Mosaic Covenant. Blessings are conditional upon obedience to YHVH’s Torah instructions in righteousness. It was a person’s choice to obey or not. Either way, the law of cause and effect would come into play. Blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience.

The law of cause and effect sets into a motion a series of consequences.

The law of cause and effect sets into a motion a series of consequences.

The same is true with the New Covenant. If we place our faith in Yeshua the Messiah,who is the Living Torah, and love him by keeping his commandments (John 14:15), we will not only be blessed physically blessed here and now, but we will be blessed with eternal life. Those who refuse to place their faith in Yeshua and obey his commandments will receive the fruit of their disobedience now, and will also perish in the lake of fire.

The law of cause and effect still applies to both the Mosaic Covenant and the New Covenant, and humans will reap the consequence of their actions based on the choices they make whether good or bad. It’s that simple.