The Evidences of Baal Worship in America

This is a fascinating five-part video series (about an hour in length total) of Glenn Beck interviewing Orthodox Jewish leader Daniel Lapin on the rise of Baal worship in America. Lapin defines Baal worship as found in the Bible, and succinctly and graphically relates it to modern trends in America’s spiritual and moral decline as evidenced in our pop culture since the 1950s up to the current “Occupy Movement.” He shows how Judeo-Christian values with the Torah as the foundation are the antidote to this problem, and that only a return to a Biblio-centric paradigm will save this nation from certain ruin.

I showed this entire video to my family this Shabbat.

Thank you Dr. Joe for telling us about this!

Please watch it, and share your comments on this blog.

Glenn Beck and Daniel Lapin discuss the worship of Baal, Part 1 of 5


From Messy Antics to The Dance of Lovers

Alone in a Dark, Strange House

Have you ever found yourself groping and stumbling around in a totally dark, strange house without a light? Many people who have left the Christian church with some vague notion of returning to the Hebrew roots of their faith find themselves in such a house. Welcome to the house of the Messianic /Hebrew Roots Movement!

Many of us have been there asking ourselves questions like: Where are we? Where are we going? What’s next? Who’s out there? Am I alone?

Shifting from a Christian paradigm and lifestyle to that of the Hebrew/Jewish roots of the Christian faith as modelled by the early believers in the Book of Acts and Apostolic Epistles isn’t an easy one. Perhaps knowing the transition zones or spiritual growth stages we all go through might be like someone handing you a flashlight in that dark house.

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