Demons from hell unleashed!

From World Net Daily —FAITH UNDER FIRE


‘This little boy, he was called Andrew’

The images of atrocities by Muslim fighters in Iraq – and Syria – against their soldier and civilian enemies have been have circulating for some time already. There have been reports, many documented in images and even videos, of ISIS crucifixions, executions, mass burials and worse.

But now Americans collectively are being left gasping by a flood of new reports and photographs depicting such horrors being inflicted on children.

One such report came recently from the  Anglican Communion News Service, which said the son, age 5, of a founder of Baghdad’s Anglican church was “cut in half during an attack by the Islamic State,” a name by which ISIS also is known. (To continue reading


Would this ever happen in the U.S. and other western countries?

The Ebola virus under magnification

As health officials worldwide spend hundreds of millions of dollars to bring under control an Ebola outbreak in several West African nations where nearly 1,000 people have died, local religious leaders are turning to God.

report in the Liberian Observer in Monrovia says leaders in the Liberian capital met to talk about the threat and decided that three days of prayer and fasting should be observed in conjunction with seeking God’s forgiveness for “immoral acts” such as “homosexualism.”

The report said more than 100 ministers, including bishops, pastors and prophets from a wide range of church denominations, discussed the Ebola crisis at a meeting convened by Archbishop Jonathan B.B. Hart, president of the Liberia Council of Churches.

They agreed that:

1. God is angry with Liberia and that Ebola is a plague. “Liberians have to pray and seek God’s forgiveness over the corruption and immoral acts (such as homosexualism, etc.) that continue to penetrate our society. As Christians, we must repent and seek God’s forgiveness.”

2. Three days of fasting and prayer be observed across the nation, concluding Friday.

3. An interdenominational (to continue reading:



Repent America: A Modern Day Dust Bowl

“But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you … And your heavens which are over your head shall be bronze, and the earth which is under you shall be iron. The LORD will change the rain of your land to powder and dust; from the heaven it shall come down on you until you are destroyed. (Duet 28:15, 23, 24)


Please join me in praying that this nation repents of its sins and turns back to the Elohim of the Bible to love and obey him.

This drought doesn’t just affect the farmers in California, but all of us, since the food they produce feeds us.

As a drought unfolds slowly and devastatingly, California farmers feel desperate and abandoned

Yahoo News
CLICK IMAGE for slideshow: A sign alongside barren farmland outside Mendota, Calif. (Holly Bailey/Yahoo News)

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — Bob Taylor was barely 2 years old when his parents packed as many belongings as they could into their rickety old car and headed west from New Mexico toward California.

It was 1936, the height of the Dust Bowl, when the worst drought the country had ever seen forced tens of thousands of families to abandon their parched farmlands and head west in the hope of finding jobs and a more stable life.

Taylor’s parents were farm laborers, cotton pickers from Oklahoma and Texas who had slowly inched their way west chasing the crops that had somehow managed to survive the lack of rain. But then came the terrible dust storms, choking black blizzards of dirt fueled by the loose soil of eroded farmlands that swept across the plains, turning the days as dark as night. They were monsters that suffocated the life out of anything the drought hadn’t managed to kill — crops, animals and even people, who began to die from the dust that filled their lungs. (To continue reading


Miracles Occurring in Israeli Conflict

Iron Dome Operator: God Moved Missile We Couldn’t Hit

Sunday, August 03, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff

Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system has been wildly successful during the current Gaza war, but on occasion it can and does miss incoming terrorist rockets.

Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system has been wildly successful during the current Gaza war, but on occasion it can and does miss incoming terrorist rockets.

One would think that the 10 percent or so of Hamas rockets predicted by Iron Dome’s radars to hit populated areas that are not intercepted would still cause significant Israeli casualties. But somehow, they don’t.

An earlier, unconfirmed report floating around the Internet had a Gaza resident attributing the lack of (to continue reading


Islam Vs. Christianity

The persecution of Christians by Muslims is finally being reported by the mainstream media. It’s not anti-Islam bigotry to report on this — it’s simply reporting the facts. Now even the U.S. State Department is highlighting this issue (see article below).

You see, the Koran calls for the persecution of Christians and Jews, which it calls the “people of the book.” You can read these verses for yourself in the Koran at or Also, check out my video on this subject at .

Historically and at present this is how it works: Muslims immigrate into a county, and begin to increase in numbers until they have a large enough population to begin exercising dominance over that country’s native population. Once in control, Muslims then give the people the option to convert, be killed, flee or pay a heavy tax depending on the situation. Historically, many African and Middle Eastern nations were predominately Christian until Islam took over through the means listed above.

Don’t think it can’t happen where you live. Unless YHVH’s people repent of not whole-heartedly following and obeying him, the Bible speaks of YHVH using the wicked (e.g., the descendants of Edom, the Persians, Gog and Magog and the Syrians et al [i.e., the Muslims] to discipline his people to bring them back to him.

Watch, pray and repent of what the Bible defines as sin (i.e., Torahlessness,1 John 3:4).

State Department: Christian presence in Middle East becoming ‘shadow of its former self’

religious persecution_Reuters_660.jpg

Egyptian Christians gather outside the Coptic Orthodox church after a car bomb attack, in Egypt’s northern city of Alexandria, January 1, 2011.Reuters

The State Department issued a dire report Monday on the state of religious freedom around the world, with an alarming warning that the Christian presence in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East is becoming a “shadow of its former self.”

The analysis was included as part of a comprehensive report on religious freedom around the world in 2013. The report cited a flood of examples of governments and militant groups cracking down on religious minorities, everywhere from Pakistan to Egypt to China. The victims included Christians, but also Hindus, Muslims and others.

The report offered a pointed warning about religious violence in the three-year-old civil war in Syria.

“After three years of civil war, hundreds of thousands fled the country desperate to escape the ongoing violence perpetrated by the government and extremist groups alike,” the report said. It said that in Homs, the Christian population has plummeted from 160,000 before the conflict to “as few as 1,000.”  (To continue reading: )

Video: Islam — God’s Judgment on Christians to Bring Spiritual Revival


A Huge Miracle with a Warning…

Ephraim and Rimona Frank have been involved in the restoration of the whole house of Israel since 1982. Ephraim is American born, and has been in Israel since 1978, having lived on a kibbutz for 5 years, he and Rimona were married there in 1982. 

A Huge Miracle with a Warning…

by Ephraim Frank

    Shalom Fellow Israelite,
    The barrage of rockets falling on Israel for the past number of weeks, with relatively low collateral damage, has been eliciting responses of “ey’zeh mazal” (“how lucky”) and thankfulness to the Iron Dome interceptive system, and at times also “toda la’El” (“thank God”), though not as often as it should.

    In more recent days, when the tunnel threat has materialized into a horrifying reality (which has claimed the lives of at least 7 soldiers), an even greater miracle took place, namely that the terrorists did not use those tunnels before our army was down in that area. One cannot imagine the carnage that they would have left behind in the Israeli towns and communities along the border, had they put those tunnels into use, let alone the many that they would have captured and taken into the Gaza hell hole.  It is only by YHVH’s mercy in the midst of His judgments that this did not happen.

    Now that our soldiers are fighting the Jihadists in Gaza they are shocked to see the young children (boys and girls) who are involved in the fighting, armed with weapons, strapped with explosives, or used as human shields by gun wielding terrorists whose other hand clings to a child. Women are also used in a similar manner.

    This war with Islam is not confined to the Middle East, it is worldwide. We must ask ourselves and take stock as to the reason for this war. I have written articles in the past about the prophet Habakkuk’s warning, but the present situation and its escalation is forcing me to do so once again.

    It wasn’t but days (and for years) before the military operation started, that many in Israel were engaged in discussing the corruption, violence, greed, sexual perversion, lying, moral decline and general wickedness prevailing here, deeming it to be an existential threat, even greater than Hamas. (By the way, the above list does not include abortion, which although common, is tragically not even an issue for discussion by most.) How sad that after two thousand years of absence, being now restored by YHVH back to the land as a nation, our people find themselves in such a low moral state! We groan with the watchman of Habakkuk as the daily news brings to light the corruption in high places, businesses and elsewhere. Can this continue without some kind of consequence? I believe that the following prophecy is coming true right before our eyes.

    The Watchman cries out: “How long, YHVH, will I call for help, and You will not hear? I cry out to You, ‘there is violence in our midst!’ Yet You do not save. Why do You make me see iniquity, and cause me to look on wickedness? Yes, destruction and violence are before me; strife exists and contention arises. Therefore, the Torah is ignored and justice is never upheld. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore, justice comes out perverted” (Habbakkuk 1:2-4, emphasis added). 

    Unfortunately this describes the condition in our country. (How about yours?)

   YHVH’s answer to the watchman needs to be taken seriously, as it is not the devil, nor Hamas, or Islam who is behind our current circumstances: “Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days– You would not believe if you were told” (Habakkuk 1:5). YHVH has sent a deluding spirit, a lying spirit, so that the iniquitous and wicked of His people will be deceived and not see reality for what it is. Hence they are not able to discern that YHVH has raised up the hunters to judge the sinners of His people, and yet there is no outcry for repentance. Our present condition is nothing more than the fulfillment of this prophetic word.

    It is hard to bring this into the light, when our young men are being killed in Gaza, but we have to face YHVH’s righteous justice, when it comes to sin and iniquity. I have altered somewhat and paraphrased the rest of the chapter in order to get the point across. YHVH continues:

    “For indeed I am raising up the Chaldeans (who are from the spiritual heartland of Islam), a bitter, vicious and hasty, impetuous nation which marches through the breadth of the earth; they possess dwelling places that arenot theirs. They are terrible, dreadful and fearful; their judgment (justice) and their dignity (self-righteous pride) proceed from themselves… They hasten to devour. They all come for violence (hamas, being the Hebrew word used in that excerpt); their faces are set like the east wind. They gather captives like sand. They mock at leaders of the U.N., E.U. G.B and U.S. They despise these leaders of the West. They ridicule every stronghold (military power), for they heap up ruins and seize them.  Then their mind changes and they transgress; committing offenses, their strength and power are their god.”

    The watchman continues his lament: “Are You not from everlasting, YHVH my Elohim, my Holy One? Shall we not die? YHVH, You have appointed them to execute your judgments upon us; O Rock, You have marked them to correct us, Your people, both Judah and Ephraim.  Your eyes are too pure to behold our evil, and You cannot look on our wickedness. But why do You look on those who deal treacherously, and hold Your tongue when the wicked devour those that are more righteous than they? Why do You make men like fish of the sea, like creeping things that have no ruler over them? These hunters take us up with their hook, they trap us in their net, and gather us in their dragnet (a hunter’s net). Therefore they rejoice and are glad. They dance and hand out sweets in the streets when they take one of us captive or have a successful hunt. Therefore they sacrifice themselves to their god (Allah), and burn incense to their religion, because by them their share is sumptuous and their food plentiful. Shall they therefore empty their net, and continue to slay nations without pity?” 

    Notice the last statement “slay nations without pity.” These hunters are present in many nations, wielding the sword. The news media calls them “rebels”, legitimate freedom fighters attempting to establish “justice” (that is “Muslim justice”) in corrupt political regimes. They are infiltrating western nations under the disguise of a persecuted people.

   One of their banners proclaims, “First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.”  

    As Judah and Ephraim, believers in the sovereignty of the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we must take this prophet seriously. YHVH is not tolerating wickedness and therefore the call is to repent, not unlike Daniel and Nehemiah. The prodigal son (Ephraim) is to return home, but too many are only looking for the hug from daddy, the ring, the change of clothes and the party. Many are standing in judgment of their brother Judah and think that they are more righteous and knowledgeable about the Scriptures. The hunters are already in your backyard and buying up land that can never be wrested from the hands of Islam. This is why, according to their beliefs, the Jewish State must be eliminated.It is Muslim land that has been desecrated by the unbelievers (demies). The greatest injustice to Islam was for the UN to establish this nation. Thus what Hamas and other Jihadist are doing is to right the wrong.

    Take heed, Israel will have to pull out of Gaza, just like the US did in Iraq; Islam will celebrate a victory over their enemies and begin to prepare for the next advance on their call to eliminate Israel as a nation (Psalm 83), and that includes Ephraim. YHVH’s mercies and miracles have been seen in all of our wars, including this one, but for what purpose – just to continue in sin, or is it for our nation to wake up and come to repentance?




Listen to the music and read the lyrics [in this short video] but watch it through to the end.

Ephraim and Rimona,7340,L-4551010,00.html  


My Personal Account of Being in a Gaza Rocket Attack in Israel

Have you ever been in a rocket attack in Israel? I have!  It is a day I will never forget for the rest of my life. The following is an entry from my journal of the trip Sandi, my wife, and I made to Israel in the spring of 2008. On this day I was only about a mile from the Gaza Strip when suddenly the sirens went off I found myself fleeing for a bomb shelter as the rockets were flying overhead from the Philistines in Gaza.


Friday, March 7, 2008

Yesterday the search team looked for aviv barley in the area west of the Gaza Strip.  We checked numerous fields and found no barley any closer than a month or six weeks to aviv.  Much of it hadn’t even headed yet, while that which was the most mature was only in the flowering stage with the kernel itself in the “cotton” stage and not even to the “worm” stage.  So after searching the majority of the land of Israel and not having found a single stock of truly aviv barley, it can be safely declared that the barley will not be aviv and that we will declare an Adar Bet month.

The region we searched in and around Ofain, Sderot, and Asheklon is basically quite flat with a few rolling hills.  It is used totally for agriculture with fields of grain, fruits, and vegetables as far as the eye can see.  Small farming communities are sprinkled throughout with hub towns here and there.  The area is reminiscent of Illinois.  The largest tree fruit crop is citrus.  It is clear, in light of the countless orange (and lemon and grapefruit) groves I have seen throughout Israel why this nation is number one exporter of oranges to Europe.

As we were passing by Sderot in search of barley, the braver (or more foolhardy—depending on your perspective) part of our group as led by Nehemia, decided to go into Sderot to get a feel for what the Israelis in that town are experiencing from the daily barrage of rockets raining down on them from the Gazan Palestinian terrorists on the other side of a fence only a mile away.

Before entering this red flag warning area, Nehemia warned us that if we should just happen to hear the sirens go off warning of an approaching rocket attack, or we should see people suddenly running for cover, that we would have 15 seconds to get out of our cars and flee for cover.  All we were hoping to see was a bomb shelter.

We entered Sderot and turned into a very modern looking college campus called Sapir College.  It looked like one of our American community colleges.  We went through a checkpoint and entered the campus in our cars.  We drove in a ways and came to a parking lot area near a complex of building when suddenly we saw students running quickly toward the buildings.  My first impression was that they were all late to class and that the tardy bell had gone off.  It had slipped my mind that this was a college and not a grade school.  Suddenly, Nehemia stopped his car, jumped out yelling to those of us in the other two cars that this was a real rocket attack and to head for a nearby concrete bomb shelter pill box looking affair approximately 10 foot square in size.  I quickly stopped the car, everyone got out, and in my haste I forgot to set the car in park and it started coasting.  I got back in, changed the gear and grabbed my movie camera.  I was the last one into the bomb shelter, which was about 75-100 feet away.  There were about 15-20 of us (members of our search team and students) standing shoulder to shoulder (like being in a crowded elevator) in there.  A couple of minutes passed, the scare was over, everyone got out, and quickly the cell phones came out and people were making phone calls—I suppose to let friends and loved ones know that they were safe.  After that, everyone went on his way, business as usual.

I witnessed first-hand the panic of people fleeing for their lives to the safety of the bomb shelter.  I personally experienced the feelings of fear of knowing that a rocket was coming from somewhere that could land anywhere.  Chances were that it wouldn’t land near me, much less on me.  BUT WHO KNOWS?!  And it is that “who knows” part that is really scary!  I face fear for my life on a regular basis as a professional tree climber and arborist.  But this fear was different.  This is a war zone.  In our searching for aviv barley in this area, we saw 15 or more lowboy semi-trucks going by carrying huge battle tanks.  We saw even more armored troop carriers on lowboys.  Soldiers are everywhere—many carrying automatic weapons.  THIS  WAS/IS A WAR ZONE! We were in the middle of it.  It was life and death and there was an enemy over there who wanted to kill me—not with words—but literally.  That was a totally new experience for me.  I now have a small taste of what the Israelis at Sderot are going through every day.

We later heard on the news that two Qasam rockets from the wicked demons in Gaza landed in Sderot yesterday.

When we left the bomb shelter, we all walked about 200 feet to the sidewalk in front of the school buildings.  There we saw a memorial and wreath with photos of an Israeli father of four who had been killed by a rocket the past week at that exact spot!  I filmed the small nearby crater in the sidewalk made by the rocket that killed the man.  The bloody paramedic glove was still in the 12” deep by 18” wide crater.  That spot was 150 feet or so from the bomb shelter in which I took refuge and was only 75-100 feet from where I parked my car!  Richard Bay from Vancouver, WA was in my car and saw it all.

We left Sderot and the college and met up with the rest of our team at a small eatery where many Israelis gather to enjoy food at an outdoor café.  Some in our group got beers (it was about 85 degrees outside), others got a coke and I got ice cream.  The whole thing was too surreal for me.  One minute I’m fleeing for my life, the next I’m feeding my face relaxing in an outdoor café.  But this is how our brothers and sisters in Israel live their lives.  Though they never know when a bomb might go off, a rocket might hit or whatever, life goes on.

Several days ago, a rocket landed in a neighborhood of southern Jerusalem fired from the West Bank.   In Tiberias where we just were, some Arabs were demonstrating.  Yesterday in an Arab section in Jerusalem some angry Arabs tried to kill a couple of garbage workers.  Last night Arabs broke into a Yeshiva and shot and killed four Jews.  Secretary Rice is in Jerusalem right now trying to help find a solution to this mess by talking, talking and more talking with the parties involved.  What utter foolishness and nonsense! These leaders are so deluded by their own self importance that they are blinded to the fact that nothing they can do will change the hatred Edom has for Israel.  That will not change until Edom is destroyed prior to and at Yeshua’s second coming as prophesied in the Bible.

While in the area of Sderot, we also saw the once used border crossing checkpoint into Gaza near Gush Katif and the adjacent internment camp for those terrorist captured at that once active border crossing.  The Doberman dogs still roam freely within its barbed wire metal walls.

After that, we left the area and headed back to Jerusalem.  In the outskirts of the city we stopped at a kosher McDonalds.  I haven’t eaten at a McDonalds in 15 years but, I got a hamburger just for the fun of it.  No cheese on the burger because of the rabbinical koshur rules that forbid the mixing of dairy and meat!  It just wasn’t the same without the cheese.  At the counter there is a wall that divides the meat products from the dairy ones. Those silly rabbis!!  They take themselves and the unbiblical traditions so seriously.