Some good news (?) … I think: The Case Against Economic Collapse

The following is from

The Case Against Imminent Economic Collapse: “They Can Keep Bailing Things Out for Several More Years Without Fear of Collapse”

February 16th, 2015

By Joel Skousen

This week, I’m going to diverge from my normal preparedness tips and switch to my geopolitical expertise as the editor of the World Affairs Brief ( .  I feel the need to address the root controversy about what we are preparing for. I field more questions from subscribers and preppers each week on the subject of economic collapsethan any other topic, and despite the failure of all these collapse predictions since 2010, they are back again in 2015.

And, it’s no wonder. There is an unending flow of predictions of complete and imminent collapse coming from both the uninformed and some very bright financial newsletter writers on the conservative/libertarian side such as Jim Rickards, Peter Schiff, Michael Snyder, R.G. Allen, Robert Kiyosaki, John Williams (, Mike Maloney, and Mike Dillard (who’s been pushing the collapse of the EURO for years now and still won’t stop despite the failure of his predictions).

I’m not going to tell you that things are fine.  They are not. The financial collapse writers are well informed about the problems of excessive debt, fiat money, and deficit spending that politically cannot be stopped nor solved now that the benefit corrupted voters can out-vote those of us who want government to stop these suicidal redistribution schemes.

But they have not thought out clearly the specifics of how and why it’s so difficult for an actual collapse to occur.  Historically, no nation has ever collapsed financially outside of the destruction of war—none (even the so-called “collapse of the Soviet Union” was a carefully crafted deception, as outlined in this piece).  Only when people are thrust into the most abject circumstances of survival, such as in WWII in Europe with the combination of allied bombing and the Russian invasion does an economy cease to function and turn into a mob of pillaging people.

Let me cover the various collapse scenarios that are being hyped constantly and why they aren’t necessarily imminent:

Electric Grid collapse: It is true that the nation would descend into massive social unrest should the electric grid go down and stay down for more than two weeks.  That said, there are a lot of uninformed predictions about a massive solar flare, or EMP strike by some terrorist or rogue nation that could cause a grid collapse.  The solar flare scenario is really only a threat to the grid in high northern latitudes since charged particles are channeled by the earth’s magnetic field toward the North Pole.  Canada is much more at risk from a massive solar flare.

And, contrary to a lot of arm-chair tacticians, a single nuclear EMP strike over the US by some terrorist group is not capable of taking down the entire grid.  It takes at least six simultaneous high altitude nuclear bursts to blanket the US, and only Russia and (to continue


Some Good News for a Change…the Miraculous Power of Prayer

Go to to watch video of interview with miracle boy.

Teen who fell in icy pond makes ‘miraculous’ recovery

A 14-year old St. Charles boy who spent 15 minutes underwater after falling through the ice of Lake Ste. Louise has made a recovery no one can explain.


A 14-year old St. Charles boy who spent 15 minutes under water after falling through the ice of Lake Ste. Louise has made a recovery no one can explain.

It’s a recovery so complete, our Kay Quinn spoke on-camera to young John Smith about his near-drowning, and his amazing story of survival.

Three 14-year-old boys fell through the ice on Martin Luther King Day.

When rescuers arrived, one was almost out of the water, another was holding onto the ice and one couldn’t be found.

Eighth grader John Smith is doing something doctors never believed would be possible.

“I don’t remember much about it to be honest, but I do remember the tubes,” says Smith.

He is walking and talking, here with his pastor Jason Noble by his side. And trying to make sense of how he’s not just alive, but thriving after being under water for 15 minutes.

“After listening to what the paramedics and doctors said I’m pretty surprised at the outcome,” says John.

An outcome some say fits in with all of the other miracles that day and in the days that followed.

Like the fact Lake St. Louis Fire and Emergency crews had just practiced ice rescues the week before they pulled John out.

And the doctor who was on duty in the emergency room at SSM St. Joseph Hospital West the day of the accident: Dr. Kent Sutterer, whose daughter’s in the same class with John at Living Word Christian School.

“In my mind this is a very grim, very poor chance of survival already,” says Dr. Sutterer of the moment John came in.

Dr. Sutterer and his team performed CPR on John for 27 minutes with no success. The question was raised: how long should they continue?

“He was dead for 45 minutes,” says Dr. Sutterer.

What happened next defies explanation. Dr. Sutterer called John’s mother into the room to give her the news.

“She started praying loudly,” says Dr. Sutterer.

“I don’t remember what all I said,” recalls John’s mother, Joyce Smith. “But I remember, ‘Holy God, please send your Holy Spirit to save my son. I want my son, please save him.’ And they hadn’t been getting a pulse at that time, so all of a sudden I heard them saying, ‘We got a pulse, we got a pulse.'”

“Within a matter of a minute or two, his heart started again,” says Dr. Sutterer.

It’s an experience that’s shaken many of those in the emergency room that day. This veteran of responding to medical crisis wrote a letter about it as a way to cope.

“His heart was jump started by the Holy Spirit listening to the request of his praying mother,” reads Dr. Sutterer, from the letter he wrote.

Dr. Jeremy Garrett who oversaw John’s recovery even goes a step further. “It’s a bonafide miracle.”

John was airlifted to SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center about two hours after the accident. Dr. Garrett says he knew within about the first 16 hours after John’s arrival that his body would physically survive the ordeal what he didn’t know was how much brain function he would have.

Dr. Garrett watched John’s body react to being under water so long: his circulatory system went into shock, acid built up in his bloodstream.

But within 48 hours, family members reported things he didn’t expect. Like John opening his eyes.

Then, relatives told him this teen who loves to play and watch basketball was responding to questions about his two favorite players.

“So I did a very interesting neurologic exam,” says Dr. Garrett. “We said, well John, pretend your left hand is Lebron James and your right hand is Michael Jordan, then asked him a series of questions and he got them all right. It’s truly amazing.”

What’s happened since then has been a dizzying rate of continuous recovery. One even doctors are trying to keep up with.

“To watch your son sit up and amaze the doctors, the neurologist comes in and says, we don’t know what to do next because we’ve never seen this before,” says Joyce.

While we were visiting, John’s rescuers from the Lake St. Louis fire department showed up, bringing lunch. Seeing for themselves, the boy who survived 15 minutes under the ice.

“I know it doesn’t fit into our neat little box of today,” says John’s father, Brian Smith of this miracle, “but again, you can’t refute the clinical evidence.”

And while these parents haven’t spoken of his impulsive decision to walk out on the ice that day with two friends, they know their son has learned more than any lecture could teach him.

“I’m surprised I’m alive but it’s a real miracle that I’m alive, and I thank God I’m alive, and there’s a reason I’m alive, so I’m just going to kind of follow what God has in store for me throughout my life,” says John.

John still has a cough, and he’s getting physical therapy to help him regain some of the movement in his hands.

But he could go home by the end of the week.


The spirit of Antichrist is in the White House!

Shame on President Obama for his idiotic comments at the National Prayer Breakfast linking the acts of some Christians with the murderous jihadists cutting people’s heads off and burning people alive! The President reveals how vacuous his understanding is of Islam, history, Christianity and the Bible. Or, is he simply a lying propagandistic spinmeister who knows the facts, but could care less about them in an effort to force his ideological agendas upon the American people?!

I feel like we’re living in Goebbels Germany, or that I’m reading the Pravda of the former Soviet Union.

First, the Koran tells its followers to spread its faith by dismembering and murdering its enemies. History records that Mohammed did this. On the other hands, Yeshua/Jesus told his followers to love your enemies and his disciples followed his example.

Second, true disciples of Yeshua do not behead, crucify or burn their enemies. A thousand years ago when some “Christians” did this in medieval Europe, this was aberrant not normative Christianity. What the Muslims are doing to their enemies is normative not aberrant Islam according to the Koran. Go read the Koran for yourself and you’ll see what I’m saying is correct.

Third, the Crusades were in defensive response to the jihadist Muslims of that day that had taken over major parts of southern Europe and were moving northward quickly. This is history 101. As a former college professor, Mr. Obama doesn’t know this? Yeah right! So what’s his point?

The fact is, we have Edom in the White House, which is the spirit of Antichrist. Period!


Proof from an Insider of the Media Bias Against Israel


Must Read: Matti Friedman on the Media’s Obsession with Israel

Matti Friedman, the former Jerusalem bureau reporter for the Associated Press, has made significant waves since publishing two articles in Tabletmagazine and The Atlantic where he exposed the anti-Israel media bias he saw for himself from the inside.

With permission, we are republishing a speech that he gave to the BICOM dinner in London on January 26. It is well worth the read.

One night several years ago, I came out of Bethlehem after a reporting assignment and crossed through the Israeli military checkpoint between that city and its neighbor, Jerusalem, where I live. With me were perhaps a dozen Palestinian men, mostly in their thirties – my age. No soldiers were visible at the entrance to the checkpoint, a precaution against suicide bombers. We saw only steel and concrete. I followed the other men through a metal detector into a stark corridor and followed instructions barked from a loudspeaker – Remove your belt! Lift up your shirt! The voice belonged to a soldier watching us on a closed-circuit camera. Exiting the checkpoint, adjusting my belt and clothing with the others, I felt like a being less than entirely human and understood, not for the first time, how a feeling like that would provoke someone to violence.

Consumers of news will recognize this scene as belonging to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, which keeps the 2.5 million Palestinians in that territory under military rule, and has since 1967. The facts of this situation aren’t much in question. This should be an issue of concern to Israelis, whose democracy, military, and society are corroded by the inequality in the West Bank. This, too, isn’t much in question.

The question we must ask, as observers of the world, is why this conflict has come over time to draw more attention than any other, and why it is presented as it is. How have the doings in a country that constitutes 0.01 percent of the world’s surface become the focus of angst, loathing, and condemnation more than any other? We must ask how Israelis and Palestinians have become the stylized symbol of conflict, of strong and weak, the parallel bars upon which the intellectual Olympians of the West perform their tricks – not Turks and Kurds, not Han Chinese and Tibetans, not British soldiers and Iraqi Muslims, not Iraqi Muslims and Iraqi Christians, not Saudi sheikhs and Saudi women, not Indians and Kashmiris, not drug cartel thugs and Mexican villagers.


Questioning why this is the case is in no way an attempt to evade or obscure reality, which is why I opened with the checkpoint leading from Bethlehem. On the contrary – anyone seeking a full understanding of reality can’t avoid this question. My experiences as a journalist provide part of the answer, and also raise pressing questions that go beyond the practice of journalism.

Matti Friedman

I have been writing from and about Israel for most of the past 20 years, since I moved there from Toronto at age 17. During the five and a half years I spent as part of the international press corps as a reporter for the American news agency The Associated Press, between 2006 and 2011, I gradually began to be aware of certain malfunctions in the coverage of the Israel story – recurring omissions, recurring inflations, decisions made according to considerations that were not journalistic but political, all in the context of a story staffed and reported more than any other international story on earth. When I worked in the AP’s Jerusalem (to continue reading


And people wonder why America is in the mess it’s in…

The following article is from

Guess What Percentage Of American Children Live In A Home With A Traditional Family Structure?…

Family - Photo by Eric WardIt is hard to believe, but in America today only 46 percent of children live in a home that has both a mother and a father that are in their first marriage.  An additional 15 percent live in a home that has two parents where at least one of them has been remarried.  But that means that an all-time record high 39 percent of all U.S. kids are living in a home with either just a single parent or no parents at all.  These numbers were just released by Pew Research, and they are rather startling.  The “traditional family” that most of us took for granted growing up is dying.  More Americans than ever are delaying marriage, having children out of wedlock and rejecting the traditional family structure.  But is this good for our kids?  Is this good for the future of America?

The decay of the traditional family structure in the United States is something that has been going on for a very long time.  According to Pew Research, the percentage of American children living in a traditional family home has plummeted by 27 percent since 1960…

Less than half (46%) of U.S. kids younger than 18 years of age are living in a home with two married heterosexual parents in their first marriage. This is a marked change from 1960, when 73% of children fit this description, and 1980, when 61% did, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of recently-released American Community Survey (ACS) and Decennial Census data.

The primary reason for this change is the fact that attitudes toward sex, marriage and child rearing in this country have dramatically changed since then…

Americans are delaying marriage, and more may be foregoing the institution altogether. At the same time, the share of children born outside of marriage now stands at 41%, up from just 5% in 1960.

Once upon a time, marriage was held in high honor, our young people were taught to look forward to being parents, and there was something sacred about sex.

But these days sex has become a national sport and our young people are trained that marriage should be put off for as long as possible and that having kids is a burden.

As a result, single Americans now make up more than half the U.S. population for the first time ever, and approximately one out of every three childrenin the United States lives in a home without a father.

When sex becomes a sport, it is inevitable that many people start behaving like animals that are only concerned with their own personal pleasure.  This includes even some of the most “respectable” members of the community like doctors.  For example, check out what one doctor down in Florida has been charged with doing

A Florida doctor has been accused of repeatedly drugging at least three female patients with cocaine and sedatives and sexually assaulting them.

Dr Daniel McBath, an osteopath from Dade City had his license restricted by the state last week for ‘egregious and predatory’ behavior involving three women.

In a normal society, something like that would be a national scandal.  But since we are bombarded with news stories like this every single day, it hardly made a blip on the news.

Meanwhile, the idea of having children has become greatly undesirable to large numbers of our young people.  Kids are considered by many to be financial burdens that destroy our “freedom” to have fun and enjoy our lives.

And this terrible attitude manifests itself in the way that many of our young people are treating their young children.

For instance, in one recent article I discussed a case down in Florida where a man and his wife stuffed themselves full of food at a Golden Corral while their four pound baby girl died from starvation in her car seat outside the restaurant.

In another extremely disturbing incident down in Florida, one father recently threw his five-year-old girl off a 60 foot bridge

The father of a five-year-old girl who was thrown to her death off a 60-foot bridge in Tampa Bay has been charged with murder.

John Jonchuck Jr, 25, was arrested half an hour after a man was seen speeding towards a bridge and throwing a child 60ft into the water on Wednesday night.

Rescuers found Phoebe Jonchuk 40 minutes later but she could not be resuscitated.

Of course not all parents are like that.  Most are trying to do the best that they can.

But overall, our increasing rejection of the traditional family structure is putting a lot of financial strain on those that are raising children.  This is especially true of single mothers.  If you are a child and you do not live with two parents, you are far, far more likely to be living in poverty.   Just check out the following numbers which I originally shared in a previous article

#1 The National Center for Children in Poverty says that 45 percent of all U.S. children belong to low income families.

#2 According to a Census Bureau report that was released just this week, 65 percent of all children in America are living in a home that receives some form of aid from the federal government…

“Almost two-thirds (65 percent) of children,” said the Census Bureau, “lived in households that participated in at least one or more of the following government aid programs: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), Medicaid, and the National School Lunch Program.”

#3 According to a report recently released by UNICEF, almost one-third of all children in this country “live in households with an income below 60 percent of the national median income”.

#4 When it comes to child poverty, the United States ranks 36th out of the 41 “wealthy nations” that UNICEF looked at.

#5 An astounding 45 percent of all African-American children in America live in areas of “concentrated poverty”.

#6 40.9 percent of all children in the United States that are living with only one parent are living in poverty.

#7 These days, a lot of single mothers are really, really struggling to survive.  A decade ago, the number of women in America that had jobs outnumbered the number of women in America on food stamps by more than a 2 to 1 margin.  But now the number of women in America on food stamps actually exceedsthe total number of women that have jobs.

#8 It is hard to believe, but right now 49 million Americans are dealing with food insecurity.

#9 According to a report that was released last month by the National Center on Family Homelessness, the number of homeless children in the United States has reached a new all-time high of 2.5 million.

For much more, you can read the remainder of that article right here.

As you can see, our rejection of the traditional family structure is hurting the kids the most.

But what is causing Americans to increasingly turn their backs on the traditional family structure?

Reverend Franklin Graham thinks that he knows the answer

Reverend Franklin Graham, son of world renowned evangelical preacher Billy Graham, said that America is increasingly embracing a “culture of death” that echoes what has occurred in Europe, and which stems from a “sinful, godless worldview that rejects Christ.”

A further problem in America, he added, is that “Christianity is constantly under siege from the halls of government and education, which seek to suppress any public expressions of faith.”


Americans need a spiritual revival to help get over themselves!

Metaphor For America: Starving 4 Pound Baby Dies In Car While Parents Eat At Golden Corral

Golden Corral - Photo by Park92What should be done to parents that stuffed themselves full of food at a Golden Corral while their starving four pound baby girl died in their car outside?  This actually just happened down in Florida, and it is a crime that is shocking the entire nation.  Sadly, it is also a perfect metaphor for what is happening to the country as a whole.  We have become an exceedingly selfish and self-centered society that seems to care very little that we are literally destroying the future of America.  We are stealing trillions of dollars from future generations and destroying what was once the greatest economy in the history of the world just to make ourselves a little bit more comfortable in the present.  We stand by and do nothing while our politicians flush the U.S. Constitution down the toilet and construct a Big Brother police state all around us.  We have become a nation of “sheeple” and “zombies” that are so addicted to entertainment that we can’t even see how our society is rotting and decaying in thousands of different ways all around us.  So yes, the parents that starved their precious little baby girl to death are guilty and should be punished.  But what about the millions of Americans that are doing nothing while America slowly circles the toilet on the way to oblivion?

There are very few news stories that affect me deeply on an emotional level.  But when I read about the starvation of this precious little baby girl down in Florida, I was quite upset…

A baby girl named Betsey died, having being starved to death while strapped in her car seat as her parents ate a Florida Golden Corral restaurant.

The parents of the 22-day-old baby have been charged with first-degree murder, police said on Tuesday, accusing them of neglecting the suffering infant.

Ruby Stephens, 23, and Roy Stephens, 48, of Indiana, were visiting relatives in central Florida on December 23 when they called 911 after discovering the baby was unresponsive in their car, according to Lakeland Police.

Betsey Kee Stephens was declared dead at the hospital.

‘She suffered tremendously over the 22 days that she was alive,’ Mike Link, assistant chief of Lakeland Police, told a news conference.

He called photographs of the baby ‘absolutely horrible.’

How cold-hearted do you have to be in order to do such a thing?

How could anyone neglect such a precious baby girl like that?

Inside the Golden Corral, her parents had access to an endless buffet.  But they didn’t even bring Betsey inside with them.  She sat outside strapped in her car seat as she died from starvation.

But like I said, this is such a perfect metaphor for where we are as a nation.

We have become a selfish, greedy, gluttonous nation that doesn’t care about others and that always wants more for ourselves.

For example, in 1962 only 13 percent of all Americans were obese.  But today, 35.7 percent of all Americans are obese, and it is being projected that 42 percent of all Americans could be obese by the year 2030.

And of course it goes far beyond just being physically gluttonous.  Much worse is… (to continued reading


The Most Depressing Time of the Year in the Most Depressed Nation

The excellent article below from makes a strong case why America needs a spiritual revival that will bring them back to the Bible and to Yeshua, and why Americans need to start eating a healthy diet. I’ve highlighted the salient points of this article in red. Please read this article and pass it on.


From To activate the links in this article, click on the  above link to go to the article’s website of origin.

The Most Depressing Time Of The Year In The Most Depressed Nation On The Planet

Christmas Street - Public DomainDid you know that the rate of suicide is highest during this time of the year and that 45 percent of all Americans dread the Christmas season?  We are constantly being told that Christmas is the happiest time of the year, but mental health professionals tell us that the exact opposite is true.  For large numbers of Americans, the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas is filled with stress, anxiety, loneliness and family squabbles.  And for most people, the reality of the holidays never even comes close to matching up with the glittering ideal portrayed in movies and on television.  As a result, depression tends to spike during the month of December.  And of course Americans are quite depressed most of the time anyway.  In fact, one out of every ten Americans is on an antidepressant as you read this article.  No other nation in the world even approaches that level.  So right now we are in the midst of the most depressing time of the year in the most depressed nation on the entire planet.  What is wrong with this picture?

A lot of people start to feel down this time of the year, and they don’t realize that there are millions of others that are going through the exact same thing.  The following excerpt from a Psychology Today article explains that this is something that happens every Christmas season…

We are told that Christmas, for Christians, should be the happiest time of year, an opportunity to be joyful and grateful with family, friends and colleagues. Yet, according to the National Institute of Health, Christmas is the time of year that people experience the highest incidence of depression. Hospitals and police forces report the highest incidences of suicide and attempted suicide. Psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health professionals report a significant increase in patients complaining about depression. One North American survey reported that 45% of respondents dreaded the festive season.

So when we get depressed, what do we do?

Well, we do what we always do for depression.

We start popping pills.

Today, America is the most drugged up nation on the face of the Earth by a wide margin.  Just consider the following numbers…

Americans account for about five percent of the global population, but we consume more than 50 percent of the pharmaceutical drugs.  At the moment, the number one selling pharmaceutical drug in America is called Thorazine.  It is used as a supplement to other antidepressant drugs.

According to the New York Times, more than 30 million Americans are currently taking antidepressants.

The number of people that are clinically diagnosed with depression is growing at a rate of 20 percent annually.

The rate of antidepressant use among middle aged women is far higher than for the population as a whole.  It is hard to believe, but right now one out of every four women in their 40s and 50s is taking an antidepressant medication.

-The percentage of women taking antidepressants in the United States is significantly higher than in any other country in the world.

Children in the United States are three times more likely to be prescribed antidepressants than children in Europe are.

If all of these antidepressants are helping, then why are more Americans killing themselves?  The suicide rate for Americans between the ages of 35 and 64 increased by nearly 30 percent between 1999 and 2010.  The number of Americans that die by suicide is now greater than the number of Americans that die as a result of car accidents every year.

Sadly, most Americans have absolutely no idea that the latest scientific studies indicate that many of these drugs could actually be quite dangerous.

For example, one recent study found that children that take antidepressants are more likely to attempt suicide

High doses of brain-altering chemicals marketed as “anti-depressants” increase the likelihood of self-harm, rather than decreasing the risk, say Harvard health scientists in a study that analyzed data on 162,625 people.

Drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) may raise the risk of suicidal behavior in children and young adults, according to the analysis. SSRI’s are the chemical substances which make up the antidepressants Prozac and Zoloft.

“Our findings offer clinicians an additional incentive to avoid initiating pharmacotherapy at high-therapeutic doses,” Harvard School of Public Health researchers said.

Another recent study found that pregnant mothers that take antidepressants are more likely to have babies with brain defects

Almost one in five children born to mothers taking antidepressants during pregnancy have a brain defect – called a “Chiari type 1 malformation” – according to a groundbreaking study by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

The study, titled Rate of Chiari I Malformation in Children of Mothers with Depression with and without Prenatal SSRI Exposure, was published May 19 in the peer-reviewed journal Neuropsychopharmacology.

The researchers found that “children of depressed mothers treated with a group of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) during pregnancy were more likely to develop Chiari type 1 malformations than were children of mothers with no history of depression,” according to their press statement.

Perhaps popping pills is not the solution after all.

.If you are battling depression, one of the key things to do is to look at your diet.  What we eat and what we drink plays a massive role in how we feel and how our brain functions.  If you start eating better, your life will improve in a multitude of ways.

And certainly there are natural ways to battle depression.  If you want to learn more about this, Natural News has some great articles on the subject.

But more important than all of those things is the fact that most Americans today simply do not have anything to live for.

These days, most people just seem to be living for themselves.  They chase one form of entertainment after another, hoping that something will eventually fill the gaping holes that are constantly aching inside their hearts.  Many go to their graves never finding the fulfillment that they were desperately searching for all of their lives.

You have got to have something to live for that really matters.  That is something that I have found, and it has made all the difference.  No matter how broken your life is right now, the key is to never, ever, ever give up.  As long as you keep fighting, there is always hope that things can be turned around.

So don’t give in to depression this Christmas season.

Yes, this world is an incredibly messed up place.

Yes, things are going to get a lot worse in the years ahead.

But that doesn’t mean that the future has to be bleak for you.

The best chapters of your life could be right around the corner, so don’t you ever, ever give up.