Lover or Prostitute? The Question That Changed My Life

A young woman asks her Bible college professor a question that changed his life. This question should challenge everyone. (Flickr | RevXanatos)

A number of years ago, I had the privilege of teaching at a school of ministry. My students were hungry for God, and I was constantly searching for ways to challenge them to fall more in love with Jesus and to become voices for revival in the Church. I came across a quote attributed most often to Rev. Sam Pascoe. It is a short version of the history of Christianity, and it goes like this: Christianity started in Palestine as a fellowship; it moved to Greece and became a philosophy; it moved to Italy and became an institution; it moved to Europe and became a culture; it came to America and became an enterprise.

Some of the students were only 18 or 19 years old—barely out of diapers—and I wanted them to understand and appreciate the import of the last line, so I clarified it by adding, “An enterprise. That’s a business.” After a few moments Martha, the youngest student in the class, raised her hand. I could not imagine what her question might be. I thought the little vignette was self-explanatory, and that I had performed it brilliantly. Nevertheless, I acknowledged Martha’s raised hand, “Yes, Martha.” She asked such a simple question, “A business? But isn’t it supposed to be a body?” I could not envision where this line of questioning was going, and the only response I could think of was, “Yes.” She continued, “But when a body becomes a business, isn’t that a prostitute?”

The room went dead silent. For several seconds no one moved or spoke. We were stunned, afraid to make a sound because the presence of God had flooded into the room, and we knew we were on holy ground. All I could think in those sacred moments was, “Wow, I wish I’d thought of that.” I didn’t dare express that thought aloud. God had taken over the class.

Martha’s question changed my life. For six months, I thought about her question at least once every day. “When a body becomes a business, isn’t that a prostitute?” There is only one answer to her question. The answer is “Yes.” The American Church, tragically, is heavily populated by people who do not love God. How can we love Him? We don’t even know Him; and I mean really know Him.

What do I mean when I say “really know Him?” Our understanding of knowing and knowledge stems from our Western culture (which is based in ancient Greek philosophical thought). We believe we have knowledge (and, by extension, wisdom) when we have collected information. A collection of information is not the same thing as knowledge, especially in the culture of the Bible (which is an eastern, non-Greek, culture). In the eastern culture, all knowledge is experiential. In western/Greek culture, we argue from premise to conclusion without regard for experience—or so we think.

An example might be helpful here. Let us suppose a question based upon the following two premises: First, that wheat does not grow in a cold climate and second, that England has a cold climate. The question: Does wheat grow in England? The vast majority of people from the Western/Greek culture would answer, “No. If wheat does not grow in a cold climate and if England has a cold climate, then it follows that wheat does not grow in England.” In the eastern culture, the answer to the same question, based on the same premises, most likely would be, “I don’t know. I’ve never been to England.” We laugh at this thinking, but when I posed the same question to my friends from England, their answer was, “Yes, of course wheat grows in England. We’re from there, and we know wheat grows there.” They overcame their cultural way of thinking because of their life experience. Experience trumps information when it comes to knowledge.

A similar problem exists with our concept of belief. We say we believe something (or someone) apart from personal experience. This definition of belief is not extended to our stockbroker, however. Again, allow me to explain. Suppose my stockbroker phones me and says, “I have a hot tip on a stock that is going to triple in price within the next week. I want your permission to transfer $10,000 from your cash account and buy this stock.” That’s a lot of money for me, so I ask, “Do you really believe this stock will triple in price, and so quickly?” He/she answers, I sure do.” I say, “That sounds great! How exciting! So how much of your own money have you invested in this stock?” He/she answers, “None.”

Does my stockbroker believe? Truly believe? I don’t think so, and suddenly I don’t believe, either. How can we be so discerning in the things of this world, especially when they involve money, and so indiscriminate when it comes to spiritual things? The fact is, we do not know or believe apart from experience. The Bible was written to people who would not understand the concepts of knowledge, belief, and faith apart from experience. I suspect God thinks this way also.


A Few More Photos from Alaska’s Inland Passage


Tracey Arm Fjord

Tracey Arm Fjord

Ice bergs floating in Tracey Arm Fjord

Ice bergs floating in Tracey Arm Fjord

Tracey Arm Fjord

Tracey Arm Fjord

Tracey Arm Fjord

Tracey Arm Fjord

Natan from the balcony of their stateroom overlooking Tracey Arm Fjord.

Natan from the balcony of their stateroom overlooking Tracey Arm Fjord.

Mendenhall Glacier near Juneau

Mendenhall Glacier near Juneau

Skagway, Alaska

Skagway, Alaska

A bald eagle in its nest

A bald eagle in its nest

Sea lions

Sea lions

Sandi during a windy day in Skagway

Sandi during a windy day in Skagway


Back from Alaska With Photos

Sandi and I just got back today from our week-long cruise through the Inland Passage from Seattle to Alaska. We sailed to Ketchikan, Juneau, Tracie Arm Fjord, Skagway, Haines and then back to Seattle via Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.

This was my first trip to our 49th state and my first cruise ever. Sandi had been to Alaska a couple of times decades ago before I knew her.

Words can’t describe the wonder and beauty we saw and experienced from our stateroom balcony fourteen stories up on the ship, and from the several off-board excursions we took. We saw glaciers, whales, porpoises, seals, sea lions, bald eagles and snow-covered mountains too numerous to count and much more.

You’ll have to look at some of the photos we took, and the video I’m going to make and put on the Hoshana Rabbah YouTube channel to find your own words to describe what we saw in Alaska.

Wait till you see the videos I got of the humpback whales spouting, rolling in the water and diving!  Stay tuned.

In the mean time, here are a few photos taken with my i-Phone.

Give me a couple of days to catch my breath, and I’ll get some Bible studies posted.

Tracy Arm Fjord from our stateroom balcony.

Tracy Arm Fjord from our stateroom balcony.

The Ruby Prince ship in Skagway, Alaska. The ship is about 950 feet long, 19 stories high, has more than 3000 passengers and 1100 crew members!

The Ruby Princess ship in Skagway, Alaska. The ship is about 950 feet long, 19 stories high, has more than 3000 passengers and 1100 crew members!

Sunset over the Inland Passage to Alaska from our room's balcony.

Sunset over the Inland Passage to Alaska from our room’s balcony.

Docking in Juneau, Alaska. Photo is taken from our fourteenth story room balcony.

Docking in Juneau, Alaska. Photo is taken from our fourteenth story room balcony.

Natan and Sandi in Skagway, Alaska.

Natan and Sandi in Juneau, Alaska.

Natan atop the Ruby Princess overlooking Juneau.

Natan atop the Ruby Princess overlooking Juneau.

Dinner on the Ruby Princess.

Dinner on the Ruby Princess.

I'm reading my Bible in our stateroom with the balcony and a view of the ocean in the background.

I’m reading my Bible in our stateroom with the balcony and a view of the ocean in the background.


Judgment on America at the Hands of Edom

What follows is a heavy message. The excerpt below is from a larger work I wrote and published about ten years ago. The full article can be found at I encourage you to read it. It discusses how we know that America (and other so-called Christian nations) are in Bible prophecy. In the article below, it assumes the reader has read what precedes it. 

About ten years ago I publicly gave this message and I stated to a large number of people that it was likely that a pro-Edom/Moslem would become the president of the the U.S. This was when it appeared that Hillary Clinton would become the Democrat nominee for president. At that time, it seemed  unlikely that Barack Obama, the Moslem sympathizer and friend of Muslims and the Muslim Brotherhood and the enemy of Christians, would be elected president. Now not only do we have “Edom” in the White House, but Islam is being given a pass in this nation while true Christians are becoming more and more a persecuted minority. Additionally, Islam is slowing taking over Europe and is killing Christians worldwide. Now it is reported that Isis in on our doorsteps on our southern border and the U.S. is  reportedly disarming our border guards and threatening them if they take a stand against Isis who’s publicly avowed goal is to terrorize this nation — especially Christians and Jews. What’s going on here? You tell me…

Perhaps these events shed some light on some ancient end time Bible prophecies. You be the judge as you read what follows.


The Descendants of Esau Are Ephraim and Judah’s Arch-Enemy in the End Times

The Ancestry of Modern Arabs

Esau and his army stood in the way preventing Jacob from returning to his homeland. This event is prophetic of what will happen in the end times.

We have already identified who the sons of Jacob are, how they were divided into two camps, or two houses, and two kingdoms (the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Israel). But who are the descendants of Esau?

Many, if not most of the modern Moslems (especially the Arabs) trace their lineage back if not biologically then spiritually to Ishmael, the son of Abraham by Hagar. Islam in its unholy book, the Koran, claims that it was Abraham and Ishmael who built the Kaaba, which is the small building containing a stone that supposedly fell from heaven. This shrine is located in the midst of the great mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

In Genesis 16:11–12 YHVH prophesied the following concerning Ishmael and his descendants:

The angel of YHVH said to her further, “Behold, you are with child, And you shall bear a son; and you shall call his name Ishmael, because YHVH has given heed to your affliction. And he will be a wild donkey of a man, his hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will be against him; and he will live to the east of all his brothers.”

The modern Moslems have twisted the biblical account of Abraham’s giving the birthright blessing to Isaac and believe instead that Ishmael was the promised son of blessing. Both Israelites and Arabs, therefore, believe that they have a right to the Promised Land of Canaan, and, hence, this disagreement roots of the modern Arab-Israeli conflict.

Scripture further records that Esau, the disinherited son of Isaac, also had ought against his brother Jacob, who, in a sense, stole the birthright promise from him. Scripture also records that Esau married the daughter of Ishmael (Gen 28:9) thus combining two peoples in his descendants who had a jealous feud with the sons of Jacob or Israel.

The Bible has more to say prophetically about the descendants of Edom than about those of Ishmael. Edom is portrayed as an aggressive and bloodthirsty people who are opposed to Israel at every step. We will discover what Scripture has to say about this below.

In the mean time, let’s take a closer look at Edom.

  • Esau and Edom (meaning “red”) are synonymous (see Gen 25:25, 30; 36:1, 8–9, 19, 43).
  • Esau intermarried with the descendants of Ishmael (Gen 28:9).
  • Seir is another name for the land of Edom (Gen 32:3; 33:16; 36:8).
  • Esau intermarried with the people of Canaan (Gen 36:2). He intermarried with the Hittites, the Hivites, as well as the Ishmaelites.
  • His descendants included the Amalekites (Gen 36:12, 16) who fought against the children of Israel upon leaving Egypt and as soon as they had entered the wilderness en route to the Promised Land (Exod 17:1).
  • Esau’s sons were dukes or chieftains (leaders of clans) and kings (Gen 36:15–16, 40–43).

Although Esau’s direct lineage was confined to the area of the traditional land of Edom, it is clear from the biblical record that he and his descendants intermarried with many of the neighboring nations, so that his descendants were scattered far and wide over the region that later became known as the Holy Land.

The entire one-chapter Book of Obadiah is a prophecy against Edom. Let’s note several key points in this prophecy that might help us to understand some things about Edom in Continue reading


Warning Against an Apostate Nation

I will continue to sound an alarm like a watchman on the wall concerning the judgments I see coming upon the people of Elohim because of their spiritual apostasy.

Because I read the Bible and not only see history repeating itself, but see end time Bible prophecy about to be fulfilled, does this make me an alarmist? Perhaps. And what’s wrong with sounding the alarm? Alarms exist for a reason: to warn and to protect people from impending danger! The biblical prophets were alarmists. This puts the modern day watchmen in good company. The problem is that people seldom listen to the watchman on the wall. Life is nice and comfortable in the city. Most people don’t want to be believe it could be any other way. Complacency is perhaps our worst enemy!

This is a tough message to give, and it’s even tougher to know how to respond to it. What do we do? I can do no better than to quote Yeshua who after having given his disciples some dire warnings about things that would come to pass, he admonished them to watch and pray (Luke 21:36). To this I would add: repent of sin (Torahlessness) and stop living a sloppy, lukewarm, lax, carnally-oriented spiritual life. Seek to love and obey Yeshua with all your heart like never before. Only the fear and love of Elohim will get you through the hard times that are about to come!


And now for today’s lesson:

Jeremiah 2:4–28 and 3:4, In this scripture passage, Jeremiah, the weeping prophet (lamenting for the apostate condition of the nation of Israel), speaking on behalf of YHVH, pleads with Israel to return to YHVH, the Elohim (God) of Israel, who had graciously blessed that nation. Under YHVH’s watchful care, Israel had prospered, yet eventually, like the first century believers in Laodicea (Rev 3:14–22), material prosperity had led to their forsaking YHVH for secularism.

Jeremiah addresses all levels of Israelite society: kings, princes, priests, prophets, pastors and the people. No one escaped his stinging rebuke. In our day, kings and princes would correspond to our political leaders, while prophets, priests and pastors to our spiritual leaders. The people would be everyone else.

In verse 13, Jeremiah states that Israel was guilty of two sins: they had forsaken YHVH, the Fountain of Living Waters, and had exchanged his divine and life-giving truth for the stagnant waters of man-made cisterns, which in Hebraic poetic symbolism is a metaphor for false, humanistic religious and philosophical systems of men. In verse 27, Jeremiah accuses Israel of turning its back on YHVH and exchanging worship of the Creator for worship of the creation and material objects (idols). This is reminiscent of what the Apostle Paul declares in his Epistle to the Romans (chapter one) of a society that rejects the divinely revealed truth of YHVH as found in the Scriptures, and then begins worshipping that which the Creator created including the earth, animals and their own bodies (resulting in hedonism and sexual perversion). In verse 21, Jeremiah declares that Israel had become like a degenerate plant and a strange or foreign grape vine, which can be related to the wild olive tree Paul speaks of in Romans 11. (See also Jer 11:16.)

With all this in mind, can we identify any spiritual parallels between ancient Israel and modern America? If Jeremiah were alive today what might he say to America?

A Wake Up Call — The Battle For the Soul of America

For several generations now, a righteous remnant of end-time warriors has been fighting an uphill battle against immorality, abortion, rebellion against the biblical laws of YHVH, humanism, Marxism/socialism, Eastern “spirituality”/New Age and the global takeover by the corporate-governmental fascist elite called the New World Order. The latest addition to this list is the Antichrist religion of Islam and anti-Semitism. Both are raising their demonic heads at home and abroad in the traditional Judeo-Christian nations of Europe. Islam began knocking on the spiritual door of America a few decades ago, and now because of the large numbers of Moslems in this country, Islam has become a threat worth noting. The goal of Islam is definite, for the Koran states it clearly: to take over the world and to dispossess both Christians and Jews of their lands, property and lives, if they fail to convert to Islam.

We find ourselves in this situation because we as a nation have failed to repent of the sins listed above and now the judgment of Islam and Continue reading


Shavuot (Pentecost) NW 2015 Invite

Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Discipleship Resources and Congregation Elim of Portland, Oregon invite you to join us for Shavuot NW in Wilsonville, Oregon (located just 20 miles south of Portland).

Shavuot is a biblical feast and a high holy day that YHVH commands his people in the Torah to celebrate by meeting with him and like-minded believers (Lev 23:1–2, 15–22). For more info on the festival of Shavuot, please go to

Please visit our website ( for full details and registration info.

We will be gathering “in the barn” for live praise and worship, preaching and interactive (audience participation) teaching from four Hebrew roots teachers from Oregon and California, Hebraic dance, food and fellowship, a full Hebraic Shavuot service including “the bread waving ceremony,” a Holy Spirit encounter walk through the wedding chuppah (canopy), covenantal vow renewals with YHVH Elohim, and spiritual gifts empowerment service.

Register today — if the Holy Spirit is telling to come to a higher level in your spiritual walk. If not, then stay home.
