Eight Year-Old “Gay” Boy??? This is child abuse!

8-year-old Desmond Napoles of Brooklyn, N.Y., dances in they New York City Pride March on Sunday, June 28, 2015.

A New York mother is at the center of an online firestorm after letting her 8-year-old son dress up and dance in the city’s Pride March on Sunday.

Young Desmond Napoles, of Brooklyn, stole the show, according to some parade watchers, as he strutted his way down Fifth Avenue in a rainbow-colored tutu and gold sequined cap.

Photos of the boy have appeared on social media, prompting scorching comments against his mother, Wendylou Napoles, for allowing little “Desi” to participate in the event.

Some of the criticism includes:

  • “Does he even know or have any idea what and why he is doing this? Are all you people encouraging and cheering for this suggesting and promoting the sexualization young kids?” (Kevin Lam)
  • “Disgusting abomination. His parents have no morals. You need to REPENT. And live for YHVH-YASHUAH (GOD-JESUS) instead of Satan. You and Satan may of won a battle BUT you have already lost the war!” (Shannon Fraccola)
  • “And this mother will wonder why later in life her kid will end up in psychotherapy gender confused. This little kid doesn’t even understand the world around him yet we’re to believe that he understands the dynamics of sexuality? Um, I don’t think so sister. But hey, enjoy the eventual sh-tstorm you’re letting build.” (Tracey Hoober)
  • “This is why Facebook needs a Dislike button.” (Christopher Bechtloff)

Now, the boy’s mother is firing back on the Facebook page of LGBT website NewNowNext.

“If you are offended, don’t look,” Wendylou Napoles said. “I am sickened by the comments that say I am sexualizing him.”

Wendylou asked other parents to put themselves in her shoes in raising a “child like this.”

“Should I encourage him to express who he feels that he is and to be himself knowing that this road will be a hard and cruel one in today’s society? Or, should I discourage him and tell him that he cannot be himself knowing that he will carry a great deal of grief and baggage about this throughout his life and may even grow to believe that there is something wrong with himself? It’s not easy.”

She got into specific detail in her defense, stating:

He has always been very gender fluid when it came to toys and his development. He preferred fashion dolls to action figures. I looked at both in the store and figured that the action figure was as much a doll as a Barbie, so if he wanted the one marketed to girls, that was fine with me. He also likes to play with trains, especially wooden subway trains. He never wanted to play sports and likes to draw pictures and do word searches. He goes to ballet class and loves to dance. He loves drag queens and thinks that it is fantastic that boys can play dress up and become beautiful girls, even after they grow up. He, himself, likes to play dress up in skirts and dresses, but most days he looks like any other “boy.” He is a shy boy who is self-conscious about his missing teeth when he smiles and very intelligent. He doesn’t like school because he gets bullied, but he does well academically. We do our best to stop the bullying and involve the LGBT services at his school. We keep him involved in the LGBT community because we believe that by speaking to other people who were like him when they were his age reinforces that he is of value and that his life as he wants to live it is okay.

This boy was always very feminine from day one and instead of denying it or condemning it, we embraced it. We did not need to encourage it, it was always there. He just needed the love and reassurance that he has a place in this world, as does any child. The development into the sparkle loving, happy, tutu-wearing boy in this photo was very natural and gradual and age appropriate. We spoke with doctors and therapists. Not because there was anything wrong with him, but because we wanted to understand and learn and do the right things for our child. We did not force him to be this way. We did not expose him to sexuality in the way some people project. He is 8 years old and is starting to get crushes on boys. That is pretty much the extent of what he knows about sexuality. I do my job as a parent and censor things in his life that may not be appropriate. I am not perverted and letting this boy dress up how he feels he wants to dress up is not perverted. It hurts no one. If you are offended, don’t look.

He is old enough and smart enough to know he would be marching in the Pride parade in front of thousands of people and did all of it willingly. In fact, I thought he would stop after 10 blocks of walking, but he felt so good about being dressed up and being who he is that he vogued and danced the entire two miles. We collaborated on the outfit and this is how he wanted to look today. This was his Pride today. He felt it. He loved it. He was it. These children will be our future. Embrace who they are. All they are asking for is the same love, respect, and acceptance of themselves as any child would.

On the Yahoo Parenting site, senior writer Beth Greenfield marveled at how Wendylou took on her critics and “shut them down with grace and pride.”

Desmond’s mother also received plenty of support from the public, including:

  • “You are a fantastic mum and he is gorgeous. I’m so excited for you, he already has an amazing outlook and sounds super creative and intelligent. The possibilities are endless! Yay! #LoveWins” (Dan De La Bastide)
  • “What a beautiful way to celebrate the beginning of a new History. This child is gorgeous and courageous heart emoticon.” (Elle Russell)
  • “I applaud his parents for nurturing a child who dances to his own drum. There is NOTHING wrong with his costume, especially at this venue. Being a child, his ideas of who he is and wants to be are fluid. I wish I had the opportunity to be this open when I was a kid! BRAVO to him and his parents.” (Wayne Steinman)

On Wendylou Napoles’ remark that “These children will be our future,” talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh noted Wednesday, “That’s why we’re worried.”

Natan’s response:

Isaiah the prophet declared long ago,

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! (Isa 5:20–21)

These are the times in which we are living.

Sadly, there are parents out there who are viewing their children through their own lenses of moral degradation and perversity, and then raising their children to fit their paradigms of godlessness and immorality. When parents throw off moral restraints, lose their moral compass, turn away from the basic transcendent and immutable spiritual values as revealed in the Bible — the Word of Elohim — and spurn moral and spiritual boundaries, and refuse to accept the fences that the Creator has put in place to protect us from the evil that lurks beyond, we end up in places like the mother of eight-year-old Desmond Napoles, sadly.

Desmond may be a different sort of a boy than the average. He may be less masculine than typical boys. He may be more refined and sensitive than most. He may like ballet and be more nurturing than typical boys. He may show more what some might consider to be even feminine traits. This is not a sin. In fact, this can be a wonderful attributes for a man to have especially in, for example, health care professions. But this doesn’t make him a homosexual! His mother seems to be encouraging him in the directions of what the Bible calls an abominable sin. Shame on her for this!

There are special places in the world for such boys as Desmond, even as there are special places in the world for “tomboy” girls. But this doesn’t mean that they they have to become “gays” or lesbians. When this occurs, this is a result of parental and societal indoctrination or brainwashing pushing these children past the boundaries of what is morally right and wrong and then imposing on them their own perverse mores. There is nothing glorious or laudable about this! In fact, this is a form of child abuse. Furthermore, it’s shameful when children are sacrificed on the altars their parents have created in honor of the demon-idols of abominable sins like homosexuality. Children aren’t born homosexual as the godless humanists and moral relativists would have us believe. If so, then the Creator is the author of sin, and this cannot be!

If we have a special child in our life like Desmond, let’s lovingly guide him or her in righteous paths within the moral and spiritual boundaries YHVH has established for our own good and for the survival of the human race. Let’s help him or her discover and righteously express his or her uniqueness without crossing the boundaries that the Creator has established for humanity’s own well-being and survival.



This pretty well sums it up…

From http://time.com/3938050/orthodox-christians-must-now-learn-to-live-as-exiles-in-our-own-country/.

Orthodox Christians Must Now Learn To Live as Exiles in Our Own Country

Voting Republican and other failed culture war strategies are not going to save us now.

It is hard to overstate the significance of the Obergefell decision — and the seriousness of the challenges it presents to orthodox Christians and other social conservatives. Voting Republican and other failed culture war strategies are not going to save us now.

Discerning the meaning of the present moment requires sobriety, precisely because its radicalism requires of conservatives a realistic sense of how weak our position is in post-Christian America.

The alarm that the four dissenting justices sounded in their minority opinions is chilling. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Antonin Scalia were particularly scathing in pointing out the philosophical and historical groundlessness of the majority’s opinion. Justice Scalia even called the decision “a threat to democracy,” and denounced it, shockingly, in the language of revolution.

It is now clear that for this Court, extremism in the pursuit of the Sexual Revolution’s goals is no vice. True, the majority opinion nodded and smiled in the direction of the First Amendment, in an attempt to calm the fears of those worried about religious liberty. But when a Supreme Court majority is willing to invent rights out of nothing, it is impossible to have faith that the First Amendment will offer any but the barest protection to religious dissenters from gay rights orthodoxy.

Indeed, Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito explicitly warned religious traditionalists that this decision leaves them vulnerable. Alito warns that Obergefell “will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy,” and will be used to oppress the faithful “by those who are determined to stamp out every vestige of dissent.”

The warning to conservatives from the four dissenters could hardly be clearer or stronger. So where does that leave us?

For one, we have to accept that we really are living in a culturally post-Christian nation. The fundamental norms Christians have long been able to depend on no longer exist. To be frank, the court majority may impose on the rest of the nation a view widely shared by elites, but it is also a view shared by a majority of Americans. There will be no widespread popular resistance to Obergefell. This is the new normal.

For another, LGBT activists and their fellow travelers really will be coming after social conservatives. The Supreme Court has now, in constitutional doctrine, said that homosexuality is equivalent to race. The next goal of activists will be a long-term campaign to remove tax-exempt status from dissenting religious institutions. The more immediate goal will be the shunning and persecution of dissenters within civil society. After today, all religious conservatives are Brendan Eich, the former CEO of Mozilla who was chased out of that company for supporting California’s Proposition 8.

Third, the Court majority wrote that gays and lesbians do not want to change the institution of marriage, but rather want to benefit from it. This is hard to believe, given more recent writing from gay activists like Dan Savage expressing a desire to loosen the strictures of monogamy in all marriages. Besides, if marriage can be redefined according to what we desire — that is, if there is no essential nature to marriage, or to gender — then there are no boundaries on marriage. Marriage inevitably loses its power.

In that sense, social and religious conservatives must recognize that the Obergefell decision did not come from nowhere. It is the logical result of the Sexual Revolution, which valorized erotic liberty. It has been widely and correctly observed that heterosexuals began to devalue marriage long before same-sex marriage became an issue. The individualism at the heart of contemporary American culture is at the core of Obergefell — and at the core of modern American life.

This is profoundly incompatible with orthodox Christianity. But this is the world we live in today.

One can certainly understand the joy that LGBT Americans and their supporters feel today. But orthodox Christians must understand that things are going to get much more difficult for us. We are going to have to learn how to live as exiles in our own country. We are going to have to learn how to live with at least a mild form of persecution. And we are going to have to change the way we practice our faith and teach it to our children, to build resilient communities.

It is time for what I call the Benedict Option. In his 1982 book After Virtue,the eminent philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre likened the current age to the fall of ancient Rome. He pointed to Benedict of Nursia, a pious young Christian who left the chaos of Rome to go to the woods to pray, as an example for us. We who want to live by the traditional virtues, MacIntyre said, have to pioneer new ways of doing so in community. We await, he said “a new — and doubtless very different — St. Benedict.”

Throughout the early Middle Ages, Benedict’s communities formed monasteries, and kept the light of faith burning through the surrounding cultural darkness. Eventually, the Benedictine monks helped refound civilization.

I believe that orthodox Christians today are called to be those new and very different St. Benedicts. How do we take the Benedict Option, and build resilient communities within our condition of internal exile, and under increasingly hostile conditions? I don’t know. But we had better figure this out together, and soon, while there is time.

Last fall, I spoke with the prior of the Benedictine monastery in Nursia, and told him about the Benedict Option. So many Christians, he told me, have no clue how far things have decayed in our aggressively secularizing world. The future for Christians will be within the Benedict Option, the monk said, or it won’t be at all.

Obergefell is a sign of the times, for those with eyes to see. This isn’t the view of wild-eyed prophets wearing animal skins and shouting in the desert. It is the view of four Supreme Court justices, in effect declaring from the bench the decline and fall of the traditional American social, political, and legal order.

We live in interesting times.


Shame on the U.S. Supreme Court!

I just got back tonight from a backpacking trip into the high cascades of Central Oregon with my youngest son. We camped at the 7,100 foot level just below Broken Top, which is a 9,177 foot tall extinct volcano. Here are some picture to prove it:








While I was up in the mountains, five Elohim-hating, secular humanist, moral-relativist judges of the U.S. Supreme Court thumbed their noses at the Creator of marriage, and His moral code, the Torah, by which humans are to live or face YHVH Elohim’s divine judgement, and they “legalized” “homosexual marriage” in the U.S. At least two of these foolish and miscreant judges are Jewish and were raised with an understanding of the Torah. Shame on them!

I feel a little bit like Moses who after having gone up to Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Statements from Elohim, he came down to find that the children of Israel had largely abandoned Elohim’s commandments and had gone whoring after the idolatrous gods of sensuality. You know the rest of the story.

After prayer and reflection, I will have more to say on this sorry turn of events in this nation that once claimed the motto: “In God We Trust” (i.e., the God of the Bible who is YHVH Elohim), and to be “one nation under God.”

In light of the current events, we can only wonder what “god” these perverts are now following.

Make no mistake about it! It is Baal — the ubiquitous god of sexual perversion and the hater of all of YHVH’s laws. Baal’s motto is “Do what thou wilt” and “If it feels good, do it.”

Baal is known by many names around the world in all the false, non-biblical religions, but it’s the same god. It’s a front for Satan the devil, who is YHVH’s chief opposer.

Here’s a video I did not long ago on what the Bible says about homosexuality. I love homosexuals, but I hate their sin!

In the mean time, maybe I’ll head back to the refuge of the mountains to await the second coming!


Shabbat Shalom to Everyone!

Here are some photos I shot this evening as the sun was setting over some farmland in our area. What a glorious end to the work week to see the YHVH Elohim, the artistic Creator, announcing Shabbat’s arrival by his splashing these colors across the canvas of the heavens!

These photos were taken with my iPhone 6.

I relish and rejoice in the Sabbath sooo much! Praise Yah! It is a paradise island refuge in the midst of a crazy and insane world. To YHVH be the glory for the wonderful gift of the Sabbath. And to think that he has to command humans to rest on the last day of the week, since people in their mad and lustful pursuit materialism don’t have enough sense to figure this out on their own.







That's my silhouette. Sandi is taking the photo. Together, we wish you a joyous and peaceful Shabbat in YHVH Yeshua the Messiah!

That’s my silhouette. Sandi is taking the photo. Together, we wish you a joyous and peaceful Shabbat in YHVH Yeshua the Messiah!



People — especially children — with gender identity issues need to be lovingly counseled and helped to understand and appreciate their Elohim-given gender and NOT affirmed in their gender confusion. As the article below points out, when humans mess with and try to change the natural order of things, this can lead to serious negative consequences and even suicide for the individual.

Cloning, extreme genetic modification/engineering and transgenderism is toying with the natural, created order of things and produces perverts and freaks of nature. This is not a good thing, no matter how the moral relativists and perverts in control of much of the media, court systems, our government, the entertainment industry and educational systems spin it otherwise. Right is still right, wrong is still wrong, black and white are still the same no matter how alluring the secular humanists make it appear otherwise.

Satan, the god of this world, wants to destroy humans anyway he can. Why is this? They were created in Elohim’s image and are destined to replace the devil as co-regents with Elohim in his eternal kingdom. Because of men’s carnal, fallen sin nature, men has an in-built penchant toward all sorts of unnatural and perverted sexual tendencies including transgenderism. Because Satan wants to destroy humans, hates the family including marriage, husbands, wives and children, which are a picture of the “Godhead,” he will use any means possible to do so. Humans who hate Elohim, or, at least, who disagree with his revealed truth as found in the Bible, will be all too eager to follow the lies of the devil and  go down a path of perversion that, unbeknownst to them, leads to mayhem and death.

In Romans chapter two, Paul sums up well the moral and spiritual mess our society presently finds itself of which transgenderism is but one manifestation of spiritually sick society who has lost its moral compass and turned its back on Elohim.

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,

19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.

20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,

21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.

22 Professing to be wise, they became fools,

23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man–and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,

25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.

27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;

29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers,

30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful;

32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

transgender_restroomUnfortunately, the tragedy of sexual-reassignment surgery has a sordid history.The heinous idea of all of this began with well-known sexual-perversion advocate Dr. Alfred Kinsey. He contended that we are “sexual from birth” by experimenting on babies during World War II. His legacy stands largely unchallenged today by the American Medical Association, despite his advocacy of bestiality, pedophilia, sadomasochism, incest and more.“Kinsey has given the sexual revolutionists their license to sexually pervert our culture,” said Judith Reisman, author of “Kinsey, Crimes and Consequences” and current director of the Liberty School for Child Protection.

In an interview with WND, she added, “We have a sexual revolution brought about by sexual revolutionaries.”

Walt Heyer, author of “Paper Genders” & “Gender, Lies and Suicide,” tells the secret that the medical journals are not telling, and that news media today are largely ignoring in glorifying sexual reassignment and transsexualism.

Following Kinsey and his understudy, Harry Benjamin, Dr. John Money took up the sexual revolutionary mantle. In 1967, he was asked by a set of broken-hearted parents to simply repair a botched circumcision on their baby (one of twins). Money convinced the trusting and distraught couple to raise the boy as a girl due to his “damaged” gender. He removed his genitalia when David was a baby, and David was raised as “Brenda.”

Read the first person story of someone who doesn’t exist – at least according to “gay” advocates. Janet Boynes has written “Called Out: A Former Lesbian’s Discovery of Freedom” about her departure from a 14-year walk in same-sex relationships.

Glowing medical journal reports that followed (and are still cited today) were nothing more than the medical industry circling wagons.

By age 12, David was severely depressed. By 14, his parents told him about the surgery and he begged to be made whole again. He underwent yet another surgery to try to reverse the damage done to him by Dr. Money and his Kinseyan colleagues, but continued to be haunted by it all.

It was later reported that Dr. Money had, in fact, sexually molested both of the twin boys the during “exam” procedures, and he forced them to have incestuous sexual activities with one another, at the tender age of 7.

Ultimately, both brothers committed suicide within months of one another.

Though tragic, this isn’t the only story like it. Dr. Paul McHugh, a former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital and author of “Try to Remember: Psychiatry’s Clash over Meaning, Memory, and Mind,” says that the heart of the problem is confusion over the nature of the transgendered.

In a Wall Street Journal commentary, McHugh calls a sex change “biologically impossible.”

He cites a 2011 study at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden that followed 324 people who had sex-reassignment surgery for up to 30 years. The study showed that about 10 years after the surgery, transgendered people began to have increased mental difficulties. As they progressed through life, their suicide mortality rose almost 20 times above the comparable nontransgender population. McHugh points to the data as evidence that the high suicide rate trumps the typical surgery prescription propagated by many as the answer to gender confusion.

What do YOU think? Is transgenderism still a mental illness? Sound off in today’s WND poll

McHugh points his finger at the “everything is normal” movement for allowing, even advocating for this tragedy exacted on the transgendered population, now cluttered with casualties of this sexual revolution. He says that the transgendered suffer assumption disorder, much like other amorphic disorders, such as anorexia. The difference is that body parts are not amputated in an effort to “cure” other assumption disorders.

“For the transgendered, this argument holds that one’s feeling of ‘gender’ is a conscious, subjective sense that, being in one’s mind, cannot be questioned by others. The individual often seeks not just society’s tolerance of this ‘personal truth’ but affirmation of it. Here rests the support for ‘transgender equality,’ the demands for government payment for medical and surgical treatments, and for access to all sex-based public roles and privileges.”

McHugh adds that just as it is incumbent upon the medical community to begin to speak about truth on this matter, it is equally incumbent upon the mental health community to challenge the concept that what is in the mind can never be questioned.

“Disorders of consciousness, after all, represent psychiatry’s domain; declaring them off-limits would eliminate the field,” he said.

But that is exactly what states like Massachusetts, California and New Jersey have already done. Even upon parental request, mental health professionals in those states are banned from trying to help children in crisis regain their natural feelings of gender.

Instead, they are told to refer these children to endocrinologists to prescribe gender bending/gender delaying hormone treatments, that obviously still do not address the fatal psychological components that lead to the dramatic increases in depression and suicide.

These hormones have other physical side effects, too, such as delayed growth, sterility and more.

More compelling, perhaps is the recovery data. Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic tracked those who forewent gender reassignment, and found that 70 percent to 80 percent of those who face the confusing identity crisis, but do not ultimately have the surgery, report that their feelings dissipate over time.

Johns Hopkins ended their sexual reassignment surgery in 1970 for the above reasons. Still there is little in the news about that.

McHugh says that “given that close to 80 percent of such children would abandon their confusion and grow naturally into adult life if untreated, these medical interventions come close to abuse.” He recommends a prescription of devoted parenting instead.

“They simply reject the factual data,” Reisman told WND. “Goebbels said that if you repeat a lie often enough, soon everyone is repeating it, too. That is what has happened. Fact checking seems to be a way of the past.”

Some suggest this all be added to sex education courses. Reisman says sex education in schools is a bad idea from the start.

“Sex ed is going to make things better? What do those who teach our children the most about sex even really know about sex? The truth is not much. People who know very little are talking the most about sex. That’s not education, that is indoctrination.”


Marine Court-Martialed for Keeping Bible Verse on Her Computer

Franklin Graham Says There Is No Tolerance for Christians in Culture

May 28, 2015|9:25 am

The Rev. Franklin Graham speaking with WIAT 42 News in an interview posted on May 14, 2015.

The Rev. Franklin Graham has spoken out on a case concerning a Marine Corporal who was court-martialed for refusing to remove a Bible verse from her computer at work, stating that it shows that there is no tolerance in culture for Christians.

Marine Lance Cpl. Monifa Sterling was court-martialed earlier this week after she was convicted Feb. 1, 2014, for refusing to remove the verse “No weapon formed against you shall prosper” (Isaiah 54:17) from her computer.

“Unbelievably, she was criminally prosecuted by the U.S. government for displaying this encouraging scripture on her computer in her workspace. Give me a break, really? Can our society be at a point where a supervisor can order a young Marine to remove a Bible verse from her computer? Others are able to display secular messages without any opposition, but Sterling was targeted by her supervisor,” Graham wrote in a Facebook post on Wednesday.

“Today there’s a tolerance in our culture for everything — except the things of God and His Word. The Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces has been asked to review Lance Cpl. Sterling’s case — let’s pray that this kind of targeting and persecution of Christians by our government will be stopped.”

Fox News‘ Todd Starnes noted that Sterling represented herself at the trial, and was found guilty of disrespect toward a superior commissioned officer and four specifications of disobeying the lawful order of a noncommissioned officer.

Sterling was given a bad conduct discharge, while her rank was reduced from Lance Cpl. to private, after both the lower court and the appellate court ruled that displaying Bible verses at work is not protected under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The Liberty Institute has now taken up her case, however, and has filed an appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the U.S. Armed Forces.

“If the government can order a Marine not to display a Bible verse, they could try and order her not to get a religious tattoo, or go to church on Sunday,” attorney Michael Berry said. “Restricting a Marine’s free exercise of religion is blatantly unconstitutional.”

Last week Graham stood up for an Air Force general after the Military Religious Freedom Foundation called on Maj. Gen. Craig Olson to be court-martialed, this time for giving credit to God during a speech at a National Day of Prayer event.

Olson received heavy criticism from the MRFF, which said in a letter to Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh that he should be “aggressively and very visibly brought to justice for his unforgivable crimes and transgressions” for saying that God helped him throughout his military career.

Graham argued that atheist groups are attempting to “bully Christians into silence” with such actions.

“Are Christians the only group of people who cannot identify themselves publicly in this country? Are we the only voices who cannot speak?” the evangelical asked.

From http://www.christianpost.com/news/franklin-graham-says-there-is-no-tolerance-for-christians-in-culture-after-marine-court-martialed-for-keeping-bible-verse-on-her-computer-139675/


Judgment on America: Economic House of Cards About to Collapse

I invite you to watch this video where Dr. Ron Paul very simply and articulately explains America’s current economic plight and the impending consequences of it. His 30 or so minute talk is a real bucket of cold water in the face!

Scales 20343970

The later part of his talk becomes an infomercial. I’m not posting this video to promote that. I’m only interested in Dr. Paul’s analysis of America’s current economic condition up to the point where his talk turns into an infomercial.

As a watchman on the wall, I’ve seen what Dr. Paul talks about coming for nearly 40 years. It as at age 18 that I began to take steps to protect myself financially from the crisis Dr. Paul is predicting. Too many people have the idea that nothing bad can happen to America, and that the good times will continue to keep rolling on. This is blind and ignorant optimism. Such a mentality flies in the face of the past history of nations and economies who have faced similar situations.

In the past on this blog, I have shared about the judgments I see coming on America and the rest of the Western so-called Christian nations because they have turned their back of Elohim and the Bible. I’ve even shared scriptures that I believe prophesy this. Economic collapse is just one — albeit a large one —aspect of YHVH’s judgment against his people to bring them back to him.

The purpose of this blog is to do my part to help bring a few of YHVH’s people back to him spiritually. It’s a tiny effort and touches only a few lives, but every bit helps. Here’s the video link: https://orders.cloudsna.com/chain?cid=MKT033949&eid=MKT055370&snaid=&step=start##AST03347