Professor: Young Bernie Supporters Prove Education System Has Failed


University of Oklahoma professor breaks down socialism’s failures

Bernie Sanders’ rise in popularity among the nation’s youth despite his socialist policies exemplifies the country’s failing education system, a college professor says.In an editorial published in The Oklahoman last month, University of Oklahoma Associate Professor David Deming claims “the candidacy of Bernie Sanders is a symptom of our failure to educate [the youth], not only in history, government and economics, but also basic morality.”“You don’t have to be a student of ancient history to know socialism doesn’t work,” Professor Deming states, highlighting the capitulation of the Soviet Union and Venezuela’s current problems as examples of how the Socialist economic system dooms nations to fail.

“The misery caused by socialism is unfolding today in Venezuela. Since Venezuela embraced socialism in 1999, poverty, crime and corruption have all increased. Grocery shelves are empty and the annual inflation rate is estimated to be as high as 200 percent.”

Deming notes the U.S. was allowed to thrive because its Founding Fathers upheld private property rights, and credits the free-market capitalist economic system for producing “the greatest prosperity in human history.”

“If we believe a transaction is in our best interest, we have an incentive to maintain good relations with those with whom we’re trading. Thus a society based on freedom and trading promotes good will and civility.”

Under socialism on the other hand, Deming claims, “there are no property rights.”

“Everything you possess is subject to confiscation and redistribution,” he writes. “Industrious and productive people are punished; parasites are rewarded.”

Deming goes on to argue the solution lies in limiting government power and the checks and balances placed on the various branches by the Constitution.

“Human nature is corruptible,” stresses Deming. “If government has the power to redistribute wealth, it will always act in the interests of the powerful segments of society.”

“What made America great is not progressive government, but the genius and industry of a people freed from arbitrary power by the chains placed upon government by our Constitution.”

“If we want to retain our freedom and prosperity,” Prof. Deming says, “then we must educate our children that the purpose of government is to secure liberty, not provide free lunches.”


Judge Orders California Pregnancy Centers to Give Abortion Info

The tidal wave of evil and the war on biblical truth continues to sweep virtually unabated across the US as the secular humanists seek the government to validate the murder of truth, righteousness and babies as the article below shows.  Natan


Courtney Crandell | WORLD News Service | Friday, February 19, 2016


A federal judge refused to grant a preliminary injunction on Feb. 12 against a California law that forces pro-life pregnancy centers to advocate for abortion.
Under the law, pro-life pregnancy centers must give information about abortion even though they exist to offer abortion alternatives, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) attorney Matt Bowman argued during a Jan. 28 hearing.
The National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) has sought an injunction with ADF’s help since October. NIFLA includes 1,350 pro-life pregnancy resource centers, including 115 in California.
But Judge John A. Houston refused to put the law on hold while the lawsuit proceeds, becoming the third federal judge to do so. He indicated during the hearing that he thought the required information was necessary for women to make “an informed decision.”
California’s “Reproductive Fact Act” took effect Jan. 1. It requires licensed, religious, pregnancy resource centers to inform women, with either posted signage or a handout, that the state offers free abortions for qualifying women. It specifies the inclusion of a phone number for a county social services office that offers free abortions through the state’s Medi-Cal healthcare system. The law mandates the time of distribution and the font size for the signs and handouts. It also requires unlicensed centers to inform visitors that they are not state-approved.
The state currently has 150 local crisis pregnancy centers affected by the law.
Because the law requires the centers to convey the information through signage, its supporters claim it doesn’t violate free speech rights. But the director of Fallbrook Pregnancy Resource Center, one of the centers challenging the law, disagrees.
“What we wish those in the media and the public so greatly influenced by them would understand is that posting a sign at FPRC or providing a referral phone number on documentation from our center to another service provider is verbalizing it,” Carolyn Koole told Pregnancy Help News.
The law also carries hefty fines: $500 for the first offense and $1,000 for each subsequent offense. The New York Times reported many of the pregnancy centers have yet to comply, but NARAL Pro-Choice California plans to monitor the centers.
Despite the string of legal losses in California, past court precedent sides with the pregnancy centers. Courts have struck down similar laws passed in Maryland, Texas, and New York.
“We cannot allow this intrusion into the religious freedom of our pro-life members in California,” said Anne O’Connor, president of legal affairs at NIFLA. “If this act is not successfully challenged, then other states, prompted by Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, will pass similar legislation forcing pro-life pregnancy centers to become abortion referral agencies.”
Courtesy: WORLD News Service
Publication date: February 19, 2016

Rantings: Scalia’s Death, Bernie Sanders, Apathetic Christian Voters


Rant #1

The sword of Elohim’s judgment is hanging by a hair over the United States at this moment. With the recent death of Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia, the next court appointment will determine whether the court leans toward a more traditional view of the US Constitution or not. This will have a profound impact on America—whether it moves toward a more socialistic, Leninisque orientation or holds truer to its more conservative, Judeo-Christian values. Only repentance and spiritual revival can save this nation. If Sanders or Clinton become president of the US, and I suspect one of them will (because YHVH Elohim continues to lift his hand of mercy off this nation because it has largely rejected him), if sufficient numbers of Americans don’t return to YHVHJ Elohim, and because of the apathy of Christians who refuse to vote, we are headed for severe judgment. This judgment will effect our daily lifestyles in negative ways never before imagined. This judgment from heaven will be necessary to wake up the secular humanistic and apathetic American people to their sad spiritual state. Spiritual revival doesn’t start with the other guy. It starts with you and me!

Rant #2

Bernie Sanders, the Leninist-Socialist, could become the next president of the US. Make no mistake about it, this would be a severe judgment of Elohim against America—and a well deserved one because this nation has forsaken him! Sadly, many naive individuals are being sucked in by Sanders’ rhetoric. Yes, he is correctly Continue reading


Shabbat Shalom! Beautiful Nature Scenes from Mexico

There are still beautiful things in this world. Here are photos of a few of them Sandi and I took on our recent 25th anniversary cruise to the Mexican Riviera. I never cease being overwhelmed in awe and joy and the splendors of YHVH Elohim’s creation.




A humpback whale spouting

A humpback whale spouting



Try to ignore my feet and focus on the really beauty beyond!

Try to ignore my feet and focus on the real beauty beyond!

And the best of all…Sandi, my lovely bride and gift of heaven of 25 years!

And the best of all…Sandi, my lovely bride and gift of heaven of 25 years!


Underwater Tropical Fish Pics from Las Caletas, Mexico

After sailing into Puerto Vallarta, we took a boat to a small resort called Las Caletas. The photos below will explain better than any words this idyllic spot. I’ve never been to anyplace like this before. It’d be a great place to get shipwrecked to! All I would ask is that I have a camera, my Bible and maybe something to write on, so I can write psalms of praise to YHVH Elohim. On the cruise back to L.A., I wrote my latest psalm called the Psalm of the Sea on Shabbat, while sailing north off the coast of Baja California. Maybe I’ll share my poetic psalm with you?




This is where I snorkeled and photographed tropical fish. The undersea beauty is just as beautiful as that of the land. I am perpetually in awe of YHVH’s creation wherever I go and whatever I see!



This fish had blue iridescent spots that glowed.

This fish had blue iridescent spots that glowed.




Though not very colorful, this was the most bizarre fish of all that I saw.

Though not very colorful, this was the most bizarre fish of all that I saw.

Sandi snapped this photo of me back on the ship. Yes, I'm reading my daily Scripture reading on my iPad! You can actually see the Hoshana Rabbah printed reading schedule underneath the iPad in my lap.

Sandi snapped this photo of me back on the ship. Yes, I’m reading my daily Scripture reading on my iPad! You can actually see the Hoshana Rabbah printed reading schedule underneath the iPad in my lap.

Sandi took this photo at a sidewalk cafe in Mazatlan. She needed to use the ladies room, and the price to do so was to purchase something to eat. Here I am with the national drink of Mexico. You won't believe the restrooms in Mexico! You have to search far and wide for a half-clean one that actually functions! I still have a sore spot and bump on my head from one a visited. In another, I had to put my plumbing skills to work by reaching into the toilet tank to manually work the flapper so it would flush. Oy vey!

Sandi took this photo at a sidewalk cafe in Mazatlan. She needed to use the ladies room, and the price to do so was to purchase something to eat. Here I am with the national drink of Mexico. You won’t believe the restrooms in Mexico! You have to search far and wide for a half-clean one that actually functions! I still have a sore spot and bump on my head from one a visited. In another, I had to put my plumbing skills to work by reaching into the toilet tank to manually work the flapper so it would flush. Oy vey!


Animals Pics from Mexico

The Ruby Princess at Puerto Vallarta

The Ruby Princess at Puerto Vallarta

Sandi with her new boyfriend at Las Calitas.

Sandi with her new boyfriend at Las Caletas.

Pink flamingos at Las Calitas.

Pink flamingos at Las Caletas.

Natan admiring the pink flamingos at Las Calitas.

Natan admiring the pink flamingos at Las Caletas.

Two humpback whales diving at Cabo San Lucas.

Two humpback whales diving at Cabo San Lucas.

Seals on the rocks at Cabo San Lucas.

A new cruise drink: “seals on the rocks” at Cabo San Lucas.

Seal on a rock at Caba San Lucas.

Seal on a rock at Cabo San Lucas.

A pelican begging for food from a fisherman at Cabo San Lucas.

A pelican begging for food from a fisherman at Cabo San Lucas.

A pelican begging for food at Cabo San Lucas

A pelican begging for food at Cabo San Lucas

A twofer: a seal hitching a ride and getting lunch at the same time.

A twofer: a seal hitching a ride and getting lunch at the same time.

A seal and pelicans on public assistance at Cabo San Lucas.

A seal and pelicans on public assistance at Cabo San Lucas.

Stay tuned for some underwater exotic fish pics I took while snorkeling.


Back from Mexico

I’ve been gone  but now I’m back. Sandi and I just got back from our 25th anniversary cruise ship trip to the west Mexican Riviera (on the west coast of Mexico). We left a week ago Sunday and arrived back home yesterday (Sunday) evening.

Now it’s time to get back to work including catching up on your comments.

Here are several photos.

Love and blessings to everyone who’s part of this blog!
