Shabbat Shalom to all my friends in Yeshua around the world

As you know, I just posted a piece on Trump vs. Clinton. Reading this stuff is like walking through stinky barnyard muck that is knee-deep!

When I read Robert Daniel Phillip’s comment to that blog post, it punctuated the dilemma most Elohim-fearing, Bible-loving Americans are facing regarding who to vote for in our upcoming presidential elections.

The distasteful and bleak outlook of our elections in turn prompted me to take a stroll through my garden to de-pollute my mind. Here are some photographs of the flowers that are currently in bloom in my garden. Allow me to share this unparalleled beauty of YHVH’s creation with you on this beautiful Shabbat morning.

When the things of man look bleak and hopeless, let’s turn our eyes to YHVH the Creator and to the beauty of his creation all around us that silently shouts at us to cast our attention skyward to the source of all love, joy, peace, goodness and beauty. Yehovah Elohim is the ultimate Righteous Judge of the universe who, in due time, with the purifying fires of justice, will destroy all the wood, hay and stubble of men’s humanistic machinations and attempts to dethrone him.

I am casting my vote for YHVH Elohim—Yeshua!

Sorry Hitlerey, Tromp et al, but the flowers in my garden are a much prettier sight  to my eyes and sensibilities than you’ll ever be!

Shabbat shalom everyone…please enjoy the Creators gift to us of flowers!

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Donald Trump Revisited

2016 Donald Trump Hillary Clinton

Yesterday, Rick Wiles of Trunews ( interviewed Dr. Robert Jeffress, pastor of the 12,000 member First Baptist Church of Dallas, TX. Jeffress is a member of the Executive Advisory Board to represent the concerns of evangelical Christians to Donald Trump. He also a personal friend of Donald Trump. He had some amazing things to say about Trump.

For example, last week, Donald Trump called a meeting of more than 900 American evangelical leaders in NYC to hear their thoughts and concerns and to explain to them what he would do to help Christians if he became president. When was the last time a presidential candidate did that?  Both Rick Wiles and Robert Jeffress were at that by-invitation only meeting. Moreover, at that meeting,Trump convened a faith advisory counsel comprised of major evangelical leaders to advise him on issues of concern to conservative Christians of which Jeffress is a member. This is unprecedented!

Here are some major differences between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton according to Pastor Jeffress, and why, according to him, Bible believers should support Donald Trump’s presidency bid:

  • Donald Trump is pro-life. Hillary Clinton is pro-abortion up until the day a baby is born.
  • Trump promises to appoint conservative justices to the supreme court, and has even provided a list of names from which he will choose. There is no reason to doubt that Clinton will appoint the most activist “socialistic progressive,” liberal judges imaginable.
  • Trump is for religious freedom for Christian Americans as well as all Americans. Clinton has said that for women to have unfettered access to abortion “the deeply seated religious beliefs of some will have to be changed.”
  • Trump understands the threat to America from radical Islamists and terrorists, and has promised to protect this country from that threat. Clinton can’t even say the words “terrorist” or “Islamic terrorist” without choking on them.
  • Trump believes that Christians are being marginalized in the U.S. You will never hear this coming out of the lips of Clinton.
  • Trump has  promised to rescind the IRS’s 501C3 restrictions on churches and ministries from being able to speak out about public affairs and being active politically. He wants to remove the restrictions on Christian pastors and leaders from endorsing candidates and taking political stands. He wants to insure the religious freedom of pastors from being able to speak openly from the pulpit about political issues.
  • Trump likes Christians and wants to help them. With regard to Clinton, there is nothing to indicate that she has the same attitude. In fact, Clinton is a protege of Saul Aliniski, the radical “progressive” Leninist who dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals to Lucifer.

I encourage the reader to listen to Rick Wiles’ interview of Dr. Jeffress. The interview starts at 1:01.30 in the podcast (it lasts just a few minutes), and is available at: file:///Users/nathan/Music/iTunes/iTunes%20Media/Podcasts/TRUNEWS%20with%20Rick%20Wiles/TRUNEWS%2006_27_16%20Robert%20Jeffress%20_%20Globalist%20Revolution.mp3  (You will need to  copy this url and paste it into your web browser.)


Help Wanted: Arborist/Amanuensis

An arborist cutting a tree with a chainsaw

Help wanted: A motivated young man in excellent physical condition who possesses basic arboricultural skills (i.e. pruning of trees and ornamental shrubs and basic tree climbing skills) and who loves the Torah and Yeshua to help me in my tree service business and ministry as my amanuensis. An amanuensis is a personal assistant or protege to a writer or teacher as Timothy, Titus or Mark were to Paul. He must also possess solid, general  computer skills.

As an arborist, you would work for me in my tree care business and be well-compensated financially commensurate with your skill level and desire to improve your skills as an arborist. I would use my 30 years of professional experience in this profession to help you.

young man reading small bible

As my amanuensis, I would use my 50 years in the Torah, 25 years in ministry and 18 years as pastoring a pro-Torah, Hebrew roots, gospel oriented congregation to mentor you in growing spiritually and in ministering the Word of Elohim to others. In return, you would help me from time-to-time an as-need basis as my personal assistant in the ministry.

If interested, please contact me at or at


Sandi’s Bald Eagle Pics from Alaska

As most of you know, Sandi and I just returned from a week-long cruise through the Inland Passage to Alaska. I have already posted a few of our best photos from that trip on this blog earlier this week. As promised, here are some bald eagle pics.

Our boat trip out of Ketchikan, Alaska to the sovereign waters surrounding an island owned by a local native Alaskan tribe, which is also a bald eagle sanctuary, afforded us some once in a lifetime photo ops of the eagles diving for fish. When we got to the island, the crew of the crabbing boat we were on tossed herrings into the seawaters for the bald eagles to dive for. The eagles were waiting for us in the trees along the shore.

There were dozens of eagles perched in the western red cedar and sitka spruce trees. Seeing the eagles diving for fish was one of the high points of our trip. Just thinking of the privilege of seeing these majestic birds in action brings chills up my spine! Eagles can weigh up to twelve pounds and have a wing span of seven feet! There were dozens of them flying all at once diving for fish. What an awesome experience. The wonders of Jehovah’s creation!

Now here are the photos.

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Boycott of Target Stores Is Proving Though CEO Is in Denial


Franklin Graham: Target CEO in Denial as Stocks Tank $10B Over Transgender Bathroom Policy

May 24, 2016|12:24 pm

Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham, son of evangelist Billy Graham, addresses the crowd at the Festival of Hope, an evangelistic rally held at the national stadium in Port-au-Prince, January 9, 2011.

The Rev. Franklin Graham says Target CEO Brian Cornell is in denial over the reason for the company’s plunging stock prices, insisting that the conservative boycott against the retailer’s transgender bathroom policies is playing a key role.

“Target stock is tumbling after they announced a pro-transgender restroom policy allowing men to use women’s bathrooms and changing rooms. Stock value has fallen 20 percent and shareholder value has lost $10 billion since they began promoting this dangerous policy,” Graham wrote in a Facebook post on Monday.

He then referred to a media statement made by Cornell, where he denied suggestions that the conservative boycott is to blame for Target’s financial setbacks.

“To date we have not seen a material or measurable impact on our business. Just a handful of stores across the country have seen some activity and have been impacted,” Cornell told Forbes last week.

Graham responded: “Really? He must be in denial. Wake up corporate America and stockholders — American families clearly do not want this. Over 1.2 million people have signed the online petition to boycott Target stores. This is sending a strong message, and I hope that millions more will sign it.”

The leader of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association linked to the petition started by the American Family Association, which has collected over 1.2 million signatures against Target’s new bathroom policies allowing customers and employees to choose which bathroom they go to based on their gender identity.

While Target has explained that its directive is aimed at being inclusive and helping all customers feel welcomed, AFA warned that it opens up a very dangerous situation for women.

“This means a man can simply say he ‘feels like a woman today’ and enter the women’s restroom … even if young girls or women are already in there. Target’s policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women’s bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?” the petition asks.

Meanwhile, Traditional Values Coalition, another conservative group that has started its own petition against Target, warned that parents should not allow their young daughters to try on swimsuits in the retail giant’s dressing rooms.

“We need more people to sign up for the boycott. We’re launching something this week. We’re now heading into bathing suit season. … Do not let your young girls and teen girls buy their summer clothes or bathing suits at Target,” Andrea Lafferty, president of the Traditional Values Coalition, told Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM on Monday.

Despite conservative criticism and reports of plunging stock prices, Target has remained firm and said it will not be reversing its bathroom policy.

“Our focus on safety is unwavering. And we want to make sure we provide a welcoming environment for all of our guests,” Cornell said in another interview earlier in May.


YHVH’s Blessings in Alaska…and more photos!

Sailing to Alaska aboard the Crown Princess

Sailing to Alaska aboard the Crown Princess

In the comments section of this blog, Vicki just posted this:

This is what I call sewing and reaping. Our reward for faithful service is not just in the time to come, but in this. You two have been so faithful. You are being blessed for it. If this is the fallen Earth, JUST IMAGINE…………….the Renewed Creation……..hopefully I’ll enjoy that with you. 

I want to share my response with all of you:

Thank you Vicki for your encouraging word. As some may know, at this time, I take no financial remuneration for either my pastoring of a congregation (for the last 18 years) or for my wife’s and my web ministry, which contains material that is all researched by and original to me. I steal no ministry Bible teachings from others, but develop all my own teachings from scratch. The money that does come into our ministry goes to pay ministry expenses, and, other than an occasional donation that comes in addressed to me personally (this only amounts to several hundred dollars a year), I receive no money from our ministry, and our ministry sells nothing in order to follow the biblical example of service. If the finances grow, I may eventually take something, but do date, not enough is sent in to afford this. Therefore, I work on average 50 to 60 hours or more a week in my tree care business where I’m an owner-operator. This is how I support my family.

I get very tired sometimes, since I work all week and then I prepare all Shabbat for my teaching time in our congregation. Our Shabbat services start at 2 pm on Shabbat and go until about 6 to 7 PM. We have a shared meal and fellowship time afterwards. I open and close the building nearly every week, which means I’m on site usually for 7 or 10 hours. On Sunday I work around the house, do family stuff and edit YouTube videos and answer ministry emails, and on Monday, it’s back to the tree service.

Sometimes I get so weary and frazzled that I just have to get away with my wife who is always at my side. I think this is why we have recently taken up cruising. The ship is a traveling hotel and restaurant. No driving somewhere or food prep, which can be tiring. No cell phones or wi-fi. Just me, my wife, our room with a balcony overlooking YHVH’s creation, the room is kept clean and our food is provided. We then take the shore excursions that teach us about history, native culture and where we can learn about and experience Yah’s creation. Very relaxing and fun.

On our Alaska trip, I kept asking Yah for sermon and teaching ideas. I kept hearing, “You’re off duty now, so I’m not going to give you any assignments or else you’ll be busy with that and not be focusing on a much needed vacation with your bride.” So in between activities, I just read my Bible, an excellent book by Keith Johnson entitled, “His Hallowed Name Revealed Again,” and I would look out the window enjoying the scenery going by.

Throughout our trip, Yah’s hand was upon us—especially when it came to the weather. Nearly every day at every site and excursion, we just barely missed rain showers and clouds that had been there before and after our arrival. When we got there, the rain stopped, or just after we got done, the rain started up again. For example, when we got to Glacier Bay, it was hot and sunny as far as the eye could see, which was miraculous, since it’s usually cloudy and foggy there. As we were leaving, the clouds were already coming in. When we took the train trip out of Skagway up into the Yukon, we were supposed to take the motor coach up and the train down. Instead, they had us take the train up and the motor coach down. On the way up, the visibility was clear. No clouds or fog. On the way down, it was foggy at the top of the mountain pass meaning we would have missed the high alpine beauty on the train on the way down because of the fog. On our ten mile bike trip out of Juneau down from the mountains, it stopped raining when we started our trip and, literally as we were shutting the doors to the van to take us back to the ship, it started raining again hard. When we pulled into Ketchikan—the rain capital of North America (they measure rain in feet not inches and get about 20 feet a year!), it rained four inches the day before we got there. When we were there, it was beautiful weather and only a few showers, but basically no rain.

Besides the weather, there were a few divine appointments along the way that could prove spiritually and financially rewarding as well.

So yes, Vicki, I agree with you. YHVH rewards us for our service to him in wonderful ways often other than money. It’s what I call living in his river of life. I’m constantly telling people to get into YHVH’s river of life and abide in it through a loving faith in Yeshua and pursuing a Torah-obedient lifestyle, which is how we walk out our love for YHVH Elohim and our fellow man.

Cruising into Glacier Bay

Cruising into Glacier Bay

Marjerie Glacier

Margerie Glacier

Natan at Glacier Bay, Alaska from the Crown Princess cruise ship

Natan at Glacier Bay, Alaska from the Crown Princess cruise ship

Natan holding a spider crab aboard the Aleutian Ballad fishing boat.

Natan holding a spider crab aboard the Aleutian Ballad fishing boat.

Natan aboard the Aleutian Ballad in Ketchikan with our cruise ship in the background.

Natan aboard the Aleutian Ballad in Ketchikan with our cruise ship in the background.

The snow-covered mountains rise up from the sea as a backdrop behind downtown Juneau, the capital of Alaska.

The snow-covered mountains rise up from the sea as a backdrop behind downtown Juneau, the capital of Alaska.

Biking in the mountains above Juneau.

Biking in the mountains above Juneau.

Looking down on our cruise ship from the Mount Roberts tramway in Juneau.

Looking down on our cruise ship from the Mount Roberts tramway in Juneau.

I encountered this giant sitka spruce on our bike ride in Juneau. I'm a tree guy, and I love trees. What can I say?

I encountered this giant sitka spruce on our bike ride in Juneau. I’m a tree guy, and I love trees. What can I say?

From Skagway, Alaska, trekking into the Yukon Territory of Canada.

From Skagway, Alaska, trekking into the Yukon Territory of Canada.

The rugged mountainous of Canada's Yukon Territory.

The rugged mountainous of Canada’s Yukon Territory.

More of the Yukon wilderness at the 60th parallel.

More of the Yukon wilderness at the 60th parallel.

This is Emerald Lake in the Yukon Territory, which is world famous for its green color. It's just past Carcross (short for Caribou Crossing) en route to White Horse.

This is Emerald Lake in the Yukon Territory, which is world famous for its green color. It’s just past Carcross (short for Caribou Crossing) en route to White Horse.

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Alaska, the last frontier, makes you feel small. It helps to put life into its proper, small perspective compared to YHVH Elohim and his incomprehensible vastness and the grandeur of his creation. To him be all the glory forever and ever! Amein.

Next to come: bald eagles—lots of them!