Q & A From the Mail Box: Is Yeshua on the Father’s Throne?

From Susan: Is there a Scripture that shows Jesus is on the throne as God?
First, John 1:1 says that Yeshua is God (in Hebrew: Elohim). He is called God in other places in the NT (or Testimony of Yeshua) as well (e.g., Tit 2:13; 3:4).
Second, in the Book of Revelation, there is only one throne mentioned (e.g. Rev 3:21; 4:5; 5:6,13; 7:10, 11, 17; 22:1), not two or three, as is often supposed; that is, one for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Please note Rev 22:1 where it mentions the throne (singular) of God and the Lamb. The Scriptures reveal that Yeshua is both the Lamb of God (John 1:29; 36) and God (Elohim).
What else can we deduct from this except that Yeshua is on the same throne with his Father, that they are one (Hebrew: echad meaning “a compound unity”). Also note Rev 3:21 where Yeshua says that he will sit down on his Father’s throne (singular). The word throne can be taken literally or metaphorically, but even so, it’s still singular, and it’s his Father’s throne and he’s on it (note also Rev 7:17). It must be a rather large throne!