Dead Sea Scrolls & Solar Calendar Misinformation Update

In this video, Nathan analyzes information brought forth by noted Dead Seas scrolls scholar and biblical historian and linguist, Dr. James Tabor who is a professor emeritus of University of North Carolina. Tabor has been working with the DSS for many decades and is an authority on the subject. As an objective and impartial expert and educator, Nathan was curious to know his views on the subject of the Zadok calendar, the Qumran community, the Essenes and the Dead Sea scrolls. The information that Tabor presents is revealing and flies in the face of what many of the proponents of the Zadok calendar are claiming.


The Unbiblical “Zadok/Enoch Calendar” & Its Fatal Flaws Exposed

In this video, Nathan Lawrence goes head to head with those who are promoting the so-called Enoch/Zadok priestly calendar, and he exposes the unbiblical and fatal flaws thereof. The promoters of this heretical calendar rely solely on extra-biblical sources to prove their point, then cherry pick out a few Bible verses out of context, and twist those verses to confirm their bias. This is dishonesty! Nathan shows how they do the very thing that they accuse the Christian church of doing when it attempts to do away with the Torah, the Sabbath, the biblical feasts and dietary laws. This is a hard hitting video and is not for the faint of heart, but is for those who are biblical Truth seekers and believe that the Bible, the Word of Elohim, is all that we need to determine spiritual Truth.