Unexplained Miracles Explained

Luke 13:12, Woman…spirit of infirmity. Sometimes Yeshua healed people who neither asked for it, nor evidenced faith to be healed simply that the glory of YHVH might be manifested. From time to time, we hear of miraculous healings and divine interventions that saved people’s lives occurring for no apparent reason. It seems that occasionally YHVH likes to stir the spiritual pot of human affairs just to draw men’s attention to him. He pulls back the curtain between heaven and earth a bit to reveal himself to humans. This not only brings glory to his name, but serves to raise men’s hopes a bit by pointing them to the fact that there is an Elohim who is sovereignly and who is orchestrating things behind the scenes and who cares about humans.

Psalm 107:20, He he sent his word and healed them. The Word of Elohim heals and delivers. The Word includes both the Written and the Living Word of Elohim. Yeshua the Messiah is that Word. As Elohim’s spokesman, he spoke the Torah to Moses and the Israelites and then became the Word of Elohim incarnate. Can the mind of man wrap its intellect around this truth? No. We just have to believe what the Bible says on this. So how do we know that it’s true? Because it works! The reality of the healing and the delivering power of both the Written Torah-Word and Yeshua the Living Torah-Word is evident to those who have placed their trust in it/him.