Mexico’s West Coast—Enjoying the Exquisite Beauty of YHVH’s Creation

Here are several more photos from Natan and Sandi’s recent anniversary trip to western Mexico.

The famous arch of Cabo San Lucas

Riding camels in Mexico. Imagine that!

Natan grew up on a farm with many types of animals. He still has a soft place in his heart for our furry earthly coinhabitants.

In Baja California Sur, one finds the largest species of cactus on earth—the cardon or elephant cactus that can grow over 60 feet tall and more than three feet in diameter. Natan, a tree lover, exulted at hanging out briefly with these exotic, ancient giants.

Sunrises and sunsets at sea are incredibly inspiring. Natan and Sandi would rather spend their time relishing the brush strokes of heaven’s 3-D artistic masterpieces than just about any other activity a cruise ship has to offer.

On several occasions, Natan rose early in the morning to greet the sunrise with praise to and worship of our Father in heaven. Sunrise at sea makes you feel so minuscule and YHVH so awesomely great that it’s difficult to explain.

Enjoying the beach walk at Puerto Vallarta. After a short while, the street vendors, like mosquitos looking for a meal, were plaguing us so badly that we fled back to the peaceful refuge of our ship’s stateroom cabin.

Another glorious sunset at sea, and another end to a day of life that YHVH Elohim has given to each of us his heavenly gift to his human children. Yah, help us to thankfully and profitably use each day for your glory and for the expansion of your heavenly kingdom. Amein.