Welcome to the Islamic State of America

Linked below is an article from World Net Daily (wnd.com) entitled,



Have you ever read the Koran? I have—from cover to cover. After reading the book, I wrote what I call…

Startling and Revelatory Insights from the Koran—The True Face of Islam Unmasked 

Below are the facts and nothing but the facts as presented in the Koran itself. Let these facts speak for themselves.

Why is it important that you educate yourself about Islam? The Bible tells us that we are not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices (2 Cor 2:11). The spirit of Antichrist is behind the religion of Islam and that same spirit is knocking loudly on America’s door. As hard as it may be for Americans to believe, even our new president, Barak Husein Obama, has Islamic connections, if not sympathies.

The prophets of the Bible speak distinctly about an end-time enemy of Israel (of both Jews and Christians) who will attempt through force to dispossess Israel of its land and heritage. This same aggressor will shed Israelite blood, and will gather other Israelite-hating nations into a confederacy that will attack the Israelites’ nations. The Bible refers to this enemy as Edom, who has a perpetual hatred for the people of Elohim (the God of the Bible).

The biblical prophets describe this time as being a low point in the national life of the people of Israel. This attack by Edom against Israel will be brought on by Israel’s (Jews’ and Christians’) spiritual apostasy from the Word of God—the Torah. But the same prophets declare that out of the depths of spiritual and economic despair, the Israelite people (both Jews and Christians) will repent of their sins, cry out to their God, Yehovah Elohim, spiritual revival will ensue, and Elohim will then magnify his name among his people and deliver them from the hands of their enemies. This event incidentally coincides with the second coming of the Messiah of Israel, Yeshua HaMaschiach (Jesus Christ).

For more details on who end-time Edom is, what his game plan is and how that will affect you whether you live in America, other Christian nations, or in the state of Israel, read my article Is America in End-Time Bible Prophecy, which is available for free download at http://www.hoshanarabbah.org/pdfs/america.pdf.

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