As in the Days of Noah (and Sodom)

You better duck because it’s all out war against Bible believers! You know it, see it all around you and read about it every day in the news.


As Duck Dynasty’s star Phil Robertson learned yesterday, you can say anything in our society no matter how crass and vile it is and be guaranteed  freedom of speech — unless of course you quote the Bible, or share your Bible-backed opinions. It’s then that the pervs, libs, hedonists, self-worshipping moral relativist humanists, and God-hating fascists in the media and entertainment industry and even some activist judges and politicians crawl out from under their rocks and exit their closets in unison (as if on cue from the devil himself) to crucify you.

Though I’ve never watched the immensely popular Duck Dynasty television show (I got rid of my television years ago), anyone who stands up for biblical values has my prayers and support.

You can read about this attack on fee speech and biblical values at and As you read these accounts of Robertson’s comments, notice how the Hollywood pervs mischaracterize Christians, Yeshua and the Continue reading