Do we have to keep all 613 Torah commands?

Got this email question today:

Nat[e], are you saying that christians are required to keep all 613 Torah commandments? I understood that Yeshua was the only one who followed these perfectly and met the requirement.

To all anti-Torah Christians theologians: Put his in our pipe and smoke it!

To all anti-Torah Christians theologians: Put his in our pipe and smoke it!

My answer:

Yes. This is affirmed again and again in the NT. Start by reading John 14:15 and 1 John 2:3–6. The NT defines sin as the violation of the law (1 John 3:4). Paul over and over affirmed the need to keep the Torah (Rom 3:31; Act 21:24; 25:8; 1 Cor 7:18). The end time saints are Torah-obedient (Rev 12:17 and 14:12). Those who make it to the New Jerusalem, which is heaven on earth, are Torah-law keepers (Rev 22:14). I could give hundreds more examples out of the NT alone, but hopefully, the point is made.

Why is it that Christians overlook these clear Scripture verses and come up with a theology that is totally opposite? It’s because of what is said in Rom 8:7. The carnal mind hates Elohim’s laws and being told what to do. Bottom line: It’s because of human pride and rebellion agains the Almighty.

Did Yeshua keep all 613 perfectly? No! The ones he could keep, he did so without ever sinning. He never broke one commandment or sinned even once, but he didn’t keep every single one. How is this? Some Torah commands apply to farmers, to priests. to Levites, to aliens, to slaves, to taking care of animals, to the high priest, to those who had certain types diseases or physical disabilities and to women. Yeshua, for example, didn’t keep the laws that pertained to a person with the skin diseases that the Bible colloquially calls leprosy. He didn’t keep the laws pertaining to farming or animal husbandry or to women since he wasn’t a farmer or a woman. Get the point? He did, however, keep perfectly all the laws that pertained to him. Likewise, we should keep all the laws that pertain to us. That’s all that YHVH requires of us. Certain laws, for example pertain to everyone equally across the board like the Sabbath laws, the dietary laws, keeping the biblical feasts, honoring parents, not stealing, not murdering, not coveting, not lying, not taken YHVH’s name in vain or worshipping idols.

By the way, there are more affirmative commands in the NT than in the Torah. According to one biblical researcher there are 1050! Therefore, it would seem that the NT requirements are more stringent than the those found in the Torah. Put that in your pipe and smoke it all you anti-Torah Christian theologians!