Are YOU ready for the third day?

Exodus 19:1, 11, In the third month…the third day.  The Third Day—End Times Prophetic Significance In Exodus 19:1 we read that the Israelites arrived at Sinai in the third month, and according to Jewish tradition, a very significant event occurred … Continue reading

First Timothy—Notes from Natan’s Bible Commentary

1 Timothy 1 Timothy 1:4, Doctrine…fables. Both the modern Jews and Christians have exchanged many biblical doctrines for fables.  Fables refers to myths or fiction. In Christianity, for example, think of Santa Clause and the Easter bunny for example. In … Continue reading

Deuteronomy 21–25—The Torah pertains to everyone in all areas of life

This section of the Torah (Deut 21:10–25:19) contains 72 commandments, which is more than in any other Torah portion. In this passage there are rules pertaining to all aspects of human relations showing that the “Torah deals with the real … Continue reading

Were “all things” really lawful to Paul?

Many Christians will casually read this Bible statement by Paul and assume that the Torah-law was done away with. Is this really what Paul is saying here and does such an interpretation line up with the rest of Paul’s writings … Continue reading

The ancient Jews and modern Christians believe the same lie about Paul!

Romans 3:7, As we are slanderously reported…let us do evil, that good may come. “Evil” in Hebraic thought is simply another way of saying, “violating YHVH’s Torah-law.” There were those of Paul’s day who were perverting his message of salvation … Continue reading

Is the Hebrew Roots Movement a Cult or “the Faith Once Delivered”?

Jude 3, Contend…for the faith…once…delivered. Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all … Continue reading