The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Orlando

For your spiritual edification, here is a quick overview of the recent Messianic Israel Alliance a.k.a. the Alliance of Redeemed Israel (the new name of reborn and matured MIA!) from another person’s perspective.

Please take time to read and enjoy this posting by Kelly Ferrari of Door Keeper Ministries from Eaton, CO entitled, “Take Not Your Holy Spirit From Me.” She wonderfully describes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) that occurred in Orlando, FL this past Labor Day weekend and the lives that were genuinely touched and transformed by the power of Elohim.

My family and I were there, and we can attest to the veracity of her testimony.

Enjoy and be encouraged, for YHVH is alive and moving in the midsts of his people!


A Fresh Prophetic Vision for the Hebrew Roots Movement


A Spiritual Vision for the 2012 Messianic Israel Alliance Gathering in Orlando, Florida  (Aug 30 – Sept 2)

Natan and Sandi Lawrence with Angus and Batya Wootten, the co-founders of the Messianic Israel Alliance in Orlando, FL at the thirteenth annual MIA Gathering.

I read the following message on the opening evening of the gathering on Friday, August 31, 2012 to those gathered at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando, Florida. 

Where there is no spiritual/prophetic vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the Torah, happy is he. (Prov 29:18)

The Context

During this very week and at this time, Hurricane Isaac was taking aim at the west coast of Florida, then veered westward into the Gulf of Mexico and made landfall at and stalled over New Orleans before moving north and east over the midsection of the U.S. All this occurred prior to and during the Republican Convention to nominate a presidential candidate for the fall elections. At the same time, another convention was convening at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando, Florida—the Messianic Israel Alliance’s thirteenth annual international gathering.

Word Definitions

  • Orlando means “famed or renowned land or land of the famous or renowned.”
  • Rosen means “rose (of European Jewish origins).” Perhaps the most notable usage of rose in the Bible is the famous rose of sharon passage in the Song of Solomon, which is a taken by many to be a prophetic reference to Yeshua.
  • Plaza means “place where people gather.”
  • Tampa means “sticks of fire or place to gather sticks (that will be struck by lightening).” Interestingly, the Spaniards originally called Tampa Bay the Bay of the Holy Spirit. This name was dropped when the US acquired Florida from Spain in 1819.
  • Isaac means “laughter or he laughs (see Ps 2:2-4).”

Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.(emphasis added)


YHVH seems to be laughing (through Hurricane Isaac) at men (the Republicans at their Tampa convention) as they are plotting and planning their strategies for national revival without taking him into consideration. This occurred as Tropical Storm/Hurricane Isaac brushed the Republican Convention in Tampa causing the convention to delay one day and casting a somber tone over the proceedings, and which should have caused them to pause and to reflect on higher spiritual matters. At the Republican convention, men are gathering their ideological sticks (a reference to the meaning of the name Tampa) as they establish their party’s planks to build their political platform, which YHVH laughs at (through Hurricane Isaac) and threatens to strike with the lightening of his judgment because this nation and its leaders are failing to make proper, true biblical teshuvah by returning to the Messiah, the roots and branches of our faith that are grounded in the Torah.

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Is God Speaking to America?

Is Elohim trying to get America’s attention?

Here are some recent headlines form July 2012:

Worst drought since 1950s in continental U.S.

U.S. drought biggest since 1956, climate agency says










Intense Storms Called a “Derecho” Slam 700 Miles of the US

Rare ‘Derecho’ Storm Ravaged Washington Area

Stacking lightning bolts over Washington, D.C.

For some incredible photos of multiple lightening bolts striking various national monuments around Washington D.C. during the July 2012 storm, go to:

Is the Creator of the Universe speaking to America. If so, what is he saying, and what should we do? Your comments please.


Welcome to the Islamic State of America

Linked below is an article from World Net Daily ( entitled,


Have you ever read the Koran? I have—from cover to cover. After reading the book, I wrote what I call…

Startling and Revelatory Insights from the Koran—The True Face of Islam Unmasked 

Below are the facts and nothing but the facts as presented in the Koran itself. Let these facts speak for themselves.

Why is it important that you educate yourself about Islam? The Bible tells us that we are not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices (2 Cor 2:11). The spirit of Antichrist is behind the religion of Islam and that same spirit is knocking loudly on America’s door. As hard as it may be for Americans to believe, even our new president, Barak Husein Obama, has Islamic connections, if not sympathies.

The prophets of the Bible speak distinctly about an end-time enemy of Israel (of both Jews and Christians) who will attempt through force to dispossess Israel of its land and heritage. This same aggressor will shed Israelite blood, and will gather other Israelite-hating nations into a confederacy that will attack the Israelites’ nations. The Bible refers to this enemy as Edom, who has a perpetual hatred for the people of Elohim (the God of the Bible).

The biblical prophets describe this time as being a low point in the national life of the people of Israel. This attack by Edom against Israel will be brought on by Israel’s (Jews’ and Christians’) spiritual apostasy from the Word of God—the Torah. But the same prophets declare that out of the depths of spiritual and economic despair, the Israelite people (both Jews and Christians) will repent of their sins, cry out to their God, Yehovah Elohim, spiritual revival will ensue, and Elohim will then magnify his name among his people and deliver them from the hands of their enemies. This event incidentally coincides with the second coming of the Messiah of Israel, Yeshua HaMaschiach (Jesus Christ).

For more details on who end-time Edom is, what his game plan is and how that will affect you whether you live in America, other Christian nations, or in the state of Israel, read my article Is America in End-Time Bible Prophecy, which is available for free download at

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Repent America!

AMERICA! Repent and turn to the God of the Bible to avert continued and escalating judgments on your nation!

Each person must…

  • Repent of your sins and stop violating the laws of God (YHVH Elohim) as revealed in the Bible—the Holy Word of Elohim.
  • Fear Elohim your Creator who will judge all men in righteousness.
  • Place your complete trust in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) the Son of Elohim who died on the cross to pay the death penalty for your sins.
  • Serve, love and obey Yeshua the Messiah as revealed in the Testimony of Yeshua (the New Testament) portion of the Bible.
  • Start reading your Bible every day, and ask Elohim for his Holy Spirit to come into your life to help you to understand and to love his Word—the Bible.
  • Ask Elohim to reveal himself and his love to you.
  • Seek Elohim with all your heart.
  • Turn away from habits and people who lead you away from Elohim and his Word.
  • Ask Elohim how he wants you to change your life.
  • Ask Elohim to reveal to you the sins that you need to repent of and the changes you need to make in your life to get right with him.
  • After you have done these things, boldly, and in faith go forward seeking to love and serve YHVH with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. This is how America will get turned around spiritually!

DOBSON TO PREZ: I Won’t Bow To ‘Wicked’ Obamacare

Are a few of America’s religious leaders finally beginning to stand up against the wickedness that’s descending upon this country like a dark and thick shroud from the pits of hell? One can only hope so.

Kudos to Dr. James Dobson for his challenge to President Obama and for his righteous stand against Obamacare’s provision to fund abortion at taxpayers’ expense.

Please join me in praying that YHVH Elohim will raise up spiritual leaders who will call this nation to repentance and who will take our wicked physical leaders to task for their unrighteousness.

Please read the following article for the details on Dr. Dobson’s stand for righteousness: