My Independence Day Blues

Ever get the Independence Day blues — reflecting on how America has gone to the dogs spiritually! I did this year. Why are we so backslid spiritually? Why are our leaders so preoccupied with forcing evil agendas upon us? Where are we going from here? What does the future hold for us? What’s the solution to the problem? What can I do about it?


The Bible speaks of living in perilous times in the last days (1 Tim 4:1; 2 Tim 3:1–9) where men are living in total rebellion against YHVH, abandoning their biblical faith for demonic belief systems, and have become lovers of money and themselves. They are blasphemers, unholy, unloving, pleasure seeking God-haters.

By in large, Americans, and most people in general don’t care about YHVH. They’re too self-absorbed and caught up in the pursuit of materialism, pleasure, and self-gratification to care about that out-of-date religious, Bible stuff.

What’s more, the church is sick—lukewarm to the core. Most churches are more concerned about their building fund and the pastor about his denominational status and retirement than about preaching the hard truth of the Bible. Most Christians are only a few steps behind the values of the world. The lordship of Yeshua? What’s that? Follow the Bible? What an archaic idea. Few read or study the Bible or pray anymore. Few really seek YHVH with their whole hearts. You’re considered a weird throw-back if you do.

It seems as if YHVH is far away, uninvolved and disinterested in the affairs of men—that Yeshua will never return as the Bible promises. Where is the promise of his coming as Peter opined in his second epistle? There will be scoffers pursuing their own lusts feeling that all things continue as they have from time immemorial (2 Pet 3:3–4). It’s easy to acquiesce to this mentality. However, the day of YHVH’s judgment is coming unexpectedly as a thief though (v. 10).

Yeshua prophesied that a time is coming just before his second coming when men’s hearts will fail them for fear. Great distress will come upon nations (Luke 21:25–28).

But what about America? What about the other so-called Christian nations? Is there hope for them? What does the Bible prophesy will happen to them in the end times? This is what I was pondering on July 4th this year.

Because Bible believers have backslid, become fat and lazy, self-absorbed and given over to pursuits of materialism and hedonism and have forsaken the God of the Bible, he is now dealing with them as a loving parent deals with his wayward child—through tough-love discipline. He is now spanking them, and he, among other things, is using Edom to do it!

Who is Edom? Perhaps you recall that name from the back corners of your memory as being a biblical personality. But what could that have to do with you and me? Ah-ha! That’s where the timelessness of the Bible comes in. The Bible gives us the answers!

Next:  Islam Is YHVH’s Paddle to Provoke the Jews and Christians to Repentance



Standing Against the Wiles of the Devil

Finally, church leaders are uniting to stand against wickedness! 

‘This is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross’

Roman soldier 1

A coalition of Christian organizations is warning that the U.S. Supreme Court does not have the power to redefine the institution of marriage, which predates government, churches and even religion. (Click on the link below to read more.)



America: #1 In Fear, Stress, Anger, Divorce, Obesity, Anti-Depressants, Etc.


In the sobering article below (see link), the author outlines trends that he believes indicate that America’s social fabric is literally ripping apart at the seams at an alarming rate.


Like a watchman on the wall, I’ve been watching these trends develop for many years, and all I can say is this: America (and the other nations of the world too!) needs a spiritual revival! America (and the world) needs Yeshua! America needs to get back to the spiritual values of the Bible if it’s going to survive.

Sadly, like an adolescent teen in stubborn and prideful rebellion against his parents, America is locked in a fight against the God of the Bible and refuses to submit to the values contained therein that helped make this nation great, and that also have the power to turn this nation around.

Let me be honest. My life and our ministry is dedicated to helping to restore the spiritual values of the Bible, and to bring people into a living, personal and a powerful relationship with Yeshua the Messiah through His Word, the Bible. This is our only hope individually and collectively as a nation and as a world!

Now here’s the article—
By Michael Snyder, April 23, 2013
Read this article at


Funny, Sad, But True

Hopefully you’re not this uninformed and gullible.

Californians Sign Petition to Ban and Confiscate Firearms

April 12, 2013

Media critic and social analyst Mark Dice shows how people are literally in a trance as he gets people to sign a petition banning their birthrights. The public’s zombie-like mental state is what will allow Obama to get his gun ban through.


Happy Biblical New Year!

Have a blessed and fruitful new year abiding in Yeshua the Messiah our Vine and our Doorway to life. May you remain steadfastly and passionately in the River of Life of His Word and Spirit under the covering of His blood and under the shelter of His wings!

New Year, Happy

By the way, for fun, go to Google and in the search window, type in “Rosh Chodesh” and then click on Google images. The photo on the left will pop up near the top of the page. This image has been “borrowed” by many people, and we have seen it appear on other people’s websites and in at least one book.

Want to know the truth about it? That’s a picture my wife took of me blowing my shofar about three years ago on the Oregon coast in the town of Canon Beach. We were staying in a hotel overlooking the Pacific Ocean, and it happened to be Rosh Chodesh (the beginning of the month). From the motel room window I could see the sliver of the new moon, so I grabbed my shofar and went outside to blow it to signal the new month’s arrival as per Psalm 81:3. She snapped this photo and added the wording. This graphic now permanently resides on the home page of our website (

As Paul Harvey used to say, “And now you know the rest of the story.”



PRAVDA: Obama re-elected by illiterate society’…

Today, while scanning the news (I keep regular tabs on about 20 to 30  internet news sites—I’m kind of a news junkie), the following article posted today on Matt Drudge’s site [] caught my attention. It’s from PRAVDA—yes you read that correctly.

The fact that Drudge—a major conservative American news site—would post anything from PRAVDA grabbed my curiosity.

For those of us who grew up in the Cold War Era, we remember well that in the former Soviet Union, PRAVDA was the major source of anti-American Soviet lies and propaganda. To our Western mindset, PRAVDA was anything but a reliable source of news and information, yet our American news media continually fed us a steady diet of PRAVDA quotes in an effort to “balance out the news.” Remember those days? As a youth, a journalism student and finally a budding journalist, PRAVDA and American media’s duplicity in quoting PRAVDA always infuriated me!

The headline on Drudge’s news site that made me do a double-take reads as follows:

PRAVDA: ‘Obama re-elected by illiterate society’…

Go read this article for yourself at

In this article, the Russian author derides America for re-electing Obama, whom he calls a communist. He claims that America is headed in the same failed direction as the former Soviet Union, and that Americans must be illiterate not to know this history to have re-elected Obama.

Furthermore, the author claims that while Russia is in a state of spiritual revival in that its returning to its Christian heritage, America, at the same time, is turning its back on God and its Christian heritage to its own detriment.

Okay, I’ve said enough. You need to read this article for yourself. I found it to be amazingly true and accurate. It definitely sounds like a speech that could have been given by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the late author, Nobel laureate and political dissident—if not by Ronald Reagan himself!

Please read this article and tell the hundreds of other who will read this blog post your thoughts.

Am I going crazy, or is this world going crazy?

Whatever the case, please join me in praying for the spiritual soul of America!