New Video: How to Defeat Edom and the New World Order

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the tidal wave of evil that is sweeping across the land and that is trying to annihilate everything good in its path—especially biblical truth and godly values? Should you run for the hills and hide out? Build a bunker and fortify? Bury your head in the sand and deny? Party while the ship goes down? Or…this video explains another option.


5 thoughts on “New Video: How to Defeat Edom and the New World Order

  1. Thank you Natan for this comprehensive analysis of the lesser of the 2 evils. Although I don’t reside in the US. I am from Aust. Another nation down south ” DOWN UNDER ” & follow the headlines : news everyday re what is going on in the world plus politics etc….as believers what is going on in these arenas of influence & power do affect us as believers whether we want to admit it or not : therefore before our Elohim as believers we should have a duty of care who we vote for. I agree with you we r in this world but not of the world & although we are not in an ideal situation our votes can count for better ( good) or worse evil.

    Of course in our hearts we would vote for Yeshua : the consolation is he came 1 st. Into a broken world to save those who would believe in him….& he will come again to an even more broken world to redeem those who thru much tribulation will turn to him,but [ perhaps it has to be so bad before they will turn.]

    Thank goodness one day in the not too distant future ” THE GOVERNMENT WILL BE UPON HIS SHOULDERS NOT MANS. ” HE WILL COME TO RULE & REIGN & SET THINGS RIGHT ( correctly.) …etc.. A lot was prophesied to happen & we know that it will get worse before it all gets better, our only hope is to trust in him & he will lead & guide us who ? to vote for., certainly not an easy one. Our prayers & thoughts are with you as you cast your votes.

    We : my little family of 4 …all voted on 2 July 2016 over here for our Federal election, it was quiet a challenge also because of the 2 to 3 major parties standing & what they stand for…..difficult & challenging lots of independents & other groups…yikes one even called the sex party, well we did not vote for them, justice party, one nation party…won’t mention all : but on our Senate voting paper there were 38 different parties ..the paper was so long …up the top we could vote for 6 groups in order of preference & below the line 12. What a decision. Over here we get fined if we don’t vote. Then the lower house as well.

    Oops I realise I have shared my thoughts on this one how to defeat Edom & etc…but meant to comment on who to vote for…I guess it’s in the same vein…one world etc..& powers of be influencing our nations for better or worse …
    Bless you all.

    • As far as I recall, the only time the Bible tells us to run is when Yeshua said to flee Jerusalem when you see armies surrounding it. This the first century believers did and they were spared the Roman massacre.

      Beyond that, we must pray and hear from Elohim and be where he wants us to be. If he wants us to go somewhere else, then we must obey him.

  2. In the end times will people say “Peace and safety” before sudden destruction? If this is true, it is not likely to happen with H.C. In the Whitehouse…just saying

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