New Video: The Underground Church Is Coming to America

A cosmic battle is going on between the forces of Satan and Elohim for the soul of America. Spearheading the devil’s agenda are the dominant political, economic, educational, entertainment, industrial structures that govern this nation and even certain religious elements. Their main enemy? Bible followers. The true saints are being marginalized societally and will be driven underground if repentance and spiritual revival fail to occur. These fires of persecution will only refine YHVH’s saints and prepare them to be the bride of Yeshua at his second coming. Are you ready? Watch the video and find out.


New Video: Surviving in the New World Order of Babylon the Great

The Babylon the Great New World Order as described in the Bible is being crammed down the throats of Americans whether we like it our not at the expense of biblical values. Bible believers are the enemy just as the Book of Revelation predicts. This video discloses what is coming shortly economically, politically, and religiously, and what you can do to prepare for it.


New Video: Hell Fire Demythologized — the Fate of the Wicked

What happens to the wicked after they die? Are the fires of hell real? When does it occur and how long does it last? In this video, Natan Lawrence strips away the Christian mythology about hell, and presents the biblical facts from a Hebraic perspective.


New Video: Wake Up! Look Up, Yeshua’s Coming Draws Near!

The cry is going out to the saints of Yeshua: Wake up! Don’t be discouraged by the crazy things going on around you in the world. Yeshua is coming, the bride must prepare herself. He’s at the door of a lukewarm church and is knocking to be let in. The Bible is true, and the end times prophecies are being fulfilled. The fall biblical feasts are a prophetic picture of this, so get your spiritual house ready!


Back from Backpacking — Feast Your Eyes!

During the past few days, I have been backpacking with several of my kids in the high alpine country of the Cascade Mountains in Oregon. These are some photos we took from Jefferson Park, which lies at the base of 10,499 foot tall Mount Jefferson. Please join me in giving YHVH the praise and glory for creating such spectacular beauty for us all freely to enjoy!

Mount Jefferson from Bays Lake where we camped.

Mount Jefferson from Bays Lake where we camped.


Alpine glow on Mount Jefferson as the sun sets.

Alpine glow on Mount Jefferson as the sun sets.


My son Jared drinking from a stream that flows directly off of Mount Jefferson's glaciers.

My son Jared drinking from a stream that flows directly off of Mount Jefferson’s glaciers.

Mountain meadows in Jefferson Park at 6000 foot elevation.

Mountain meadows in Jefferson Park at 6000 foot elevation.


Meadow wildflowers in Jefferson Park, Oregon at the 6000 foot elevation.

Meadow wildflowers in Jefferson Park, Oregon at the 6000 foot elevation.


Natan on the side of Mount Jefferson at the base of a glacier near the 7500 foot level.

Natan on the side of Mount Jefferson at the base of a glacier near the 7500 foot level.



New Video: Mount St. Helens & God’s Coming Judgment on America

America wake up and turn away from your sins! See actual on-site video footage of Mount St. Helens 33 years after its 1980 eruption. This video is a brief documentary on its volcanic eruption with my personal memories of that day, and how this relates to God’s coming judgment on America, and how you can be saved out of this judgment.
