The Tabernacle of Moses—A Picture of One’s Spiritual Journey. The Tabernacle of Moses from its from to back represents one’s progression in one’s spiritual journey starting with initial salvation leading to eternal life in YHVH’s eternal spiritual kingdom. Where would you place yourself in the tabernacle with regard to your spiritual walk?
In the outer court of the tabernacle, all the rituals and furnishings pointed to death, judgment, washing or cleansing. These prophetically foreshadowed salvation through Yeshua’s atoning death on the cross, Yeshua being the door to salvation, and baptism for the remission of sins. In the set-apart (kadosh or holy) place inside the tabernacle, everything there pointed to life, light, food, fragrant incense, the fruits and gifts of the Set-Apart Spirit. The outer court speaks of basic salvation for the redeemed believer in Yeshua, while the set-apart place speaks of spiritual growth and maturity, of moving from spiritual babyhood into spiritual adulthood or maturity.
Paul speaks of man being subdivided into body, soul and spirit (1 Thess 5:23). The tabernacle’s outer court seems to relates to the physical realm, while the Set-Apart Place speaks more of the psychological, volitional and emotional aspects of man’s inner realm or psychological realm (i.e., his soul), and the most set-apart place (kadosh hakadoshim or the holy of holies) portrays man approaching YHVH through the realm of his spirit man.
As one progresses into the tabernacle, it is as if YHVH is drawing man into an ever deeper relational walk with him starting at the most basic level progressing upward until man is finally communing with YHVH on a Spirit to spirit level (in the most set-apart place). It is the Father’s desire that men progressively grow until they are communing with him at a high spiritual level (see John 4:23–24).
The three pilgrimage festivals mentioned in last week’s Torah study (Exod 34:18–22) seem to suggest this three-part spiritual progression in a believer’s life as well.
Where would you place yourself in the tabernacle? What object or location in the tabernacle best represents where you’re at in your spiritual journey toward inclusion in YHVH Elohim’s eternal and spiritual family. Why did YHVH take such great pains to construct a physical layout of the steps we must take in our spiritual journey toward ultimate spiritual intimacy and oneness with him as represented by the most set-apart place in his tabernacle, which represented his dwelling place on earth among his chosen people (Exod 25:8)?
It is interesting to note that there are also three stages in the Hebraic or Biblical wedding. They are the betrothal, consummation and celebration stages. In the “godhead” there are also three subdivisions. They are the Father, Son and the Set-Apart Spirit. Additionally, John talks about three classes of believers, which are children, young men, and fathers (1 John 2:12–14). Does any of this relate to the tripartite subdivision of the tabernacle? (Reflect on this and discuss the spiritual implications of the tabernacle and how this relates to you as a born-again believer.)
At this time in my life, i feel like i’m in the Holy of Holys! The Father is no longer Yahushua’s Dad, but He IS my Daddy! hallelu-YAHUAH! My earthly father was never able to love me the way i needed but the heavenly FATHER gave me a vision of HIM coming down off the throne to hold me in His arms the way a daddy should. He also stroked my hair and face. hallelu-YAHUAH! It doesn’t take much thought on Him to fill me with a joy that is unspeakable & full of glory!
If you feel like you’re living in the holy of holies now, imagine what it’ll be like when you have your glorified body and the reality of the New Jerusalem as the bride of Yeshua—the object of our faith—has arrived!