John the Baptist-Type Preachers Are Preparing the Bride

As prophesied by Isaiah and Malachi the prophets, YHVH is currently raising up John the Baptist-style preachers to prepare the way for Yeshua’s (Jesus’) second coming. They are calling Christians out of the spiritual Babylon of churchianity, which is a mixture of truth and error, good and evil, and to repentance and back to their Torah-based, biblical roots.

These preachers are NOT pansies in the pulpits like the majority of Christian pastors, but are rough-hewn, plain spoken and fearless servant of YHVH Elohim, who are laying the spiritual ax to the tree of the anemic, lukewarm, idol-worshipping, man-pleasing religious system called modern Christianity. Can you handle this, or are you content to play church and remain in your spiritual state of lukewarm complacency?

Watch this video, be challenged to grow up spiritually, so you will be the chaste and righteous bride for which Yeshua the Messiah is coming back to marry.

The Bible is clear: not all Christians will be the bride of Yeshua! The choice is yours.


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