One Law for All People for All Time!

Exodus 12: 49, One law. (Other “one law” passages include Lev 24:22; Num 9:14; 15:16, 29.) The context of this verse regards the observance of Passover (also Num 9:14). There was to be only one law pertaining to the observance of the Passover for both the native Israelite and for the stranger who sojourns with the Israelite. Leviticus 24:22 says that there is one law for the Israelite and the stranger in the areas of blasphemy, murder, slaying another man’s animal, and harming one’s neighbor in any way. Pertaining to the law about the various offerings for sin (i.e, despising the instructions or Torah of Elohim, verse 31), Numbers 15:15–16 and 29 states there is one law for both the Israelite and the sojourner forever throughout their generations.

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Some will say that these “one Torah-law for everyone” passages pertain only to the specific Torah laws mentioned in these passages. In numerous places, Israel was to take the Torah (the whole Torah) to the nations of the world, not just parts of the Torah (e.g., Deut 4:6–8; Isa 60:1–3; Zech 8:22–23; Matt 28:18–20; Luke 24:47). Moreover, during the Messianic Age (or Millennium), the Torah will go forth to all the nations (Isa 2:3; Mic 4:2). What’s more, there are numerous places in the Testimony of Yeshua that speak of Torah as the standard of righteousness for all believers for all time (e.g., Matt 5:17–19; John 14:15; Rom 3:31; 7:12, 14, 22; 1 John 2:3–6; 3:4; Rev 22:14). Hundreds of more citations could be added to this list from the apostolic writings alone!

So the Torah was not for Israel only, but ultimately was to be for all the peoples of the earth. This includes you and me.


3 thoughts on “One Law for All People for All Time!

  1. I’m not being facetious. But since reconsidering certain things, the past 7 months, my mind keeps going back to stoning, and why we don’t do it now, and is it good to do, and are we supposed to, and if not why not since it was part of the Torah?

    • Perhaps it’s a case of justice. As in of you are the wronged party yet offer forgiveness and reconciliation, then you are living to a higher standard and understand the heart of the command. But ultimately justice HAS to be meted out. Especially for the benefit of the whole!

    • This issue really has to do with capital punishment.

      I’ll answer your question with two questions. I could go into a long theological discussion here about Yeshua taking the death penalty for our sins when he died on the cross and now all of our sins are now forgiven if we repent and turn to him. We could talk about Moses, David and Paul who were all murderers, but found grace in YHVH’s eyes and were forgiven. We could also talk about the fact that the death penalty was a function of the civil government under the Torah of the nation of Israel, and under the laws of our land too, so that’s not for us (you and me) to do. We could also talk about the fact that vengeance (judicial retribution) now belongs to YHVH-Yeshua (Rom 12:19) who will impose the death penalty upon all unrepentant sinners at his second coming. It’s called the lake of fire.

      But all this aside, here are my two questions:

      Remember Luke 9:54–55? What was Yeshua’s response when his disciples wanted to impose the death penalty upon some folks? What did he tell them in verse 55?

      Second, what was Yeshua’s response to the woman who was caught in adultery and the Jews were about to stone her as per the Torah? Read John 8:3-5 and then 10–11. As the Creator and the one who gave the Torah to Israel, he had the right to stone here then and there. But what was his response? This should be ours too. There for YHVH’s grace go all of us.

      Be blessed in Yeshua to know his truth!

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