In this video, Nathan demolishes the false Christian theological concept that the Abrahamic and Sinaitic or Mosaic covenants and hence YHVH’s Torah-law have bee done away with in some or all aspects. The Bible is clear. What the mainstream church teaches in this regard not only could not be further from the the divinely revealed Truth of the Bible, but it blasphemously impugns the very holy character of YHVH Elohim, and those who believe such are walking in satanic deception whether they realize it or not. It is time for YHVH’s people to wake up spiritually and to exit the confusing hodgepodge and spiritual Babylon of men’s traditions that make of none effect the Word and Truth of Elohim! This is a tough, but enlightening and freeing message!
This and other videos by Nathan are available as podcasts on Spotify and Apple podcast under “Hoshana Rabbah.”
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