I, Nathan Lawrence, have read and helped to edit the following book and have advised my good friend and brother in the faith, Luke Abaffy, while he was writing it. By his own admission, Luke has relied heavily on my teachings in the writing of his book.
But, more importantly, as I was reading and editing Luke’s book, it became clear to me that YHVH has given him much fresh revelation and new insights, which I have found to be unique, refreshing and inspiring in our attempt to understand and then to present a Torah-based view of the Scriptures to those around us. Honestly, in my more than 50 years of studying the Torah and attempting to living a Torah-compliant lifestyle, I have not come across another apologetic that addresses Christianity’s anti-Torah views as well as this book does. Luke’s book is compelling and spiritually energizing. Thus, I am convinced that Luke is a Spirit-led instrument in the hands of the Almighty YHVH Elohim to bring the Truth of Torah in light of Christianity’s apathy toward it to a whole new level and a new generation of believers. I have never said this about another book on this subject.
Therefore, please purchase his book, read it and assimilate the concepts found therein and then share it with others who are looking to help bring the lost sheep of Israel back to the Truth of the Bible.
This promotion is totally unsolicited by anyone, and Nathan Lawrence and Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Resources gains no financial or other benefit from it other than knowing that this book will help to advance the kingdom of Elohim for the glory of Yeshua our Messiah. —Nathan Lawrence
Presenting the new E book and paperback book by Luke Abaffy (creator of The Way Documentary) entitled The Truth-Reformation 2.0. This new books is…
A lighthearted, hard-hitting apologetics book from the creators of THE WAY documentary. Inside you’ll find:
- The biblical case for keeping (even more of) God’s law
- 25 contradictions in popular theology solved
- Illustrations that visually contrast true and false doctrines
- Clear language you can use to articulate your beliefs
Read THE TRUTH on your digital devices! You’ll receive an email with a choice of ebook file formats to download once your order is processed & completed. Learn more about THE TRUTH in the description below.
For 2,000 years, Christians taught that trying to keep the laws of the Old Testament is at worst, a blasphemous attempt to earn one’s salvation and at best, a misguided pursuit meant for Jewish people alone. Thanks to our fortunate involvement in the New Covenant, we don’t need to concern ourselves with now-symbolic food laws or the shadow-picture feasts of Leviticus 23 … or do we?.What if those laws are essential to the New Covenant and tied to the very purpose of life? What if they reveal more of Jesus’s example for us to follow? And what if the law of God is a perfect reflection of who He is, allowing us to know Him in a deeper way than ever before?
The Truth: Reformation 2.0 is an apologetics resource that reveals harmful contradictions in popular Christian theology.
Inside you’ll find:
- The biblical case for keeping (even more of) God’s law
- Practical insights into what laws can be kept today and why
- 25 contradictions in popular theology solved
- Venn Diagrams and illustrations that visually contrast true and false doctrines
- Clear language and a simple framework you can use to articulate your beliefs
The Truth: Reformation 2.0 provides clear, easy-to-remember answers to questions and objections like:
- But didn’t Jesus fulfill the law so we don’t have to?
- Why are you trying to be Jewish?
- You’re misdirecting your energy, focusing on minutiae from the Old Testament instead of just loving people!
- But doesn’t God love us unconditionally … no matter what we do?
- But didn’t Jesus break the Sabbath?
- Have you read Galatians?!
- Aren’t we only responsible to keep the laws that are repeated in the New Testament?
- But didn’t Jesus declare all foods clean?
- You think it’s a good idea to stone your children!?
- But God can sanctify something that used to be pagan to bring Himself glory!
- But God’s law changes all the time!
- Isn’t the point of the New Covenant that we don’t need to keep the law anymore?!
- Didn’t Jesus give us new, more spiritual commands instead of the old stuff from the law of Moses?
- Aren’t we, as the church, still Gentiles?
- Shouldn’t I just decide for myself and be “fully convinced in my own mind?”
To order the E book or paperback book, click the link below:
We’re very excited about this book! I didn’t know you were so involved in it and now I am even more excited about it!
I just received my book and am was confused by the time I got to page 3 and the list of Yahweh’s appointed times. Where is the Feast of First Fruits which Yeshua was the fulfillment of with his resurrection. Am I not understanding something correctly?
That is correct. There is no such thing as the Feast of Firstfruits. This is a non-existent holiday. Yes, Firstfruits was a day in which the priests waved the barley before YHVH, but Leviticus 23 neither calls it a Shabbat nor a commanded assembly nor a feast. In fact, historically, it was a work day for the Israelites to go out and to harvest their barley fields.
Yes, my NKJV has “Feast of Firstfruits” as a subtitle in the column just above the description of this day and its ceremony in Lev 23, but this is incorrect.This is more Christian mythology and a false teachings. Sadly, many Hebrew roots teachers have parroted and promoted this error and failed to do their research to find the truth. To Luke Abaffy’s credit, he has done his research and correctly represented the truth of the matter in his new book.
I suspect that non-Torah obedient Christians scholars elevated Firstfruits Day to Sabbath and feast status (without Scripture’s approval) to answer the Easter/Resurrection Day question. Why is there no biblical feast that focuses specifically on the resurrection of Yeshua? Since there is not one, the scholars made one up.
I address these issues and the hard cold facts in my treatise on the subject at
Be blessed as you conform you understanding to the divinely revealed Truth of YHVH Elohim and away from the traditions of men by which the word of Elohim has been made of none effect (Mark 7:8, 13).
Thanks for your reply. I respectfully must disagree. YHWH states these are the designated/appointed times of YHWH which are to be proclaimed as holy convocations. I am curious, where did you idea come from that appointed times had to be Sabbaths and the people could not do anything like bring a sheaf of first fruits of their harvest? So you have a verse for that? I don’t remember ever seeing it so I have to go with man made destination until I see otherwise.
It’s clear from your comments that you haven’t read my article on the subject. If you had, your questions as to the biblical reasons why I believe what I do would have been answered. Until you do, it’s impossible for me to have an intelligent, honest and fact-based conversation with you.
I sent email and received confirmation but not option to purchase the ebook