What do YOU lift your eyes up to?

Psalm 123:1, Unto you I lift my eyes. How many people in our post-Christian era lift their eyes to Elohim anymore for anything? Not many. Even most so called believers put their trust in just about everything else besides Elohim in their time of need whether it’s in medical doctors, money, .self-help psychology, the government, or themselves. For example, when they are sick, most people instinctively call their doctors first before praying to Elohim for wisdom and healing. They seldom seek YHVH when making major decisions in their lives. They rarely seek YHVH’s guidance, direction, wisdom and counsel on anything. They spend more times lifting their eyes up to their electronic devices (a modern version of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) instead of to YHVH and his Word, and they are to addicted to the things of this world and, at the same time, blind to their own idol-worshipping habits to even recognize it. We are a lukewarm and idolatrous people. This was a concern of John, which is why he ended his first epistle with these words, “Little children, keep yourselves from idols” (1 John 5:21). If this was true then, how much more so now? YHVH help us!


3 thoughts on “What do YOU lift your eyes up to?

  1. Most of the people we see nowadays, are BOWING their heads looking down to their electronic devices for all their needs.

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