What is my purpose for posting all of these articles on this blog? Is it so that you the reader can fill yourself with more head knowledge about the Bible and feel better about yourself because of how much you know? Or is it because I want to inflate my ego by showing you how much I know about the Bible? NO!
There are several reasons why I created this blog and post so many articles on a regular basis. Here are the reasons:
- It is my great desire to show people the beauty and relevance of the Bible as a modern-day guide for day-to-day living.
- It is to help proclaim the glorious and life-changing message of the gospel of Yeshua the Messiah in hopes that people will embrace it and live by it.
- It is to show people how to live a blessed life now and forever into eternity.
- It is to help hurting people find hope, meaning and purpose in their life.
- For those who already “know” Yeshua, it is to provoke them to go higher and deeper in their spiritual walk with him.
- To help promote spiritual revival.
- It is to wake people up out of their spiritual lethargy in hopes that they will fall in love with the Creator of the universe and his Word, the Bible, and the Messiah, whom he sent to redeem mankind from the damnable evil of sin.
- Finally, I want the articles on this blog to be a giant kick in people’s behind to help them to get them off of their duff and to real with Elohim and themselves, and then to start doing the right thing.
This is my reasonable service to our Heavenly King! That’s all. Nothing more or less.
Mark 14:51, A certain young man…naked. The reason for the inclusion of this detail in the Gospel record has puzzled many commentators. For example, Matthew Henry suggests that it was added to show the barbarous nature of the Jewish gang that arrested Yeshua, and how narrow was the disciples’ escape from their hands. There seems, however, to be a greater spiritual lesson to be learned from this story, which we will now discuss.
Previous to this, Yeshua, as he and his disciples were coming into the Garden of Gethsemane, admonished them to sit and pray with him (v. 32), to stay and watch (v. 34), to watch and pray so as not to fall into temptation because of the weakness of the flesh (v. 38). Instead, the disciples slept (vv. 37, 40).
Elsewhere, Yeshua instructed the elect saints of the last days to endure tribulation and spiritual apostasy to the end (Matt 24:13), and to watch vigilantly and be ready for his second coming (Matt 24:42, 44; 25:13). These warnings are in the context of his Parable of the Ten Virgins. All slept while awaiting the bridegroom’s arrival. While five were spiritually prepared, five were not. Those who were unprepared were dubbed as foolish and weren’t allowed into the wedding.
Likewise, in the end times, there will be believers who YHVH views as wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked because they have grown lukewarm spiritually (Rev 3:14–17).
The point of this discussion is this: If the disciples of Yeshua fail to maintain a state of spiritual preparedness (by watching, praying, keeping oil in their spiritual lamps, enduring to the end) while awaiting his return, they, like the young man in Gethsemane and the Laodiceans in the book of Revelation, will be found to be spiritually naked lacking robes of righteousness on the day of his return and thus unprepared to meet him (Rev 19:7–9 cp. Matt 22:2, 11–12).
Natan, Glad to know you. You are definitely turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers.
Blessings, John
Strengthen the things that remain. Your post reminds me of the Butt prints in the Sand poem.
Natan the last 2 paragraphs of this post are so important: reminders to us as believers in Elohim and Yeshua his one & only begotten Son. Saviour of the world. .
The days are so dark… such a spiritual heaviness envelopes this earth world wide- many strong holds over peoples lives (some believers & unbelievers alike ) strong holds over nations
peoples & tongues…Gov’ts etc.. Father has already warned us in his WORD -the Scriptures..
I remember as I was coming out from under Sunday Christianity Churchianity ..Words were spoken to me by the Pastors wife: they have a ministry that goes into the UK & USA.
and way back in the year 2000 they formed a Five Fold Ministry . Wife- in office of Apostle- Prophet ,husband Apostolic Pastor, sister of the lady Pastor – Office of Teacher, Evangelist another married couple who have gone into India ,Asia etc.. so when I was trying to tell them about marrying the Sabbath with the Seven Feasts of Messiah-prophetic significance
they had always taught of a Book Of Acts Church.. Ruach power there of: they would call it Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost power. I was none too popular.
The wife accepted the Passover of which I wrote a lengthy letter, Notes hand written re the same in April 2007. they got info from me based on the revelation the Ruach had given me then the Pastor gets up & says this is Y.s ( his wife) ground breaking message on Passover.. but they still hold Sunday services.. & many of the congregants did not understand the pagan roots behind Christmas & Easter..so I was certainly on the outside by then and had someone say to me Oh I just Love Christmas.. other things happened & I resigned from serving in the church at the end of 2012.
Hence I had a lot of personal healing to go thru & I had to stay so close to the word- scriptures & prayer etc.. to survive the walk away from traditional Sunday Church ,5 fold ministry and what they thought was correct. I am so grateful for finding Hoshanah Rabbah blog to help me thru a most difficult, emotional & spiritual time in my walk as a believer. .The Ministry ( Church) husband & wife pastors made me feel like I was walking away from the true church.
Hence I come to this Blog frequently. and now fellowship with some close friends ( not from the Sunday church) who are like minded.. keep the Sabbath and have understanding of the Feasts.. we are few in number .I certainly hope I/we will qualify and make it to be one of the wise Virgins that still have oil in their lamps. so thank you for this post & I do hope it is okay to express what I have just typed. .
Thank you,Sir for all your teachings.
I am also sharing your teachings to Pastors that I know
& to my churchmates & classmates in Biblical Languages.
More wisdom,new revelations & insights about His Word
especially about End-Times & Biblical Prophecies.