Where do you go to inquire of Elohim?

Psalm 27:4, Behold. Literally to see as a seer in an ecstatic state, to perceive by experience or with intelligence. (See also Ps 63:12.) There is more than one way to come into contact with the beauty, favor, delightfulness or pleasantries of YHVH. 

The psalmist talks about going into the tabernacle to encounter YHVH. Since there is no longer a tabernacle in which the saints can go to seek YHVH, where do they now go? 

The saint is the tabernacle or temple of the Spirit of Elohim, and the Spirit dwells in one’s personal spirit. This means that one must go inside himself to seek and behold beauty of YHVH. Perhaps this is “the secret [or the covered, private, hidden or protected] place” to which the writer makes reference in v. 5.

Psalm 27:4, 8, Inquire…seek. Literally “look for, consider or reflect.” Such an effort takes time and energy to do, and to accomplish, one must quiet down the rambunctiousness of the soul (the mind, will and emotions), so that the personal spirit can rise up and speak.


2 thoughts on “Where do you go to inquire of Elohim?

    • P.S I inquired of Elohim and He told me “it’s not what you ACQUIRE, its what you REQUIRE. See I had an appointment with the Great Physician and I’m goin in for spiritual surgery 🙂

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