Luke 12:5, Killed…cast into hell [Gehenna]. There are two deaths: a physical and a spiritual death. All humans will die a physical death (Heb 9:27), but not everyone will die a second or spiritual death. This death is reserved for the unregenerate wicked and is called the lake of fire (Rev 20:12–15).
The Hinnom Valley (Gr. Gehenna) on the west side of Jerusalem was a Hebrew metaphor for the fate of the wicked. The Jews used this valley as a refuse dump, and it was there that the bodies of dead animals and criminals were burned.
Literally, at the white throne judgment after having judged the unregenerate wicked, YHVH will cast them into his spiritual garbage dump to be burned up (Rev 20:11–15).
If you’re reading this and you haven’t repented of your sins and accepted Yeshua the Messiah’s (Jesus Christ’s) free gift of salvation, now is the time to do it. After having done this, or you want to know how to do this, we invite you to read and then
My husband of 54 years went Home to Glory two weeks ago today. We found Adonai together thirty-eight years ago. I know I will see him again when YAH Calls me, I hope soon!
May Abba YHVH bless you with his shalom, strength and joy as he leads you in his arms of love through the valley of the shadow of death. What a glorious hope YHVH has given us in the hope and reality of the resurrection of his dead and eternal life in his eternal kingdom as his sons and daughters and members of his forever family. HalleluYah! To be married that long is becoming a rare and precious phenomenon these days. A real crown of achievement!!!! To Elohim be the glory for it.