Don’t give away the store when helping others!

Matthew 25:9, No, lest there. Those who are spiritually wise and have been prudent to prepare for the Messiah’s return must not allow those are not wise and have not prepared to leach off of them spiritually, so that the prudent end up like being weak and ineffective spiritually like the foolish. In other words, Yeshua teaches that self-interest for the purpose self-preservation is actually wisdom and prudence. The wise must not allow themselves to become so “kind-hearted” that in the process of helping others they end up exhausting themselves spiritually to the point of burn-out so as to become all but useless for helping to expand Elohim’s kingdom on earth.


8 thoughts on “Don’t give away the store when helping others!

    • They are very very needy! Then they drain you and if you have to correct them in a loving way they will flip out on you and tell the world you hurt them and make you look like a fool and then some.

    • Ask any pastor, he’ll know what I’m talking about! Same with counselors and psychologists.

      There are people that when they come into the room, there’s a sucking sound that accompanies them. They suck the life out of those around them. I call them high maintenance and low impact people. They’re all about themselves and are usually the walking wounded who go through life playing the victim. They’re always looking for sympathy, handouts and they have a spiritual entitlement mentality. Quite often, these people live on government handouts as well. If you don’t give them what they want when the want it, they’ll turn on you and find some other poor sucker to vampirize. They’re some of the most selfish and narcissistic people you’ll every meet. Beware of them. They’ll suck you dry and when they’re done with you, you’ll be high and dry.

  1. “We urge you, brothers and sisters, correct the unruly, comfort the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.” [1Th 5:14]

    Are they unruly? Are they fainthearted? Or are they weak? They may appear fainthearted or weak, but they could just be unruly in disguise. If you think they are fainthearted or weak, try to comfort or help them. If they are fainthearted or weak, they will be comforted or helped. If not, you will likely soon know by their response that they are, in fact, unruly. The unruly are “not readily ruled, disciplined (discipled – my add-on), or managed” [Merriam-Webster Dictionary] In that case, correct them. Even the unruly can be corrected. Otherwise, we would not be exhorted by Shaul to try to correct them. However, if they do not, in time (as determined by the Ruach HaKodesh), rightly respond to the correction, then it’s likely they are not His sheep and you should let them be. The sheep will be eat the Master’s food. Goats refuse to eat the Master’s food, will eat just about anything, and otherwise, just like to “butt heads”. Stay away from them, as best you can, and keep an eye upon them, because sometimes, if you’re not looking, they like to use your backside as a target.

    Consider the “rich, young ruler” who asked Messiah, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” After receiving the Master’s answer (food), he argued in defense of himself. The after the Master’s rebuttal, he walked away because he was not willing to be discipled. The Master didn’t chase after him, but just let him be. Sometimes some people have to “hit bottom” before they are ready to repent and bear fruit in keeping with their repentance. We don’t believe that people should have to “pull themselves up by their own boot straps”, but they have to at least be willing to cooperate when someone is trying to give them a hand when they are down.

  2. Thank you and you’re welcome. Praise YHWH Elohim! And thank you for your post. It has been my 24 years of experience professionally counseling believers and unbelievers alike that has helped me learn this, His wisdom.

  3. This was a wake up for me. First. I don’t want to be this way. Second I believe I have to take a good look around me after reading this. Also I appreciated Jerry and Lisa’s response as well as the other comments. Excellent scriptures and definition. This will helps me to look clearly. And reserve my energy as well. Many scriptures come to my mind now. But it’s good enough for me just to indulge the wisdom.

    Thank you Yah for your family who hold your wisdom!


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