The rediscovery and use of the biblical names of deity is a fundamental aspect of returning to the Hebraic roots of the Christian faith. It is an essential element of coming out of pagan Babylonianism, getting back to biblical basics, and the restoration of biblical truths in the end times as the following article explains.
The Scriptures clearly teach us that YHVH wants his people to use his Hebrew names and titles (e.g. YHVH, Yah, El, Elohim, Adonai and Yeshua). If not, than why is “YHVH,” the personal name of the biblical deity, found in the Tanakh (or Old Testament) almost 7000 times?
Despite the proliferation of the name YHVH in the Bible, men are not to use his name carelessly as the third commandments teaches us (Exod 20:7).
The problem is that YHVH’s people have forgotten YHVH’s Hebrew names and worshipped pagan gods instead (Ps 44:20; Jer 23:27). Interesting, it’s a fact that most of our common English substitutes for the Hebrew names of Elohim derive from the names of pagan deities (e.g. God, Lord, Holy, Christ, Jesus). At the same time, the Scriptures prophesy that YHVH’s name will be restored and used again (Jer 23:6; 31:23; Ezek 39:7).
Interestingly, Satan’s name has never been changed down through the millennia from one language to another. The names of significant Hebrew biblical personalities along with Greek and Roman notable historical figures remain essentially unchanged to our day. However, the Hebrew names of Elohim and his Messiah not only have been changed, but often masked under the names of pre-exisiting pagan deities. Doesn’t this sound like a satanic conspiracy to hide the true identity of the Elohim of the Bible? It’s time for the YHVH’s people to stop acquiescing to these demonic plots begin using the true Hebrew names of Elohim.
In biblical times, YHVH’s name was so precious to his people that the Israelites used it respectfully as a common greeting (Ruth 2:4; Ps 129:8; Jer 31:23).
In the future, the Hebrew name YHVH will be applied to Yeshua at his second coming (Ps 118:26; Matt 23:39). Why shouldn’t his people start using it once again?
The prohibition of the rabbinic Jews about using Elohim’s Hebrew names is not supported biblically, but is a more recent religious doctrine of men that is based on pagan Babylonian religious notions. This is yet another made-made tradition that has made of non-effect the clear word of Elohim (Matt 15:6 ; Mark 7:7–9).
For the above-mentioned reasons, we don’t support the prohibition of using the Hebrew names of Elohim.
At the same time, if we’re not careful, using the biblical names of Elohim can become a prideful and divisive issue. For some people, it can become a legalistic issue as well. For them, they view negatively those who don’t use the Hebrew names either out of ignorance of the Scriptures, or because of adherence to man-made religious traditions that shun the use of the biblical names of Elohim. This is not good. The importance using the Hebrew names is a revelation from the Spirit of Elohim. Those who haven’t received this revelation yet must be viewed with mercy and grace. The use of the sacred names must never be viewed as a requirement for salvation or fellowship.
Names are important. They not only designate who one is referring to, but behind a name is a reputation. That reputation speaks to the person’s character, authority and power. It is vitally important that YHVH’s people guard the use of his name and not confuse it with the names of pagan deities. In fact, the Torah commands YHVH’s people not even to speak the names of pagan deities (Exod 23:13). As Torah-pursuant people, we need to obey this command. We don’t want to profane the reputation or character of YHVH Elohim through the use of unbiblical and often pagan and demonic names.
Yeshua warned his disciples against following those who come in their own name (John 5:43). The demonic beast adversaries of YHVH in the end times hate and will blaspheme the name of Elohim (Rev 13:6). Most of the people on the earth will follow this evil and blasphemous enemy of Elohim (Rev 13:8). This is what evil, demon-inspired people do. The psalmist lamented this when he cried out, “O Elohim, how long shall the adversary reproach? Shall the enemy blaspheme your name forever?…Remember this, that the enemy has reproached, O YHVH and that the foolish people have blasphemed your name,” (Ps 74:10, 18).
Meaning of Name in Hebrew
The Hebrew word shem, which is translated in our bibles as name, connotes two primary concepts Biblically, a name is a label by which a person is called. Often, but not always, that name reflects some trait about the person. A name is also used to indicate a person’s reputation. The same significance behind the word name exists in modern English as well.
To give us an understanding of the broad meaning of the word shem, consider the following. Shem is translated in the KJV Bible as name (832 times), renown (7 times), fame (4 times), famous (3 times), named (3 times), report (1 time) and means “name, reputation, fame, glory, the Name (as designation of Elohim); memorial and monument.”
What Are the Hebrew Names of Elohim in the Bible?
There are several main names and titles that the Scriptures reveal belong to the Creator. They are the following:
YHVH, referred to as the tetragrammaton, the personal name of the Creator and occurs some 6800 times in the Tanakh. The exact pronunciation of this name has been lost down through the ages, and there is debate among well-meaning individuals on how to pronounce this four consonant Hebrew name. Because there are now vowels in this name, scholars can only speculate and make educated guesses about what the vowels between the consonants should be. In this author’s opinion, the most likely candidate for the tetragrammaton’s pronunciation based on all the ancient historical, linguistic and literary evidence currently available is Yehovah and not Yehowah, Yahweh, Yahuweh or Yahveh.
Elohim — This is the next most common name for the Creator occurring more than 2600 times in the Tanakh. It is most often translated as God in our English Bibles. This name is plural and can mean “mighty or powerful ones.” It indicates the uni-plural nature of the Godhead and is a reference to the Father, the Son and the Set-Apart Spirit of Elohim.
El — This is believed to be a shortened form of Elohim and is found 245 times in the Scriptures and is most often translated as God. It means “mighty one.”
Eloah —This is the singular form of Elohim and occurs about 70 times in the Tanakh. It means “mighty or powerful one.”
Yah — This is the shortened form of YHVH and is found 49 times in the Tanakh. It is usually translated into English as Lord. In some Bibles, it is written as Yah or Jah in Psalm 68:4.
Adonai — This title meaning “lord, master” occurs 434 times in the Tanakh and is usually translated as Lord.
Yeshua — This is the Hebrew name for Jesus and is found 29 times in the Tanakh and means “he is saved.” It is a shortened form of Yehoshua meaning “YHVH is salvation.”
Mashiach — This is the Hebrew word for messiah and is translated into English in the Testimony of Yeshua as Christ. It means “anointed one” or literally “one smeared with oil.” This word is found 39 times in the Tanakh.
Ruach HaKodesh — This phrase is found only three times in the Tanakh and refers to the Spirit of Elohim, which, through other terms, is referenced numerous times in the Tanakh. It literally means “set-apart spirit.”
Moreover, when worshipping YHVH Elohim, we suggest you use the following Hebrew words instead of the more common terms that have pagan derivations: Instead of holy use kadosh or set-apart, for glory use kavod, for hallowed and sacred use qodesh, for amen say amein. Of course, the Hebrew word halleluyah (and other similar biblical words) is totally acceptable to use when worshipping and praising YHVH. In the Testimony of Yeshua, it’s easy to make the substitutions to the Hebrew names. Jesus becomes Yeshua, Christ becomes Messiah, God become Elohim, Lord becomes Master or YHVH depending on the context of the passage. If the passage is a quote from the Tanakh where YHVH was used originally or it’s a reference to the deity of Yeshua, then Lord becomes YHVH. If, for example, the disciples are referring to Yeshua in a colloquial fashion as Lord, then a possible substitution would be Master.
I had a conversation after 9/11 with a business associate who told me that he was very tolerant of other people’s religions because there is only one God and what difference does it make what you call Him…I asked him if he loved his wife, he said yes..I said then the next time that you’re intimate with her, call her by another woman’s name and see how big that goes over…after all you only have one wife..what difference does it make what you call her? His chin hit the floor and he said he never thought of it that way before…I told him His name is Jesus ( I didn’t know at that time it is Yeshua) and that he’d better get it right! Funny enough, now I got it right and when I share this with others they say well they have always called Him Jesus and He knows who they mean..I tell them He know your name, shouldn’t you know His? and now that you do why are you still in rebellion? and why then would He answer you if you refuse to call your Salvation by His name?
My wife and I have been using correct Hebrew names and titles for several years now. For example, we say so be it, instead of amen. We found out that amen is a shortened version of the Egyptian Amenhotep Pagon or foreign god name. Also Interesting that the 1611 Authorized Version has Yeshua name as Iesus pronounced, iezus which sounds a lot like the Pagon zeus. This is a hard concept for many believers to accept.
Amen if pronounced correctly isn’t a bad word. It’s actually a Hebrew word that means “so be it” and is related to the Hebrew word emet meaning “truth.” The proper way to pronounce amen in Hebrew is amein/amane/amain. This Hebrew word has noting to do with there Egyptian sun god Amen-Ra. I use the amein pronunciation of the Hebrew word, so that it doesn’t sound like the pagan god.
As far as Jesus and Zeus, there is absolutely no connection between these two names etymologically. In fact, they’re spelled differently in Koine Greek. Ee-ay-sus is a perfect translation in to Koine Greek from the Hebrew name Yeshua/Joshua. Anyone who knows the elementary basics of Greek grammar can see how this works. From Ee-ay-sus comes the name Jesus in the English which unfortunately and coincidentally bears a striking resemblance to the name Zeus.
I use the name Yeshua, but have no problem with Jesus if that’s all you know. Once you know the truth, it’s time to move to the higher level and use the proper name. We have seen many miracles and lives transformed using the name of Jesus, so obviously it’s not the end of the world if that name gets used instead of the true name.
IT’S hard, unlearning everything we have been taught as the TRUTH! SO, I ask you, if we cut all those wolves in sheep’s clothing, what do we have left?
YHVH’s people need to start studying their Bibles more deeply and then not only will they be able to identify the wolves in sheep’s clothing, but they will also be more equipped to separate the wheat of truth from the chaff of error that many of well-meaning, but misguided Bible “teachers” are teaching. The purpose of this blog is to help people to do jus that.