Torah in a Box: Combatting Greasy Grace Torah-Obedience

Man-Made Torah Packages

The Torah comes in a lot of man-made  packages that tend to obscure the true essence of Torah as presented in the Scriptures. This is what I call toxic Torah. Here are a few examples of toxic Torah-packages being promoted today in the Messianic or Hebrew Roots Movement:

Divine Intervention

Torah Legalism (modern day Pharisees) — The modern day Torah police, like the Pharisees of old, are heresy hunter, nit-picking legalists who place more emphasis on the letter of the law and the dos and don’ts of the Torah then on the spirit of the law and the gospel message as presented by the Torah-obedient apostolic writers. They judge everyone else on the basis of their interpretation of the Torah and demand that everyone else come up to their level of righteousness.

Torah Terrorists — Every other word out of these folks’ mouth is “Torah.” They want everyone to come into perfect Torah obedience immediately. Torah is the answer to everything. The gospel message of Yeshua, who is the Living Torah of Elohim incarnate, and by who’s help we’re able to do the Torah, is often kicked “to the back of the bus” or is almost non-existent.

Humanistic Torah — In this case, traditions and doctrines of men are exalted over the word of Elohim. Sometimes Jewish or rabbinic traditions are more important than obedience to the actual Torah-word of Elohim.

Torah Lite — This is a window dressing Torah-obedience where the light duty stuff of Torah such as observing some of the fun biblical holidays, dancing around the Torah scroll while doing some Jewish liturgy mixed with some other Jewish traditions along with a love for the Jewish people and the land of Israel is done in place of actually living a Torah-submissive lifestyle.

The Torah idol of intellectualism — There are many who learn about Torah through worshipping  at the idol of intellectualism. These folks place a greater emphasis on studying the jots and tittles of the Torah (e.g., Paleo-Hebrew, gematria, the mystical and esoteric aspects of Torah, rabbinic head knowledge, and the minutia of Torah’s details) then they do the weightier matters of the Torah, which involve love, the gospel message and righteous living.

Greasy Grace Torah-Obedience — This is a Torah that often suits Christians who are new to the Torah. They see Torah’s validity and relevance to the born again believer, but they take the punch out of YHVH’s word and view Torah as more of an option, suggestion or blessing to do rather than a command from Elohim that is incumbent upon all believers. This view promotes the underlying idea that YHVH’s grace will cover my inability or lack of willingness to fully obey his commandments thus giving me a pass to be disobedient. This is the Torah box we want to discuss below.

The above listed points are just a few examples of the permutations of Torah being promoted in the present day nascent Hebrew Roots Movement. Other examples could be give as well. What I have described above are like neat little boxes. Few people fit exactly into these boxes. People who promote a skewed version of Torah will have a view that’s an admixture of points from several of these broad categories.

Greasy-Grace Torah

All too often a Christianized version of Torah is being peddled by Messianic or Hebrew Roots teachers. Though they promote Torah obedience, it’s a censored message to fit the appetites of Christians who are accustomed to hearing the traditional hyper-grace message of the mainstream church. These Torah teachers will proffer such concepts as these:

  • Torah-obedience isn’t really commanded in the New Testament, but it’s a good thing to do, since it will bring blessings in this physical life (i.e., “do Torah ‘cause it’s good for me and I’ll get something out of it” — a humanistic, a narcissistic mentality).
  • Torah obedience has nothing to do with salvation.
  • Torah obedience doesn’t effect your relationship with the Father. His love is unconditional and he’ll love you just the same and to the same degree whether you’re Torah-compliant not.
  • Let the Holy Spirit lead and direct you which part of Torah to follow (i.e., this way you can blame your Torah disobedience on “the Holy Spirit who didn’t lead you to follow certain or all aspects of the Torah”).
  • Torah obedience is a good thing to do, but isn’t really mandatory for the New Testament believer.
  • It’s good to follow the eternal principles or the spirit of Torah, but we don’t have to get “legalistic” about doing the letter of the Torah.

The reality is that the Bible presents a very different message than the viewpoints listed above. Consider the following biblical truths:

  • The commandments of Torah (Heb. mitsvot) are commands from the Almighty, and aren’t an option for man to pick and choose what to do. The first Torah command YHVH gave to man was to not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. The penalty for doing so was death. There were no options there. When man turned YHVH’s command into a suggestion after listening to the serpent’s lies at the tree of knowledge, he sinned and the death penalty came upon  him. When we question YHVH’s Torah commands, we’re toying with his words. We’re taking a pick-and-choose mentality, which what Adam and Eve did and brought sin and destruction into the world.
  • Torah is a reflection of the very heart, mind, will and character of Elohim. When we say that certain things in the Torah “aren’t for me,” we’re really telling YHVH that certain aspects of his character and will aren’t important. Since when are we as created beings in any position to tell the Creator that his words don’t matter? These are more the actions of a bratty and rebellious child. Can such a demeanor be pleasing to the Almighty?
  • Have we forgotten what the biblical definition of sin is? What is sin? It’s the violation of the Torah (1 John 3:4). Period! Every time we sin, we’re violating a Torah commandment, which is the word, will and commandments of Elohim. The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23); the soul that sins shall die (Ezek 18:4). This sounds pretty serious doesn’t it? Like the Almighty means business! This isn’t something mortal men want to mess with. Yes, Yeshua paid for our sins ­— but only our past confessed and repented of sins (Rom 3:25). He doesn’t forgive us of sin if we haven’t confessed and repented of it (1 John 1:9). If he did, then the whole world would be saved without ever having to repent of sin and submit to Yeshua!
  • Torah disobedience brings curses (Deut 28:15ff; 30:15–20; Lev 26:14ff). Torah-disobedience isn’t something to trifle with! YHVH will cast those who continue in Torahlessness including the Torah command to hear and obey the Messiah into the lake of fire to be destroyed for eternity (Rev 20:11–15; 21:8; 22:14–15; Mal 4:3).
  • Torah-obedience determines not only present blessing in this life, but also future rewards in the next life. Our level of rewards will be exactly proportionate to our works of Torah righteousness (Matt 5:19; 16:27; Rom 2:6; 2 Cor 5:10; Eph 6:8; 1 Pet 1:17; Rev 2:23; 19:8; 20:12).
  • To be sure, the Scriptures are clear. One’s initial salvation isn’t determined by their works of Torah-obedience. However, salvation is a process (starting with the spirit in man being spiritually regenerated at one’s initial salvation, moving then to the soul of man [his mind, will and emotions] and then finally to his body [the glorification of man at the resurrection]). We have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12; 2 Pet 1:10). We must persevere as overcomers until the end to win the ultimate prize of eternal life (Matt 10:22; Phil 3:14; Rev 2:7, 17, 26; 3:21). One can fall away in the process and lose one’s salvation (1 Cor 9:27; Phil 3:13). If after having received the light of YHVH’s truth, we fall away spiritually and our hearts become hardened by sin and we resist the Holy Spirit’s leading us to repent, we can commit the unpardonable sin. If after having been spiritually enlightened, we then rebelliously turn away from the will of YHVH as expressed in the Torah, we can lose our salvation (Heb 6:4–6; 10:26). Our initial salvation isn’t predicated on Torah-obedience, yet once we’ve received YHVH’s free gift of salvation, the Torah will keep us on the path of righteousness, and with the help of Yeshua living in our hearts and minds through the power of his Holy Spirit, keep us from falling away and losing our salvation. If we resist the Holy Spirit, and fail to live up to the light of YHVH’s Torah truth we have received, we’re, in reality, rejecting Yeshua, who is the Living Torah Word of Elohim. Therefore, we can’t be saved initially through Torah-obedience, but if we persist in knowing and unconfessed sin (Torah disobedience), we can lose our salvation (Heb 6:4–6; 10:26). So Torah-obedience is a factor in our ultimate salvation — i.e., whether we stay saved, and what our level of rewards will be in YHVH’s eternal kingdom.
  • The end time saints are those who keep the (Torah) commandments of Elohim and who believe in the gospel message of Yeshua (Rev 12:17; 14:12). The Bible doesn’t refer to saints as those who pick and choose which Torah commands to follow, or who follow the Torah halfway. Such people are self-willed rebels like Adam and Eve who put a higher priority on following the lusts of the flesh over obedience to YHVH’s Word. To reject the Torah in whole or in part is to go against the commands of the Creator (Jas 2:10). It is also rejecting YHVH’s very character, nature and will. Does YHVH want to grant eternal life to and live forever with anyone who rejects his character, nature and will? Adam and Eve walked with YHVH in an intimate relationship until they sinned (went against the Torah-word or will of Elohim) resulting in their intimate relationship with the Almighty being cut off. This isn’t a path we want to go down by toying with YHVH’s Torah.
  • Where is the fear of YHVH in a message that in any way diminishes the efficaciousness, validity, spiritual punch or the consequences of disobedience to the Torah? The Scriptures again and again instruct man to fear Elohim and his word. In the end times, a heavenly messenger will be preaching the everlasting gospel, which begins with preaching about the fear (Gk. phobeo meaning “to put to flight by terrifying, to scare away”) of Elohim (Rev 14:6–7). The fear of YHVH is an integral and foundational aspect of the gospel message of Torah, yet we hear so little taught on this subject in most Messianic or Hebrew roots congregations. Instead, we’re still hearing to too much secular humanism woven into the preaching of the Torah (i.e., you can pick and choose what you want to follow to suit your fancies). The apostles taught that YHVH is a consuming fire (Heb 12:29), and that he is to be dreaded or feared (2  Cor 5:11). This should be our spiritual demeanor before the Almighty King of the universe too! Why should we fear Elohim? Because he’s the Creator, the Almighty, the Lawgiver, the Just Judge and he has the power over our eternal fate — the power of life and death. Let’s not be presumptive when it comes to his good graces. We have all sinned and deserve to die. The righteous will scarcely be saved. This doesn’t leave much room in YHVH’s spiritual economy for the ungodly or sinners (1 Pet 4:18). Yes, YHVH is merciful and gracious. His mercy triumphs over his judgment (Jas 2:13). But it is his sovereign will to choose upon whom to dispense his merciful grace, and not ours to presume upon. His word reveals that he has chosen some people for everlasting destruction in the lake of fire for his glory.
  • YHVH’s chief attribute is holiness (not love, grace or his sovereignty, as most of the mainstream church teaches). “Holy, holy, holy” is what the heavenly creatures are declaring continually before Elohim’s throne of glory (Isa 6:3; Rev 4:8). Holiness means being set-apart or separate from the pollutions or defilement of the world, the flesh and the devil, or, in the larger sense, from sin, which is the violation of YHVH’s Torah commands. Without holiness, no one will see Elohim who is holy (Heb 13:14). To be certain, YHVH is not going to spend eternity with an unholy bunch of Torah-rebels! It is rebellion against YHVH’s Torah-word in the Garden of Eden at the tree of knowledge that brought sin into the world in the first place and got man into the mess we’ve been in ever since. There will be no place in the paradise of YHVH’s everlasting kingdom for any man-made versions of Torah — only for YHVH’s pure and uncensored and untampered with Torah, which is straight from the throne rooms, heart and mind of Elohim!

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