Exodus 1:1–6:6 Parashat Shemot (A Gospel Oriented Torah Study)

This is a gospel-oriented Torah study. Our goal is to connect the good news of Yeshua the Messiah (the gospel message) to its Hebraic, pro-Torah roots or foundations. The information given here is more than head knowledge. Understanding and wisdom (the right application of knowledge that is based on truth) is taught thus making biblical truth practical, relevant and applicable to your daily life. The truths of the Bible not only have the power to transform your life here and now for the better, but eventually to take you past the veil of death and into eternity.

This Torah study is subdivided in sections by topic in a magazine format thus making it easy to watch at several sittings. May you be blessed as you watch this video.

For a free, printable adult and youth Torah study guide on this Torah portion (parashah), please go to http://www.hoshanarabbah.org/parshiot.html


3 thoughts on “Exodus 1:1–6:6 Parashat Shemot (A Gospel Oriented Torah Study)

    Article X, Page xlii. THE NAME OF GOD IN THE C.J.B.
    The Basic Problem: God’s Personal Name Is Never Spoken. When Moshe turned aside in the wilderness of Midyan to see the bush that burned without being consumed, God revealed himself to Moshe and told him his own personal Name. That Name in Hebrew consists of the four letters Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh and is therefore called the Tetragrammaton. The Bible makes it clear that this Name was not to be used casually. the third commandment prohibits taking God’s Name in vain and the man who used it in a curse was put to death at God’s explicit instructions. Already by Yeshua’s time, no one ever spoke God’s Name except the Cohen Hagadol when he entered the Especially Holy Place in the Temple to make atonement for the sins of Israel on Yom-Kippur. So strictly was this rule inforced that when the Masoretes wrote down the vowel points for the Torah, they did not write the actual vowels to be used in pronouncing the Tetregrammaton. By then, the word Adonai, which is a term for God found frequently in the Bible and which means “my Lord”, was said instead of the Name, whenever the Torah was read; so the Masoretes put the vowel pointing for “Adonai” under the letters Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh. To this day, when the Torah is read in the synagogue, ADONAI is substituted for the Name. The English word Jehovah is an English representation of the Name, combined with the vowel sounds of ADONAI, a hybrid word without historical foundation. Most English translations represent the Name by “LORD”, written as it is here, in large and small capital letters. More than six thousand times, the Complete Jewish Bible uses the Hebrew word ADONAI also in capital letters to represent the Tetragrammaton.

    The J is German/Old English and is pronounced as a modern English Y.
    Some have used the vowels of ELOAH and created the same hybrid name Yehovah.

    To be ‘Holy’, is to be always doing the ‘Right’ Thing, even if you don’t feel like it. ‘LOVE’ is the fulfillment of the ‘LAW’. Rom 13:10

    Brakhah, John

    • With all due respect to Stern, some of the info contained in his comments are incorrect because they are outdated. New scholarly data has come forth from numerous ancient Masoretic scrolls that the translators actually on numerous occasions revealed the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton via vowel pointing. I have seen and read some of the actual documents myself as presented by scholars such as N. Gordon, M. Jones and a leading rabbinic scholar and professor at a leading Jewish university in the US whose name is back in my office and whose book I own. (I am unable to cite sources since I am currently on a cruise ship in the middle of the South Atlantic en route to Antarctica.) For those interested in this data you can contact me later. The point is that ongoing research continues and new updated info is coming forth regularly that often negates older info. Unless one stays plugged in, one may be operating from old info. On this blog I endeavor to give the latest and best info possible. Truth is being restored and amended in these last days thanks to the internet.

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