News Flash: The 2023-2024 Bible Reading Schedule Is Now Available!

HalleluYah! After much hard work on the part of Sandi, my wife and copartner in life and ministry, the next year’s Bible reading schedule is now available. You can find a link to it on the home page of this blog at The schedule is free and printable. Tell your friends and spread the good news. Many people have been asking about it. The new schedule starts on the last day of Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) beginning on October 8, 2023.


11 thoughts on “News Flash: The 2023-2024 Bible Reading Schedule Is Now Available!

  1. Thank you so much Sandi as you co-labor with you husband in serving our King and Savior and us lambs out in the wilderness . May Yah bless you both and Shalom. Janet Lamphear

  2. Thank you Sandi!! Love how this fits together through out the year! Shalom and blessings to you both.

  3. Thank you so much for providing this resource! I have been using your schedule since 2008. 🙂 <3

    • This year during the reading schedule for each week, I plan to put up a link to each of the video commentaries that I have made for each week’s Torah portion. The last several years, I have kind of taken a little rest from being so active on my blog, but Yah-willing, I will have the time and energy to do a little more work on it this year.

      Thank for your love, support and fellowship. It really blesses my heart and is encourages me to keep up the good fight!!!

      May Yah be gloried.

  4. I’m looking forward to the 2024-25 schedule. Do you know when y’all will have it out?
    Thank you both for all you do!!

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