Elim Online Shabbat Zoom Fellowship Invite

For the past nearly two years, Nathan has been co-leading a live Zoom meeting three Shabbats/Sabbaths a month, and you’re invited to join us.

If you have no local fellowship and are looking for a loving, caring Hebraic-oriented, Yeshua-centered community with which to interact, you are welcome to come aboard. The Zoom app is free and easy to download and use via smartphone, computer or tablet.

During the meeting, Nathan usually does a teaching followed by a group discussion with Q and A. Others also share their insights, as well, and give extemporaneous teachings as led by the Spirit of Elohim. We also pray for each other, and have experienced many answered prayers, healings and infilling of the Spirit of Elohim. We also sing, praise and worship, and share testimonies and praise reports along the way.

If this is something that interests you, please email Nathan at arborist@goodnewstree.com and share a brief written testimony of how you came to faith in Yeshua the Messiah as well as a brief synopsis of your journey into the more Hebraic aspect if things biblically.

We meet at 2:30 Eastern Standard Time US.

Nearly all of the recent videos that Nathan has posted on this blog and on his Hoshana Rabbah YouTube channel were given live at these meetings. The benefit of participating in the live Zoom meetings is that after the teaching is given, you can chat live with Nathan and the others in the group about his Bible teaching. You can also bring up other questions for discussion.

Hope to see you there!


3 thoughts on “Elim Online Shabbat Zoom Fellowship Invite

  1. This group truly has been the “next best thing to being there”, so to speak. The love and concern for one another’s spiritual growth in The Way, The Truth, and The Life is beautiful.

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