Will some people be given a second chance at the second resurrection?

What happens to people who die without ever hearing the gospel message, but who live according to the light of Elohim’s Torah-standards that he he has written in their inner spirit or conscience? Will they have a second chance at salvation? Paul seems to suggest so in Romans 2:12–16 as do several of the other apostolic writers. What about babies who die in the womb, or are aborted, or children who die before the biblical age of accountability? Will they burn for ever in the tormenting fires of hell? If so, then how could a loving Elohim approve of this? Watch this video to discover the surprising answers to these tough questions from the pages of the Bible.


3 thoughts on “Will some people be given a second chance at the second resurrection?

  1. Is second chance perhaps not the best choice of words? Those who will have the opportunity to accept Yeshua’s authority at the White Throne Judgement (WTJ) seem to be exclusively those who fall into one of two categories, those who never had the opportunity to know of JHVH/Yeshua (old/new testament) but lived ‘righteous’ lives anyway and then also those who never had the opportunity to know of JHVH/Yeshua (old/new testament) but never reached the age of accountability. So the WTJ presents the first real chance for these two groups to accept the conditions of salvation. Perhaps I mince words a bit too much and I know, after hearing the lesson that this is what you are teaching.. That the Father does not desire for any to perish… hence the WTJ.

  2. I suppose there is a judgement at the end of the millennium, when fire comes down from heaven and consumes all those who were deceived by the adversary and who try to destroy God’s people and the city He loves.
    I was wondering what gets thrown into the lake of fire, the body, the soul or the spirit or everything together? You seem to think not the spirit; perhaps.
    The book of Enoch declares that the spirit gets thrown in and that would mean the body and soul are dead, because its the spirit that keeps us alive.
    However, it makes more sense if the spirit does not get thrown in since it is the soul that sins and the spirit tries to keep us on the straight and narrow?
    Totally agree with your teaching on this subject.
    Have met someone who because he couldn’t believe in the concept of hell, has now become a disciple of Schucman who wrote ‘a course in miracles’.
    I checked it out and I am amazed that anyone can fall for such nonsense.
    Shalom, Sonja

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