Our Reindeer Encounter in Fairbanks, Alaska

In this crazy, upside down world where evil is on a rampage against all that is good and righteous, please enjoy this video of our recent reindeer encounter in Alaska. When Sandi and I travel, we make every effort to get out-of-doors into YHVH’s creation and enjoy the higher things of life that are pure, undefiled by man and point to the Creator and bring glory to Him.


8 thoughts on “Our Reindeer Encounter in Fairbanks, Alaska

  1. Wow! Nice. It looks so green and lush there. Amanda and I went to a place called, The Running Reindeer Ranch, near Fairbanks in the winter of 2017. Everything, of course, was white and frozen, but the reindeer were cordial, friendly as was their dog. That winter we visited Anchorage for the Fur Rendevouz, the Iditarod Banquet, and the Ceremonial Start to the Iditarod Sled Dog Race and then headed north to the frozen Chena River in Fairbanks where, for the third time historically, they launched the Iditarod Sled Dog Race. Alaska is a great state and although I lived and traveled extensively there since 1975, I’ve still not seen it all. It’s huge!

    • The Running Reindeer Ranch was where this video was filmed, as I state in my video at the beginning. Very nice people and lovely location. I have yet to make it to AK in the winter. Only been there five times in the spring and summer.

  2. My favorite times to visit Alaska are Springtime, April and May, for long days, midnight sun without the hordes of tourists and biting insects and then again and even better is in late Summer to early Fall from the last week of August through October for aurora displays, less tourists and the biting insects are gone again. September/October is absolutely the best because I’m a northern lights fanatic! I’ve seen them hundreds of times. No two are alike and they’re always memorable and fun to watch.

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