Nitzavim Deuteronomy 29—The Saints R Israelites, Not Gentiles!

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is full of prophecies about the people of YHVH—i.e., Israel. He revealed his Truth to Israel, he made covenants with Israel that revealed His path to physical blessings and spiritual redemption or salvation through the promised Israelite Messiah. Those who are outside of Israel (i.e., the Gentiles) have no such blessings or covenants, for they are without God and without hope (Eph 2:12). The Bible is clear. ALL those who are IN Yeshua the Messiah, that is, who have a spiritual relationship with Him, are now the offspring of Abraham and are no longer are Gentiles (Gal 3:28–29). The fact is that Yeshua is coming back for one bride—an Israelite bride, NOT two brides—a Jewish bride and a Gentile bride. He is not a polygamist. Furthermore, there is no Gentile gate in the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:12)—Gentiles WILL NOT be there—only redeemed Israelites who are in Messiah and part of the nation of Israel and within the covenant promises that YHVH made to of Israel. Learn about this and more in this video.


5 thoughts on “Nitzavim Deuteronomy 29—The Saints R Israelites, Not Gentiles!

    • Hosea was primarily directed not to the Southern Kingdom (the Jews or the house of Judah), but to the Northern Kingdom (Samaria or the house of Israel). So what you read was most likely directed to the other ten tribes excluding the Jews. If you give me the verse in Hosea, we can take a look at it.

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