2 thoughts on “Why all the recent videos? Get ready, time is short!

  1. Speaking of going back to sleep, as you mentioned…. I have to tell you a personal story. This goes back a few years. In fact it was on a Wednesday, on September 5, 2001. If you recall this was six days before that infamous day when the Twin Towers fell as four commercial jets crashed either purposely or not or whatever it was that happened on September 11, 2001.

    Here’s my story, I was awakened in my dark bedroom in Alaska at 4:00 AM Alaska Daylight Time with the Divine Presence filling my bedroom and the feeling of יהוה wanting me to get up and pray. I did not heed the call and rolled over and went back to sleep. I did wake back up and got up and prayed at my more normal time of rising, much closer to 6:00 AM ADT. As I showered, shaved and did my normal morning routine to ready myself for opening AlasKafe Coffeehouse and then also Alaska Hairlines, a barbershop, both businesses on the same premises. I prayed continually through all of my morning routine, as I folded napkins for the coffeehouse and shampoo towels for the barbershop before opening either business. As I prayed, I had my tiny travel Bible in my jacket pocket as I asked Adonai יהוה Elohim if He would reveal something to me. I reached into my jacket hanging on coat rack and randomly opened it up to Luke 22:46 where I read, “Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray!” Wow! Whoa! For the next few days and even weeks and months, the Creator of the universe woke me up around 4:00 AM to get up and pray. I had the feeling that I was to pray for our nation, but I tried to just obey…. especially after not obeying on September 5th. On the morning of September 11th, I was praying. In fact 4:i00 AM Alaska Daylight Time is 8:00 AM Eastern Time, the time zone where all four commercial aircraft committed the atrocities we are all aware of. So I was praying as all of this transpired, but didn’t find out about it until the pre-dawn at AlasKafe, where I was praying while folding freshly laundered coffeehouse napkins and Alaska Hairlines shampoo towels. The phone in the barbershop rang and the familiar voice sounding panicked said, “Four commercial aircraft just crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon and another crashed in a field in Pennsylvania!!!” Being familiar with Islamic suicide bombings in Israel, my response was, “Islamic Terror!” We hung up and I continued to pray along with these thoughts, “This is like December 7th, 1941… “a day of infamy”, as President Roosevelt declared. As I prayed I felt these Words of יהוה hitting me in the chest…. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” At that time, I had never heard that Scripture and did not know that it was a Scripture. It was now about opening time for the coffeehouse at 7:00 AM and I decided to not eat lunch nor cut any hair around noon, because I turned on the local radio station and they were saying that many churches were opening their doors for those that wanted to pray. At around noon I went to a nearby church and saw one person standing and praying aloud while dozens of others prayed silently. I was sitting in the very back pew. The woman sitting immediately in front of me opened her Bible and read, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” I thought, “WOW!” The Words that hit me in the chest are Scripture!” I did not ask that lady where it was written, but did find out later when Keith came in the barbershop. Keith was a Bible scholar. I asked him and his response was, “Oh that’s easy! Everyone knows that! Second Chronicles 7:14!”

    Anyway…. Sorry for such a long drawn out comment, but thanks for all of your teachings, wake up calls, and videos Natan.

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