How many ways are there to “heaven”?

Exodus 19:2, Before the mountain.The children of Israel coming to Mount Sinai and preparing themselves to meet YHVH Elohim and to receive his instructions in righteousness is symbolic of the spiritual path that all humans must take if they want to meet their Maker as we will learn in the brief study below.

Throughout history, humans have invented a whole boatload of religions and philosophical ideologies in an effort to reconcile man to heaven. The Creator has placed eternity in the heart of man (Eccl 3:11); therefore, humans instinctively know that there is something more to this physical life—there is something “out there” beyond each of us that beckons us to a higher place—something eternal and spiritual. Humans instinctively know that they must improve themselves morally in order to get there. This is because the Creator has given each of us a conscience, that like the needle on a compass, points us to true north. The problem is that (a) man does not know how to get there and (b) he has internal (i.e. his rebellious and lawless sin nature or his flesh; Jer 17:9; Rom 8:6–8; Jas 3:15) and external forces (i.e. the world the devil, and All the invented religions of the world; Jas 3:15) that keep him from find the way. All of these false paths lead everywhere else but to true north. In an effort to get to their Creator and to fulfill the inner longings of their hearts, man has invented religions and philosophies to get him to “heaven” through his own efforts but without dealing with the root reason that man has prevented from coming into the presence of his Creator. One thing keeps man bound to this earth, lost and confused; it is sin. No matter what his or her religious or philosophical efforts may be. It is impossible for one to pull oneself up by one’s own bootstraps. Until each human deals with the sin issue in his or her life, he will not progress one inch toward heaven. 

Only one religion, ideology, philosophy or whatever you want to call it deals with the sin issue, and that is the Truth of the Bible. Until each man recognizes that his sin has separated him from a perfect, holy (totally pure, set apart and transcendent) Elohim and that only by going through the spiritual cleansing process that heaven prescribes for the disease called sin can one find the answers to the deeper questions of life, resolve the sin issue that separates earth from heaven and then eventually come into the presence of one’s Creator during and after this physical life.

Through Moses, a prophetic picture of Yeshua the Messiah, YHVH led the Israelites to the foot of the Mount Sinai representing the presence of Elohim; it was a symbolic picture of heaven on earth. 

To experience the presence of Elohim, humans must not only consecrate themselves before hand, but then one must climb upward spiritually to meet YHVH. This is done through a process of spiritual consecration or sanctification and involves getting cleansed from the defilements or rudiments of the world, flesh and devil (Jas 3:15; Col 2:8, 20), even as the Israelites cleansed or consecrated themselves physically in preparation to meet their Maker (Exod 19:10–11, 14). 

A spiritual relationship with Elohim through the cleansing blood of Yeshua is the only cleansing process which is acceptable to YHVH Elohim by which humans can transcend spiritually. There is no other way (1 Pet 1:2; 18–19; 1 John 1:7; Rev 1:5; 7:14; Heb 10:19–22; 9:12; 12:24; Matt 26:28; Eph 1:7). Yeshua is literally the only way to the Father in heaven (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). He is the spiritual ladder that each person must climb (John 1:51) to get to the top of Mount Sinai representing the exalted presence of Elohim (Gen 28:12). He is literally the gate or door to heaven (Gen 28:17; John 10:7–9; 14:6).

The book of Exodus’ account of the children of Israel coming into the presence of Elohim is an illustrative example of the process that each of us must go through to meet our Maker on his terms, not our terms. 

Of course, this cleansing process or spiritual journey did not start at Mount Sinai for Israelites. It started back in Egypt when they put their faith in the blood of the lamb to save them from Elohim’s judgment against sin, and when they deleavened their lives, and then passed through the Red Sea. These are all symbolic and prophetic pictures that point to the steps that each person must take if they want to see Elohim. These steps include acceptance of Yeshua the Messiah, the Lamb of Elohim and his death on the cross, putting sin out of one’s life, and then being baptized for the remission of sins. 

These truths should be as plain to see as the nose on one’s face, but human pride and rebellion against the Truth of Elohim have blinded most humans from reality. Now that you know this simple Truth, what will you do about it?


7 thoughts on “How many ways are there to “heaven”?

  1. New Age teachings would have us believe that many different ways will lead to Heaven (total enlightenment). New Age embraces Buddhism, witch craft and many other abominable concepts. So many are being led astray by it. They are so convinced that they are superior to us old fashioned Bible bashers.
    Shalom, Sonja

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