Psalm 138:6, Lowly…humble. YHVH prefers the lowly (Isa 66:2; Matt 5:8; Jas 4:6; 1 Pet 5:5) and finds human pride to be abominable (Prov 6:16–17). Human pride is perhaps the mother of all sins. It prevents Elohim from working with a person, for a proud person is unable to see themselves as they really are, and fails to recognize their sinfulness and their need for a Redeemer, and thus is unable to come into alignment with commandments of Elohim that produce his character in a person, thus bringing the person into a spiritual relationship with Elohim. Pride prevents and destroys relationships between humans and between humans and Elohim. That’s why Elohim hates it so much. Humility brings a person closer to Elohim; pride keeps a person far from Elohim.